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City inks $95.6M deal on Coney Island for new amusements, eyes May opening


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The city has struck a deal to buy 7 acres of Coney Island from a controversial developer, ending a ride that was bumpier than the Cyclone and paving the way for glittering new attractions.


Shooting for a Memorial Day opening, officials are heading to a Las Vegas convention to look for an operator to run a temporary amusement park.


Dick Zigun, unofficial "mayor" of Coney, hailed the deal - to be announced on Thursday - and suggested some new rides.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/real_estate/2009/11/12/2009-11-12_funs_back_in_coney_city_inks_956m_deal_on_land_for_new_amusements_eyes_may_openi.html#ixzz0WeO6B9Oj



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I hope they keep the old style charm. The last thing this needs to become is another Six Flags with sterile politically correct entertainment and skyrocketing prices. I need somewhere to go to play old style classic games like Skee Ball, Shoot the Freak, shooting gallery, and where there's a carnival like atmosphere. Plus it's been one of my favorite places to take girls over the years because it's cool being able to win them a stuffed animal or something from one game, instead of one of those places where you have to collect an obscene number of tickets just to get the smallest prizes.

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