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09-04-08 Amtrak near Hunterspoint & Sunnyside

Fred G

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My first stop on Thursday was to catch whatever was coming out of Sunnyside toward NY Penn at Hunterspoint and Hunters Point. Here is what I saw:



Looks like an Empire Service train being put into service.



Northeast Regional train 141



NE Regional 95 with AEM7 919 hitting the tunnel to Penn.



Better shot.



Another put-in. HHP-8 654 with an assortment of sleepers, coaches, etc.



That Sunnyside Pic


I moved to the subway after this. Thanks for looking, guys.

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That Tunnel seems like a tight squeeze:eek:. Beautiful Fred!


Thanks, Zach, and it sure does look like no extra room.


Great photos Fred! It seems theres quite a few Metro-North M7s at Arch Street....usually its 2 or 4 cars, I see about 6.

Shot of a lifetime is getting them on Hells Gate. :(


Thanks, Pablo; that's the most cars I've ever seen there and I'd love to catch them going across the Hell Gate or anywhere in Queens.


Awesome stuff!!!


Imagine a GG1 trying to squeeze through there!!!:eek:


- A


Thanks Andy, and I'm sure the GG-1's used that very tunnel


Nice photos!!




Haha! Now that would be a photo!


Real Nice! Why is the to exposed on those engines?


Dunno but that's a normal arrangment for all electric Amtrak locomotives.


Excellent Amtrak pics!


Thanks, Curtis!

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