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Take a Guess: NBA or NFL?


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Found this on another website:




Which has...


-36 accused of spousal abuse

-7 arrested for fraud

-19 accused of writing bad checks

-117 who directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

-3 who have done time for assault

-71 who cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

-14 arrested on drug-related charges

-8 arrested for shoplifting

-21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and

-84 arrested for drunk driving in the last year


Can you guess which organization this is?


Give up yet?


Well, it's neither. It's the current 435 members of the United States Congress.

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taking the thread title into consideration....


...soon as I read the "7 arrested for fraud", I stopped mentally guessing & proceeded on with the "punchline" if you will... b/c that right there to me, killed any chance of these being NFL/NBA/ any sport's players.... not to say it's not possible, but there being the types of characters we have as athletes, fraud is a highly unlikely act they'd want to convene & engage in.....


I mean, this whole era of "makin it rain" in the club... people with that mindset I highly doubt, have the mental capacity to even think about, let alone pulling off in some form or fashion, any type of white collar crime really....



nonetheless, good find.

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It's nice to know that Washington D.C. is still the cradle of organized crime.


If you can subway guy please can you provide either the link or least name of that website? It be intertresting to read.


Further the reason I am an Indepedent voter.:confused:


As am I friend, as am I!




taking the thread title into consideration....


...soon as I read the "7 arrested for fraud", I stopped mentally guessing & proceeded on with the "punchline" if you will... b/c that right there to me, killed any chance of these being NFL/NBA/ any sport's players.... not to say it's not possible, but there being the types of characters we have as athletes, fraud is a highly unlikely act they'd want to convene & engage in.....


I mean, this whole era of "makin it rain" in the club... people with that mindset I highly doubt, have the mental capacity to even think about, let alone pulling off in some form or fashion, any type of white collar crime really....



nonetheless, good find.


Never underestimate the intelligence of a sportsman. Btw, as much as the NBA and NFL pays their athletes, I seriously doubt 71 of them have bad credit. And if 84 of these athletes in any league had a history of drunk driving (let alone within the past year), there would be serious media coverage.

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taking the thread title into consideration....


...soon as I read the "7 arrested for fraud", I stopped mentally guessing & proceeded on with the "punchline" if you will... b/c that right there to me, killed any chance of these being NFL/NBA/ any sport's players.... not to say it's not possible, but there being the types of characters we have as athletes, fraud is a highly unlikely act they'd want to convene & engage in.....


I mean, this whole era of "makin it rain" in the club... people with that mindset I highly doubt, have the mental capacity to even think about, let alone pulling off in some form or fashion, any type of white collar crime really....


Sure they can. They just hire cohorts to do it for them, and knowingly participate. Fraud encompasses many things, it's more than just embezzling funds from a corp.


Lots of very stupid people perpetrate frauds, and many of them still get away with it. It's a huge problem.

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