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Well, This Is Certainly One of the Worst Public Bus Stories We've Ever Heard


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You asked Why work for a bus company if you don't like dealing with the public....

I mention the public sector, Now you state you don't care what job you're in...


Well listen, people are people at the end of the day.... When you have people struggling in life (or at some point in their life where they feel they should be, but arent; i.e. "midlife crisis"), they're not gonna be all courteous, respectful, and what have you.... I'd go as far as to say that it's the survival of the fittest out here...... This is a large reason why I do not trust anyone as far as I can damn throw em....


The general public expects every employee in their place of employment to treat them with the respect, quite frankly, they do not deserve - this is especially true in the food service industry.... Yes, a paycheck is a paycheck, but there is no way in the world that Mr/Ms. John/Jane Q. a**hole gets to come in with all the attitude (of snobbery, sassiness, or flat out belligerence w/ ALL the [self appointed] entitlement) in the free world because of this unwritten rule that the "customer is always right".... I couldn't do it.... I truly wish there were more Rayon McIntosh's out here - that wouldn't hesitate to beat the living shit out of anyone that comes up to some register acting all out of pocket.... Call that inhuman or insensitive or whatever you want, but that's what I say needs to happen out here....


To be perfectly honest, I don't try to act professional & courteous... Never did... Realistically, in any white collar environment, that usually means brownnosing & pandering & pan-am smiling all over the place - That is just not who I am, and that's not how I've gotten to where I am in life... I was always forward-focused & a "cut-throat, stone faced" (as my boss puts it, although I hate that term "stone faced") type of individual - with the end goal of havin shit done.... The older I get, the more I only care about results.... This doesn't mean I act like a snide, pompous, self-righteous, disrespectful a**hole in the workplace to my underlings (or customers) either.....  Anyway, You should NOT expect any reciprocation of respect that you, in the position of an employee somewhere, are expected to give some consumer - when there really is no guideline that some consumer of a product has to follow when interacting with an employee/producer somewhere..... That's the real problem - Where the f*** this sense of entitlement has emanated from, from people....


I'm coming to your establishment, I'm expected a service to my liking because if we have that "gentleman's agreement" so to speak, I am paying you for it..... Short of money for a service, I owe you.... what? Sure as hell not respect - and that is the world we live in, unfortunately.... Same logic goes for the relationship b/w a b/o & a passenger - As fu**ed up as it sounds, wtf does the passenger really owe the driver? You can't say money, b/c the money for the fare doesn't directly go to the driver..... Respect? don't make me laugh - When you have b/o's losing their lives behind the wheel, that is the god damn LAST thing any b/o should expect from a passenger !!!


As an employee, you have a "bad day" & you lash out as some customer, you can have your whole lifestyle change (to go from being employed to being on the dam cheese line, or otherwise being DEPENDENT).... However, the customer has a bad day when he/she walks into your place of employment, his/her status remains exactly the same as when they came in the MF-er - and you are expected to take any verbal lashing from them on the chin, or in some job fields (like customer service & crisis negotiation), try to diffuse the situation the best way possible....


For the longest, I've said on here that I couldn't do the job that the b/o's on here do.... I wouldn't last too long.

At one point & time, I actually wanted to be a b/o too.... While I like driving to different places & what not, the general public, nah anhh, forget it.... Especially on local buses too... Hah.... And before someone comes swooping through talkin about the express bus isn't all rosy, I'm not implicating that it is; it's a different level of bullshit b/o's gotta put up with on those routes too.



We've been over the man-woman dynamic (regarding b/o's & female passengers) & have had the same consensus....

Guess I'll add more to what I've said in posts past.....


Since I was a kid, I have noticed that men turn into these mushy-soft emotion-filled creatures when interacting with women - But when interacting with men, they're these un-emotional hard asses all of a sudden (my uncle, father, great grandfather (both sides of the family), and my two eldest male cousins were/are all like this).... That's also not who I am - you don't get a pass with me because you have a slit between your legs, I'm sorry...... One thing I like about these (younger) generation of young men out here, is that they are not givin two fuxs if you are a man or woman; that drastic change with how they interact with opposing genders isn't near as apparent.... Yes, I'm observant like that.


I think it has to do with the way older men (generations before us) were raised.... It's clear as day.

