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Status Updates posted by LRG

  1. Thanks. Around this time next month I should be "rolling"...lmao

  2. Thanks. Because people are gonna complain about the (R) train being too long of a line if it went to Staten Island, then why not have the (1) go there instead? It would eliminate that slow ferry ride, and although it's a peaceful ride, it's too slow. The (1) could operate via North Shore and the Main Line, while the (9) could operate via Main Line express.

  3. LRG

    Thanks. I envision a possible tunnel link between Staten Island and Manhattan that could have the (1) and the (9) come to S.I. and even vehicular traffic so people won't have to drive from Staten Island to Manhattan via Brooklyn and vice versa. It could be built "63rd Street" style, which is an immersed tunnel and are cheaper, unlike the older tunnels which travel under the riverbed and are more expensive and are time-consuming to build.

  4. Thanks. It's all apart of my own ideas for improving service in the subway if it were up to me, such as creating a four-track Nassau Street Line for local and express service, the (1) to Staten Island, and a super-express from Broadway Junction to Sutphin Boulevard, with only one stop at Woodhaven Boulevard.

  5. LRG

    That must equal "trouble with the Weinturd!"

  6. LRG

    That's cuz you left, and I helped carry down the cooler...AMERICAN-MADE cooler that is ;)

  7. LRG

    That's good. At least you didn't get the proverbial B7, even though it seemed like you were close to it so many times. I occasionally read the closed threads to get a laugh :P

  8. That's what happens when you're in college man!

  9. That's why my profile has 32s and Slants! :P if people want to call em junk, especially that AJ023 guy, I'll tell him that at least they're good junk, unlike R160 (aka R1-s*****) junk :P

  10. The R32 (B) train was operating all day today. It left 145th Street most likely at around 9:00 and probably got back to Brighton beach at 10:00.

  11. The Samsung Dual View, with the screens on both sides. I'm telling you, that camera is HOT!

  12. LRG

    There's only one way to find out if you have been banned...but I suggest that you come back after New Year's to get a fresh start. After my birthday coming up, my life is going into reset mode.

  13. LRG

    To answer your question per your signature, R42s DO run on the (J) on weekends.

  14. Um...I'm home :confused:

  15. LRG

    We're the same age lol...happy birthday!

  16. Welcome to the boards!

  17. Well 5784 isn't a R40 number it's an R46 number lol

  18. LRG

    Well that's behind us so let's not even get that started up. Are you taking a break from SubChat?

  19. LRG

    What are you talking about?

  20. LRG

    What sucks about it is that the day is a week before Christmas! So people screw me over with birthday gifts and count it as a Christmas gift instead! :mad:

  21. LRG

    Why'd you and Anthony bolt for? Glenn was about to go at it with you two lol

  22. LRG

    Wow you're something else....

  23. wtf, how did you do this?

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