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Conan O Brien takes over as 'host' of Tonight Show on NBC-TV starting 6/1/09

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Any reactions to the change to the Tonight Show as Conan O' Brien takes over on Monday June 1st, 2009?


While Jay Leno starts a new daily hybird variety/talk show starting in September for now called the Tonight Show: Prime Time.


I can say now, that i am surprised that Leno lasted 17 years as host, taking over from the legend Johhny Carson in June 1992. For those you too young to remember when Carson retired it after 30 years as the 2nd host of the "Tonight Show' was the lead national story in May 1992 a must watch tv. David Letterman(now with CBS) and Aresnio Hall(Fox-TV later synidcated)also wanted the gig that went to Leno.


Unlike now in 1992-93, it was a huge controversy and 'bad blood' between Arensio, Letterman and Leno to be Carson's replacement.


Any reactions?

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Thanks for posting this, now I'll remeber to watch the final show in which Leno is hosting. IMO Conan is funnier than Leno, Conan's skits pwns there really funny. I remeber when the Bears played the cults in the superbowl and he had a skit where chicago tallest building (The sears tower) was fighting Indianapolis's tallest building, which was some random building. Well the sears tower won and then the random Indianapolis building went back and got other buildings from the Indianapolis skyline to help it fight the sears tower! It was really funny conan was conguating the sears tower when the other buildings came. Leno skits are boring (Except for the one he shows on monday nights) However Leno monologe is funny esp when its a busy news day. Kevin eubanks and john melenz are funny as well. The only thing I'm worried about is that Conan won't be able to tell Edgy and Dirty jokes because hes coming on earier in the evening.

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Yeah this has been going on since 2006. Ill miss jay of course. He was much funnier, especially his comedy acts during the begining of the show~ Conan is ok, but hopefully he does keep jays role in the show~

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A really wonderful ending for the era of Jay. I'm glad they gave him an extra minute to do a "slow roll" of the end credits w/ all the photos. I look forward to seeing Conan host again, & jimmy is doing quite well with his new gig. I might just go see it.


Ya i cried, cuz for 12 years i watched jay then conan, then went to sleep friday nights & off days. :cry:


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I liked how the crowd gave him an standing obvation at the beginning of the show. Don't really remeber the ending though.


The end was Jay at his desk thanking people, a shot of his wife in the audience, then he showed all the kids born from people who worked for the show, then the very end had him layin' on his side relaxed leaning on an elbow in front of all the kids that were born by people that met from working on the show, then a montage of all the people that worked for the show with a longer than usual closing credits sequence.


Very cool. :tup:


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Conan >> Jay and I really like Jay. Jimmy Fallon is unwatchable.


A cool thing about Conan's show for those of us in LA is that he moved the show from Burbank to Universal City, so it's now accessible by the subway.

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Jimmy Fallon totally sucks! Whos bright idea was it to let him host a talk show? This guy really needs to be put down like an old sick dog that just roams around stinking up TV land. His writers are so unfunny. His show is so bad he is starting to spend alot of time doing stupid shit and spending time in the audience. Jay Leno wasnt that great either, ever since he became a corporate shill doing Doritos commercials he lost all respect and he really isnt that funny at all. Conan is a big improvement for the tonight show. Jay Leno needs to just give up, get off of TV and go play in his garage all night with his cars. He used to be funny before he went on the tonight show..




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Jay Leno's final episode was awesome Jay leno to me was always funny, Conan O Brien did a lot better then I expected for his first episode i loved the opening skit of him running lol


hopefully Conan will continue the tradition


Jimmy Fallon does a lot of skits, i like watching the skits and also he always does something stupid with the audience lol id love to watch one of these shows in person...

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id love to watch one of these shows in person...


I've went to Conan and watched it in person and it was pretty fun but it feels really cheap and weird when they beg people to applause with the APPLAUSE lights. Theres no applause lights in my living room to tell me when to laugh and applause.

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Well I know you saw Conan in NYC and not LA, but it's still Hollywood and the thing to remember is that everything about Hollywood is fake. Not that it can't be entertaining, but it's fake.

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The signs are to let people know when reactions to things are to be done. Otherwise it would be a madhouse of audience interruption. I believe these were first introduced for vaudeville type acts back in the teens & 20's.


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