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Do You Read The Bible?

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Yes, from time to time (but not always). I don't read it out of a desire for 'religous enlightment', though. I read it primarily out of curiosity. (All this coming from a devout Catholic, LOL.) Nevertheless, speaking from a neutral, secular perspective, The Bible is a rather good book (yeah, there are some debatable parts, but it still makes for an interesting read). However, I have no favorite parts.

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I had to read it for school. It was interesting reading it from a critical perspective. However, using it for guidance would be bad: it's terribly outdated. According to the Bible, women should never braid their hair.

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I read the Bible and my favorite books are Genesis, 1-2 Samuel/Kings, Psalms and Daniel.


If it weren't for me reading it, I would have never gotten any MARTA shots...there is an annual national Bible memorization competition in my church and the winners who know the most go to the nationals. This october it's gonna be held in Toronto.

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