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Everything posted by MHV9218

  1. Great shot. *Wrapped* though! These buses are light blue SBS paint from the factory. The local scheme is a vinyl wrap. And no, it doesn't make any sense to me either.
  2. Notable that unlike Sandy, which was salt water (= frame rot, the reason the SI Orion Vs were retired so fast), this was mostly fresh water (and sewage). The question is really electronic issues, but it's not as cut-and-dry as a storm surge case.
  3. Lol a couple conquester teenagers just tried to get into the rear cab of a train. One kid jumps on the back to push the door open, while another gets in via platform and waits for his friend to open the interior cab door. Little did they know there was a C/R sitting in the cab rear-facing in the tunnel, who was not too impressed by the little operation. He kicked them out promptly.
  4. I read something – take with a grain of salt – about passengers trying to take matters into their own hands after waiting and getting off the trains in the tunnels (possibly in between cars) and so the TA had to order to stop and cut third rail power in some cases. Not sure how true that it is but it was reported.
  5. Saw a ton of NIS deadheads along the A/C last night, seemed like earlier than usual and odder fleets. 4-car R46 set absolutely flying towards Utica, two different NIS 8-car R46 sets running light along the local, all within 5-10 minutes of each other. Did that have to do with the early shutdown each eve and yard access? Was barely 9:30p.
  6. Subway is a hot mess right now. Glad I'm not out in that BS.
  7. The M1 "GRANT ST" typo has been corrected in the code. I'd bet there are one or two XDE40s not yet updated, but they're going through them.
  8. I've seen both 6693 and 6704 running out of MV in the past couple days, weekends included. Still getting their money's worth.
  9. No. I both started and ended my post by saying that 1) I wasn't excusing anything and 2) those were things that used to involve little kids, not grown adults. I would have more sympathy for the latter.
  10. Not for nothing, and not excusing anything, but any of you remember how much stuff like this went down at different agencies (less so Transit, but sometimes) pre-9/11? Kids in the cockpit of planes, hell, when I was five or six an engineer from a railroad that won't be named let me sit on her lap and run the controls! Times were different then. Of course, that's kids with an adult holding their hand...not grown-ass adults trying to stunt!
  11. No part of this statement is correct in any way. There are like, 12 people in the country who have even a remotely serious medical condition that would require you to not wear a mask that allows full oxygen intake (this has been studied with exercise) for a brief period of time. The unvaccinated are ENTIRELY the issue. The vaccines are strikingly effective, including against Delta (Moderna moreso than Pfizer), and the asymptomatic transmission possibility would not even be an issue were it not for the unvaccinated wallowing around.
  12. Rode one of the XE60s on an empty route today. God damn do those things move. Haven't seen pickup like that anywhere except for LACMTA, and the EV torque is stronger if anything. Really impressive to feel one of those leaving a stop. Way faster than the XE40s, interestingly.
  13. You're hurting me with these pictures. It was such a better paint scheme, for so many reasons. Cleaner look, less messy, less noisy, attracted less heat on hot days, more recognizable, iconic, etc. The simplest flaw with the new scheme isn't even discussed enough: with the exception of the SBS buses, now it's all wrap! Fine for the first year or two, but then every dent, ding, and scratch gets half-ass replaced and it looks dreadful. The Tuskegee XD60s are all starting to look bad thanks to the cheap wraps getting torn up and patched badly. That's not a sustainable solution for a big transit system that has buses in and out of the shop frequently. Maybe some podunk system with constant maintenance and non-24/7 lines, but not in NYC. I remember hearing a city official say when the Cuomo scheme was debuted: "it looks like some small town bus network." And to me that's right. Compare to any major city and it's clearly too messy, too much wrap, too much noise. LACMTA is doing it best right now, imo.
  14. 6700 is still running out of Quill, which is a treat, since that was the first bus in that order to get the new paint scheme (not the vinyl half-ass version the CS fleet got), so it still has the Arial font numbers and old decals like the retired 65xx-66xx fleet.
  15. Yes – G 71 to CI and M 96th to Metropolitan would be my ideal layout in the summer. I actually think the increased demand would counteract the increased cost. The M to 96 is a really good idea, and the G to CI has a lot of merits too.
  16. Can't forget 639 and 647, which outlasted the entire fleet by months and months and even had to be renumbered to keep in service.
  17. Is that 4149? That would be a bummer to see them scrap, hopefully it's just stored there. At least 0010/4396 lives on, bizarrely, as the MetroCard bus for now.
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