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Everything posted by Turbo19

  1. TTC's may be considered garbage only due to thier RTS's being WFD, or wide front door. Nova wouldn't perfect this until later. It may however be a personal bias, as many TA's in Canada shunned the RTS. Just a thought: In the 80's/90's we in the US rode RTS's & (Flxible) Metros. In CAN, it was New Looks & Classics.
  2. I was wondering if I should take a break from transit.

  3. My keyboard is not responsive. Expect my hiatus.

  4. I recall there was one in Brooklyn at one point, but I am possibly mistaken. I personally don't partake in any events that are reflective of my ethnic backround, as they are usually just events that you get shit-faced at.
  5. What time do you consider late, in your opinion?

    1. ttcsubwayfan


      5 minutes or more after the designated time.

  6. Would you rather have seen an old man attempt to defacate in a urinal, as I witnessed today at the local Greyhound? You know the human race is screwed when people can't even urinate or defacate properly. I'd hate to see their bathroom at home.
  7. People nowadays don't consider what something/who someone is prior to giving judgement. They just go with the flow to be "accepted".

  8. Suprised he was up that long, was expecting them to throw his ass out. LMAO, no comment.
  9. I'm sure water does get through. You'd be suprised how quickly uh, fluids dry on the floor of a bus.
  10. It's all about speed!

  11. Man, today was going good, but my evening turned to complete shit. Lately, I've been wondering why I even got into this hobby, but it is posts like these that bring back my interest and leave me waiting for more. http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/topic/37243-world-exclusive-speak-peak-2013-rts-legend/?do=findComment&comment=586123 MTS is back!
  12. If I was in the area as periodically used to be, I would have tried to get if I could, however I'm not even in NYC. Unfortunately, many of the members in NY are not near SI. Your requests are justified, however your getting just a little crazy about a particular bus. Likewise other members are a little hostile toward you. If it is of any use, 4899 isn't moving for a while, and it will be here for more than 12 years. One day, it will run in to you, until then, just sit back and relax.
  13. I was bored. I couldn't care enough to keep record. Yeah, it is easy to do if you think about it. That use to happen to me moreso when I was younger. You said it bro.
  14. It is 12:07am over here, I'm bored, but not tired for shit. Let us see if I can go 40 hours with no sleep again.
  15. Upon further analyzing of the frame, I can only see that poor Orion V CNG down the line as the bottom bitch.
  16. Conflict is inevitable in any situation, but how you respond is your choice.

  17. It's just one of those days again.

  18. From what I've heard, S.I. Xcelsiors are the most beaten compared to Brooklyn & Queens combined.
  19. You are in Nassau so that's expected, but it is all 'round. Either way, I'd nominate Staten Island, the wangster boro. (It was like that way back then anyway)
  20. It's alright compared to the 2013 redesign. http://www.mcicoach.com/fyiFromMci/story/0812.htm Can you say foamtastic?
  21. Perhaps if individuals didn't come off as antagonistic, they themselves wouldn't be antagonized.

    1. Turbo19


      I wasn't talking about anyone in particular.

  22. Why do I get sick on my day to just chill? Why?

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