I understand it, but I have always felt some men go overboard with it.... This whole protect the women & children attitude, but treat your fellow man as the enemy (especially if you do not know him) - As if women don't have the capability to treat you as an enemy would.... This has given women a TREMENDOUS pass in society, and in the western world, men are paying for that shit - figuratively & literally.... All under the cloak of "equality"....


What you are bringing up is definitely a big deal, and chalks up to gender bias (it happens with fare payment also... women get free passes more often than not, as we've mentioned before).... The pearly whites (or sunny yellows) come out when some woman boards, but for the most part, all you see is crusty lips & a dirty moustache when you as a man embark upon a bus....

Well I'm courteous but also curt so I don't go overboard either.  I just look it as I'm not going to be an a**hole or act out with an attitude just because.  I just look at it as business and why be miserable for? The day goes by quicker when you're in a good mood IMO.


As for the whole bias thing, it's becoming a thing on a daily basis with women getting on the bus with no money on their card, holding up the whole bus.  Then they sit there and grin as if there is something cute about it and the B/O is there as if he is baby sitting.  You let a male do that on an express bus, or better yet a young male and that whole grinning nonsense won't get them anywhere aside from a snide remark.

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Lol you had that guy too? Was he a short, pale guy, kinda looked like he was in his mid to late 50s, bad English?


If so I've had to ride with him on a couple of occasions. I've only had him on the 815. He's a real character, I tell you.

...and wore his pants in highwater fashion.

Lol.... Unbelievable.... Yep, that's the old SOB I'm talkin about.


That ride I had with him, I don't know how many times he honked his horn where it wasn't necessary.... I'm sittin here like, there's no car within yards of this guy, and he's just honkin away.... Kept muddering something to himself for most of the ride also; couldn't make out what it was.... That had to be the worst ride I ever had on any of the central jersey buses.....


I don't know if I completely agree with that.   I see what you're saying about the money aspect, but that's from a resources point of view. I still think that they expect their employees to maintain a certain level of respect and professionalism.  


I had the same jerk last night coming home and I decided to record what he's been doing. When I came home and watched the video, I was actually surprised at how ridiculous it is.  He simply refuses to pull in anywhere near the curb even though the bus lane is completely empty.  He stops in the middle of the street and you have to go into the street to get on.  Meanwhile you know how people on bicycles and motorcycles like to squeeze into every little spot and they love coming around a bus that's in the middle of the street like that and you can easily get hit because you're trying to focus on getting on the bus.  Now he did this at numerous stops, but he may have picked up on the fact that I was recording him because he stopped at the curb for the first time to let me off but nevertheless the damage was done.  I will be attaching that clip to my complaint and sending it in so that they see exactly what he's been doing.

That's fine, but that's the way I see it.... From what I see from a lot of b/o's at least, they're just tight-lipped while going about their business operating their bus... I wouldn't exactly call that respect or professionalism, but of course the bottom line is that they're still doing their jobs.... They (MTA) care more about if the damn physical bus comes back in one piece, moreso than the driver him/herself coming back in one piece - to me, that says enough.... If they really cared about b/o's treating passengers w/ respect & exuding professionalism, you'd think you'd see more of it from bus drivers.... Again, it's hard to do when passengers are straight up a**holes, and for that, I really don't blame b/o's one bit for being tight-lipped, or otherwise not going out of their way to show respect or w/e.....


As for what you're mentioning, there was a guy that did the BM4 that used to do that same shit... Not the last outbound trip, but the guy before him.... Now I'm not saying that b/o's should perfectly pull at the curbside at all times, but it got to the point with me that, if any bus just stops dead in the middle of the street like that (without making any effort whatsoever), I just wave em off.... To me, that's not givin two fuxs about passenger safety..... I expect that from dollar cab services, not city buses......



Well I'm courteous but also curt so I don't go overboard either.  I just look it as I'm not going to be an a**hole or act out with an attitude just because.  I just look at it as business and why be miserable for? The day goes by quicker when you're in a good mood IMO.


As for the whole bias thing, it's becoming a thing on a daily basis with women getting on the bus with no money on their card, holding up the whole bus.  Then they sit there and grin as if there is something cute about it and the B/O is there as if he is baby sitting.  You let a male do that on an express bus, or better yet a young male and that whole grinning nonsense won't get them anywhere aside from a snide remark.

