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Status Replies posted by checkmatechamp13

  1. Have not logged in in what... three or so years?

  2. I have to go out to Elizabeth, NJ twice a week and hope I can get a lift...and pay for the stupid toll on top of that. A 10 minute drive takes 2 hours by mass transit. But that's not a problem......

    1. checkmatechamp13


      I usually get an unlimited express pass, so the local bus would be free. Even if it wasn't, $2.75 vs. $6.50 carpool, plus gas...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I have to go out to Elizabeth, NJ twice a week and hope I can get a lift...and pay for the stupid toll on top of that. A 10 minute drive takes 2 hours by mass transit. But that's not a problem......

  4. Can't find a job, and loosing job opportunities. Yeah hope my silly mom is happy now....

    1. checkmatechamp13


      Damn, that sucks. I'm guessing you're not 18 yet? That opens up a lot of opportunities, even for daytime/early evening jobs.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Can't find a job, and loosing job opportunities. Yeah hope my silly mom is happy now....

  6. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      justified lol. Within my circle of (female) friends at least, the consensus is that whenever a guy goes up to them, it's all good even if they're not interested.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      And eh, as long as I'm not doing anything illegal, I don't care what I'm accused of. I don't recall approaching women in front of a cop, but I've definitely approached a decent amount in front of B/Os. (I remember one time, on the 1 train, I tried and failed in front of an off-duty B/O heading up to Kingsbridge and he's like "Hey, at least you tried" lol). At least this time, the chick actually was fairly attractive, so I guess her snottiness was somewhat justi...

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      In other words, it's more due to the influence of other women, rather than the influence of men kissing up to them (because like I said, a lot of guys are afraid to approach them nowadays). But I see your point since you clarified it's for guys that do actually approach women. I guess I'm part of the problem lol. (Then again, I'm referring to mediocre/average-looking chicks acting like they're super-hot. Not the really ugly ones lol)

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  9. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      But yeah, I remember once a bunch of fat chicks were on the ferry, talking about how it's such a PITA to get a shuttle large enough to get back to Wagner College. I tell them that they can take the S66 which is fairly empty. I see them giving each other looks like "Here this guy is hitting on us" and they all move away from me in a rather obvious way. Like damn, if I were blind enough to hit on you, you should consider it a compliment lol

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      I find it the opposite: A lot of guys are afraid to go up and talk to girls these days. Which ruins it for the girls who actually do want to be approached. (I just assume every girl is interested. If they are, that's good. If not, I get to entertain myself with their reaction lol).

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      I'll actually go the other way and say it's due to all the misandrists we have running around, talking about "embrace your body. Don't live up to all these men's standards" yadda yadda yadda. The same women talking about how everything men do is harassment.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  12. Want a girlfriend but I don't want to deal with the headaches associated with them...meh

    1. checkmatechamp13


      The funny thing is when the women who aren't that attractive put up the bitch shield. Like damn, you ain't hot enough to be that snobby lol.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can't even get a retail job....I give up....

    1. checkmatechamp13


      Sometimes it's for the better. I remember I got rejected from a lot of positions, but I kept looking, found something with the state that paid more, was more flexible on working around my school schedule, and closer to home. If I had given up, I wouldn't have found it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Charleston Bus Annex is now my favorite depot

    1. checkmatechamp13


      Is the Annex in the same location as the actual depot, or another part of SI altogether?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Finally done with my AP tests. Anybody want to go fanning with me, you can let me know.

    1. checkmatechamp13


      Yeah, I took Calculus on Wednesday, English Lit on Thursday, and Physics Monday. Well, good luck guys.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Finally done with my AP tests. Anybody want to go fanning with me, you can let me know.

  17. Interesting, yet ironic. Los Angeles has been waiting the Subway to the Sea for roughly two decades now. How long has New York City been expecting the Second Avenue Line?

    1. checkmatechamp13


      And I believe they first began construction in the 1970s, so it's been over 30 years in terms of being something so close to reality, yet so far.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. I miss my Dad, may he rest in peace. He passed away Feb 11.

    1. checkmatechamp13


      I hope you and your family are getting through it alright. May he RIP.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. CUNYfirst is so frustrating, SMH.

    1. checkmatechamp13


      The whole college application process is so complicated. When I got my acceptance letter, I thought it was going to be simple, but of course, all the administrators keep telling me different things and sending me in circles.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Just got called for an Interview for Shoprite. Mad hyped right now. :)

  21. I hope you guys don't mind if I share this facebook status with you: "Just saw two possums in the garbage outside. Now question...... Do I really live in New York City..... or Alabama?"

    1. checkmatechamp13


      Was he sure they weren't rats with long tails?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. I was walking home and I see this dude shoveling snow into the street, where it was plowed from. Either he is really ignorant or he's just a retard.

    1. checkmatechamp13


      It spreads it out and allows it to melt easier. Besides, if the plow comes, it'll plow it further down the street.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. What is the bus in every borough? LOL Easy Question.

    1. checkmatechamp13


      I'm not sure what eactly you're asking, but I think the answer is 42 (M42, Q42, etc)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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