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Status Replies posted by MHV9218

  1. "Butthurt" and "retarded" have several things in common. They indicate that you concede an argument. They're both disgusting slurs (retarded" ableist, "butthurt" homophobic). And they just make the person look unintelligent.

    1. MHV9218


      Not for nothing, but is "butthurt" distinctly related to gay sex and thus homophobic? Plenty of women have anal sex, too. Not to mention, derrières hurt for any large variety of reasons. Strikes me as a more general term.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. I'm using Macs in my yearbook class and I am stunned at how user unfriendly they are... setting wallpapers just being one such example.

    1. MHV9218


      I have my Mac set (you can generally due this is settings) so that a two-finger click or tap is the same as right click...I find it a lot smoother than the occasionally broken right side of the PC mouse at work.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. NOT a fan of raising the minimum wage to $9.25 per hour. A fan of raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour.

  4. Hope everyone is enjoying the new downloads!

    1. MHV9218


      These things are fantastic...and the quality of the scans is excellent too. The World's Fair one is a trip, I think I may print that out and bring a copy to my pop's place for a little nostalgia..

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. I rode an R68A N train today.

    1. MHV9218


      Didn't know those were still running...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. How often does a girl ask a guy out?

    1. MHV9218


      Not damn frequently enough lol. I've had it sort of happen once, but that's a rare course of events.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  7. Peace don’t seem possible, when the mind is so closed.

  8. Glad to see the American way of self defense prevail yet again! ^_^

    1. MHV9218


      Amongst the many things I take issue with here, since when is the American way "self-defense"? If anything, the patriotic American way is more forging your own path, fighting for the greater good--not defending yourself. Which of course Zimmerman wasn't doing, but that's separate...

  9. It would've taken a really big story to get Lance Armstrong's interview with Oprah off the headlines. Manti Te'o's girlfriend revealed to be a hoax did just that.

    1. MHV9218


      Lol, read my mind. I was just saying the other day that I think Lance was his fake girlfriend...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I feel we should have a Democrat vs Republican thread... the people turn a thread about being republican or democrat can take it up there.

    1. MHV9218


      ^ It's less an assumption than fact; it's been Republicans who have cut funding for Amtrak, the MTA, the Port Authority etc. many times. But we won't get into that.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. In the three forums I go on, this one is pretty much for Romney. The MLP Forums are generally equal. The SSMB is more for Obama.

    1. MHV9218


      We're still fighting the good Obama fight here...don't you forget it!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Dislike Obama how much you want, but calling him a socialist is nothing more than a pure ad hominem with no purpose but to instill pointless, irrational fear. Thank you.

    1. MHV9218


      ^ Eh, I like to play the anti-establishment man myself, but sometimes it just becomes an issue of whether or not it hurts your country if you don't vote, and this an election where people really, really gotta vote. Romney/Ryan gets in office, that's gonna be a bad scene.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. The return of the school kid.....what a drag!!

    1. MHV9218


      I doubt they're happy about it either...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. So what exactly happened to my avatar here?

    1. MHV9218


      Yeah, it's been doing odd stuff, seems close to normal now but for a while it changed to the Notificatiom bell-thing out of the blue

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. I doubt anybody's noticed but just to explain my absence as of late, been on a vacation with some of the family for the past few days and the next few as well. Just checked out the forums today, Holy Name Changes, Batman! Not gonna recognize anybody... Anyway, hope everybody's doing alright back in the city, peace.

    1. MHV9218


      Thanks guys for the headsup and comments, won't quite be back to usual posting for a little while but it's good to see the forums again,

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. MY XBOX GOT THE F***ING RED RING OF DEATH!!! I unplugged it, turned that s*** back on, and it works like new. I got scared out of my pants for a second.

    1. MHV9218


      Happened to me three times now, but you know what actually always works? Swear to god the friggin' towel trick, fixed it many times. God knows how.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. (2) shuttle action outside my job...pure awesomeness
    1. MHV9218


      What are they running? F Shuttle couple weekends back had LFSAs, Xcelsiors, everything.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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