- For me, The workday goes by faster when I'm not clock-watching... My mood fluctuates anyway, so I can't use that as a benchmark.....


- I wouldn't doubt that it's a daily thing w/ them.... They know they can get away with it, so they'll keep milking the cow for all that it's worth.....

I personally think they look for particular ops (meaning particular trips) to pull that shit on too... Because I know YON has quite a bit of female drivers out of that depot....

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...and wore his pants in highwater fashion.

Lol.... Unbelievable.... Yep, that's the old SOB I'm talkin about.


That ride I had with him, I don't know how many times he honked his horn where it wasn't necessary.... I'm sittin here like, there's no car within yards of this guy, and he's just honkin away.... Kept muddering something to himself for most of the ride also; couldn't make out what it was.... That had to be the worst ride I ever had on any of the central jersey buses.....


That's fine, but that's the way I see it.... From what I see from a lot of b/o's at least, they're just tight-lipped while going about their business operating their bus... I wouldn't exactly call that respect or professionalism, but of course the bottom line is that they're still doing their jobs.... They (MTA) care more about if the damn physical bus comes back in one piece, moreso than the driver him/herself coming back in one piece - to me, that says enough.... If they really cared about b/o's treating passengers w/ respect & exuding professionalism, you'd think you'd see more of it from bus drivers.... Again, it's hard to do when passengers are straight up a**holes, and for that, I really don't blame b/o's one bit for being tight-lipped, or otherwise not going out of their way to show respect or w/e.....


As for what you're mentioning, there was a guy that did the BM4 that used to do that same shit... Not the last outbound trip, but the guy before him.... Now I'm not saying that b/o's should perfectly pull at the curbside at all times, but it got to the point with me that, if any bus just stops dead in the middle of the street like that (without making any effort whatsoever), I just wave em off.... To me, that's not givin two fuxs about passenger safety..... I expect that from dollar cab services, not city buses......


That's exactly what it is and the fact that I'm sure they told him about my complaint and he continues to proceed anyway just pisses me even more so that's why I'm going to start recording these incidents until it stops or he's replaced. I almost was hit just like that getting on a BxM1 and in that case there actually wasn't enough room to pull in due to other buses nearby but some jerk came around and almost flew into a bunch of us on a motorcycle.




- For me, The workday goes by faster when I'm not clock-watching... My mood fluctuates anyway, so I can't use that as a benchmark.....


- I wouldn't doubt that it's a daily thing w/ them.... They know they can get away with it, so they'll keep milking the cow for all that it's worth.....

I personally think they look for particular ops (meaning particular trips) to pull that shit on too... Because I know YON has quite a bit of female drivers out of that depot....


lol... Yeah I get a female B/O on the BxM2 some mornings and she's doesn't seem to care for that whole I don't have a Metrocard, does anyone have change nonsense...

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Well that's rather self explanatory, of course he needs the money and benefits, especially in the Detroit Metro Area were jobs are scarce and the majority of the workforce is unemployed.


You exaggerate the jobs situation in Detroit metro area. 

Don't confuse the City of Detroit with the whole Metropolitan area.

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You exaggerate the jobs situation in Detroit metro area. 

Don't confuse the City of Detroit with the whole Metropolitan area.

I'd actually say my statement holds much truth. It isn't fine living and bliss in the suburbs.


Cities and towns such as Dearborn, Warren, and Troy suffered and continue to suffer from the adverse effects of Detroit's economic downfall. Same holds true for pockets in Ann Arbor which is much more westward of the aforementioned cities.


In fact it isn't until heading north on Woodward (Route 1) that there are some actual communities that are somewhat stable, and by national standards it isn't saying much.

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  • 2 months later...

Update to the main topic.


Union leader defends actions of bus operator, referenced in this video: http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/detroit-bus-driver-union-responds-to-report-of-slapped-passenger/-/1719418/21797262/-/3rwcqfz/-/index.html


As evidenced in this post of mine in another thread the unions actions are nothing short of corrupt.

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Why do Detroit people even bother using the bus when will they BOYCOTT them already? Get a motorscooter or a bike why put up with that Shit?
Because most of those people need them and would probably feel safer on the bus than on a motorscooter when they have to bypass or go to the ghetto to get work. Detroit isn't a low crime city you know... You could come out of work and that motorscooter or bike might be gone.



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