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Excellent pictures. For some reason the XD40's just reminds me when the regenerated RTS was all over the city back in 2000's. You know that feeling where you say "Owwww, wowwwww, Ahhhhh" and wish you could be behind the wheels of that bus. Yeah they look great!

I second that!!

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Finally saw 2 of the new buses, over in front of the ENY garage. While the earliest pictures of 7090clearly showed a different kind of yellow, made by mixing red and green (and less reddish than the monochrome amber), later pictures like these make it look the same as the monochrome ones. People were sayign it was still the color changing ones, but as new pictures kept coming in, I found it hard to belive (and too good to be true).

So now, I see that these do use multicolor signs. 7104 looked like a “sun yellow”, and then 7108 when approaching, you could see looked like the colors were separating, sort of like what red and blue do when mixed. This is the one that more closely simulates the monochrome amber hue, but it clearly looks different from the monochrome. (Not as "saturated", so looks paler). 

I guess you really can’t tell from the camera quality, so I imagine the program has yellow and amber as different, and they figured out how to get the amber; or the color was improved on newer signs. 

If I had more time, I would have tried to take a closeup picture of the sign, showing individual red and green dies (which are barely visible to the naked eye when close) if possible.

So, great, that we’re getting color changing signs. Hopefully, when these are in, and there are enough of them spread around the city to be more consistent, then they’ll start using the colors.

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