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Soon to be B/O ...

Acela Express

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I finally made 3yrs on my driver's license so I'm eligible to restore my name to the #5025 list. These next few weeks should be quite interesting. I understand you need a CDL permit first; a physical; then take the BOSS survey. How do things heat up once you step your foot through the basic initiation process?

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I finally made 3yrs on my driver's license so I'm eligible to restore my name to the #5025 list. These next few weeks should be quite interesting. I understand you need a CDL permit first; a physical; then take the BOSS survey. How do things heat up once you step your foot through the basic initiation process?



So you had your drivers license & then you took the test & they said you had to wait 3 years & then now that its 3 years you joined the list?

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So you had your drivers license & then you took the test & they said you had to wait 3 years & then now that its 3 years you joined the list?


if the started 8006 will they put you on oled list ?

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So you had your drivers license & then you took the test & they said you had to wait 3 years & then now that its 3 years you joined the list?

I've had my driver's license for 3 years as of last month. I passed the B/O exam in 2008, but MTA requires you to have your license for 3 years, which I didn't make yet.


They are still calling from the #5025 list, and my list number was #2XXX-- they are already at #48XX, so I'll be put into the next class.

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I've had my driver's license for 3 years as of last month. I passed the B/O exam in 2008, but MTA requires you to have your license for 3 years, which I didn't make yet.


They are still calling from the #5025 list, and my list number was #2XXX-- they are already at #48XX, so I'll be put into the next class.



Oh , so when im 18 i can put in for the test , im getting my license the day i turn 18 so i could take the test & by time they call me and stuff ill be 21 , so yea .

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Oh , so when im 18 i can put in for the test , im getting my license the day i turn 18 so i could take the test & by time they call me and stuff ill be 21 , so yea .


You're assuming that there will be a test being offered when you turn 18.

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Oh , so when im 18 i can put in for the test , im getting my license the day i turn 18 so i could take the test & by time they call me and stuff ill be 21 , so yea .


Well that's definitely a great idea. But don't assume there will be a test exactly once you turn 18 either. But it is best to start doing these civil service exams early while your in college and such. Just so you have something fall back on just in case your not working in your field of study. I know many people who've went to college and are not working in their profession and wish they would've taken a civil service exam or two when they were in their early 20's.

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Well that's definitely a great idea. But don't assume there will be a test exactly once you turn 18 either. But it is best to start doing these civil service exams early while your in college and such. Just so you have something fall back on just in case your not working in your field of study. I know many people who've went to college and are not working in their profession and wish they would've taken a civil service exam or two when they were in their early 20's.



Your right , i might go to college . Thanks !




I second WillBx's advice. Better yet, take some civil service exams while still in high school (preferrably during your last year) if the job only requires a HS diploma.


I think t.a jobs do require a h.s diploma , you can go to college if you want , you dont have to but transit might change their rules by then . So i would just wait a while & then take the test . They can change their rules any moment .

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I called the Employment dept. at Transit a few minutes ago to get an estimation of when I'll receive a letter for BOSS as I recently restored my name back to the list (#5025; list number #29XX) - the rep explained they are still working on a list up to Feb. 15th at the moment, and it could take up to two months for the next list (I restored on 2/28/11) to be sent to their office from DCAS.


It's all about the waiting game I suppose right now.

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I called the Employment dept. at Transit a few minutes ago to get an estimation of when I'll receive a letter for BOSS as I recently restored my name back to the list (#5025; list number #29XX) - the rep explained they are still working on a list up to Feb. 15th at the moment, and it could take up to two months for the next list (I restored on 2/28/11) to be sent to their office from DCAS.


It's all about the waiting game I suppose right now.


Thanks for the update. Did you take the BOSS before? does is have an expiration date like the drug and medical? Or is it because you were taken off the list that you have to take it.

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The only TA job I'm aware that requires college is T/O. But you can get around the requirement by having 5 years of worke xperience or starting as a condcutor and taking T/O as a promotion.



Your right , you dont have to go to college to be a bus driver but i might go anyway its good . & plus if i take the test at the age of 18 it takes up to 3-4 years & by time it goes through all that processing and stuff & you have to have your license for 3 years so by time i get out of college it'll be time for me to get that job .

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Thanks for the update. Did you take the BOSS before? does is have an expiration date like the drug and medical? Or is it because you were taken off the list that you have to take it.

I was taken off the list due to "failure to report to preliminary interview", or something along those lines. Mind you, that was back in May 2008. And no, I didn't take BOSS, the drug test, or TA's physical ... as of yet.

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They will call you in the next 3-4 mths, meanwhile work on your CDL

I already have an CDL-permit (see a current thread regarding Class B permit). And 3-4 months seems unlikely since I placed back into seniority order, which gives me the 'right-away' over the other listed applicants. We'll see.

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