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What does "Passed Pre-Screening" mean?


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Well, due to no response I'm assuming we're on our own. The site still has useful information. All we can do is hope and pray we receive a phone call or e-mail soon. Passed pre-screening might just mean we are on a call list and could be called anytime. What's your guy's take on it? 

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it should mean exactly what it states... i have not worked for the MTA but I've been through other jobs which have similar systems.

when we signed up for a position there were about 4-5 standard qualification questions they asked; example "do you have a drivers license?" right before you hit submit. those are normally the pre-screen questions. if you failed them (answering no), you already disqualified yourself or put yourself at a lower chance because you did not meet the qualification to apply. please correct me if I'm wrong, but my previous positions these are the pre-screen methods used to help the employer break down the thousands of applicants. 

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Your resume was most likely screened for the baseline qualifications such as work history, experience, education, skills, etc.  The "passed pre-screening" would mean that you passed the baseline qualifications and have moved on the next step of the process. What the next step is I don't know.

This is a way for companies that receive a large number of resumes for a position to eliminate candidates that do not meet the baseline qualifications.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks harry. I was trying to figure this out as well. I logged into my MTA account and noticed that I had 3 jobs that I have applied to stating I have passed the pre screening. But one dates back as far as December 2016 lol. I guess its just a long waiting game from here.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi  my name is Denise. I'm new here and I was going through different things on this site and saw this and was reading everyone anwers to this. I'm in the same boat, I applied for the following and they haven been saying  passed the precreening since 2017 up to now: Customer Service Ambassador (Passed Prescreening) 09/05/2017  7:20PM,  Car Appearance Maintainer/Oiler(Passed Prescreening) 11/09/2017  8:13PM,  Station Appearance Maintainer (Passed Prescreening)  04/16/2018  8:24PM and than again for the Customer Service Ambassador (Passed Prescreening)05/09/2018  8:11PM.  


I keep checking every day my application from the website and as well as any new jobs under the LIRR .   I know the progress is long and I guess its just matter of being called and maybe timing but it's just hard waiting and watiing to see. I was laid off in end of April so I'm really praying something  happens soon .


I'm not sure what the next step is after passing the  Prescreening as well so I  guess we are all in same boad!! If anyone of you have any updates on information, that would be great.


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18 hours ago, Denise said:

Hi  my name is Denise. I'm new here and I was going through different things on this site and saw this and was reading everyone anwers to this. I'm in the same boat, I applied for the following and they haven been saying  passed the precreening since 2017 up to now: Customer Service Ambassador (Passed Prescreening) 09/05/2017  7:20PM,  Car Appearance Maintainer/Oiler(Passed Prescreening) 11/09/2017  8:13PM,  Station Appearance Maintainer (Passed Prescreening)  04/16/2018  8:24PM and than again for the Customer Service Ambassador (Passed Prescreening)05/09/2018  8:11PM.  


I keep checking every day my application from the website and as well as any new jobs under the LIRR .   I know the progress is long and I guess its just matter of being called and maybe timing but it's just hard waiting and watiing to see. I was laid off in end of April so I'm really praying something  happens soon .


I'm not sure what the next step is after passing the  Prescreening as well so I  guess we are all in same boad!! If anyone of you have any updates on information, that would be great.


Denise, I believe it varies. I had a machinist position I applied for march 19th of this year. Was called for testing on May 8th for it. The next step for me after pre screening was an e-mail to confirm my seat for the testing. After that, it's a background check and interview. Then conditional offer of employment along with a drug test and physical. I have some things passed pre screening since 2017 as well. I'm guessing it's luck of the draw or a waiting list. 

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  • 1 month later...

This month, I applied for position called "Associate Cashier (Vault Hand)" on the job posting website. The status went to "Passed Prescreening" within about a week after the closing date. The job description didn't mention anything about a test or application fees. If I get contacted for an interview or something, I'll post again in this thread.

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That's bascially all they say until something changes. Honeslty ,  I recheck everyday  and under all the ones that say passed the prescreening , they  hasn't changed yet. Some are a year old, some months old amd some a few weeks old.  It's all a waitiing game and praying the phone rings or an email comes.


Best of luck and keep us posted.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone, 

I just received an email for cleaner but I had taken the conductors exam in 2015. I took a urine test and had to do a medical. I was put on a medical hold that I was cleared for after 3 long business days for them to tell me that the class was full. Now I'm in limbo and I'm not sure what happens from here. If anyone knows please share.  Thanks

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