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Quill Depot

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Everything posted by Quill Depot

  1. Looking for what you wanted SimCity 2013 to be... try Cities Skylines!

  2. Is google.com blocked for you? On reddit.com there is a group called ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5). Remove the E and I and you got Javier.
  3. I bet if 95% of subway riders just read your post they'd be confused. It's hard for the general consensus to just look at a map and paint lines with their mind.
  4. Why make it complicated? You could just split the between West End and Sea Beach. That would make a lot more sense to riders. You have to remember riders do not know as much as you. If they see a on the Brighton or an on the West End they'll be very confused.
  5. Wow way to slow the economy... because of a liability issue. Pussies.
  6. hard drives, both ssd's and hard discs have got so cheap wow

    1. Joel Up Front

      Joel Up Front

      I don't miss the days when 32 GB hard drives were a thing. $200 for over 900 GB of storage? Yes!

    2. B3 Via Av U

      B3 Via Av U

      The best setup is an SSD and an HDD (which I'm doing now). OpenBVE and my pictures is on the HDD and everything else is on the SSD.

  7. MetroNorth train overran the stop

  8. Is it "An R32" or "A R32". An rolls off the tongue better than A so I'm confused.

    1. B3 Via Av U

      B3 Via Av U

      It's "An R32".

    2. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      An R32...


      Why? Because the letter 'R' begins with a vowel sound....



  9. parks and recreation is such a funny show

  10. 30TPH only really works in ideal conditions. Hence why the Lexington Ave Express isn't 30.
  11. Or the fact that the R68's dominate the IND and there is only an R68 on the every now and then. Also, Javier you should buy a camera or take a picture of these things. Cause for now it's "no picture no proof."
  12. Nobody will ever ride that. Just not enough demand. That's why we have buses for areas with lower demand.
  13. They will move the and and re-arrange the part of the map.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqFUmo8VVg0 Doctor my eyes have seen the years, and the slow parade of fears without crying, now I want to understand good songwriter
  15. Power outage- you're just f**ked And if there is no power in the tunnel they're gonna have to walk it or have a diesel work car go down and pull em up somehow.
  16. my bloody valentine- sometimes

  17. I just like the basics of an SLR camera. I like being able to see the scene as I would with my eye, and it allows for two eye shooting.
  18. trains split in two sections 207th to 145th St via Local and 34th to Rock trains run from 59th to Euclid trains run from 59th to Brighton trains split in two sections from 205th to 145th via Local and 59th to C.I. trains split in two sections 241st to 135th and 110th to New Lots trains run via to Dyckman trains split in two sections Woodlawn to 138-GC and 86th or 42nd to Utica trains run Dyre Shuttle trains split in two sections Pelham to 3rd Av and 86th or 42nd to City Hall MetroCard is honored on MNRR within city limits
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