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Everything posted by GreeneggsnPelham

  1. Thanks for the offer Steven! It's gonna be several months before the route is even ready--but I will put you down on the list!
  2. That's actually a really good idea, I never thought of that! If I can get pictures then we shall see!
  3. Suggestion is duly noted! I am meeting with Brighton Local this weekend, so I will see about trying to get some good photos of the Brighton line as well.
  4. A few things--- 1) No need for apologies, they aren't necessary. I completely understand the enthusiasm surrounding my content, and unless it is useless nitpicking, I don't care about "hounding". 2) I am on good terms with EVERYONE on these forums, so if you're feeling otherwise, at least now you can rest easy. 3) Subway stations are looking excellent in the nyc subway route. I'm replacing all of the stations on my route (except for the "abandoned" ones by Jeff Morris and his curved stations for City Hall Loop & South Ferry--they're too good to replace imho). I should have more pics up soon. I did a video of a run from 96 St to 50th on the , which I will edit and post tomorrow. 4) Any requests for custom content to be made? Make it reasonable. I will right off the bat state that I am not doing subway tunnels or tracks. My expertise lies elsewhere. Surface tracks might be taken into consideration. 5) No takers on hand-made subway maps yet? -A :cool:
  5. You know, I really have no idea! Good observation. I will have to look at the texture more. And btw, per a request on the Auran forums, I'm going to edit the mesh of the staircase/exit so that way the black space next to it is renameable. Since I don't want to stress out builders with route vs session layers, only one line of text will be available. -A :cool:
  6. @Strain: that's exactly what I meant. Now we just need someone to go out and get realistic textures for you. Here's some eye-candy from the first station I've replaced with a new one on my NYC subway route--96th St & Broadway on the West Side IRT. I have to re-do the benches, they came out too small. But the objects are there, along with signals, etc. The splines will come with those tracks pre-attached, which are Russian subway tracks, you'll need them from the DLS. Enjoy! -A :cool: P.S., the custom subway map situated on the back of the stairs is a scaled-down photo of an actual hand-drawn map made by me in 2010. It is about 4 feet x 4 feet and is hanging on my wall in my living room. I am selling them, ALL hand-drawn and customizable if any of you are interested. We can set prices--inbox me if interested! P.P.S. I know that the overhead signals need to be height adjusted in sketchup and 3ds to fit the new stations (the lights weren't in the original versions). That will be fixed and a new set will be released soon!
  7. The ALTS by Boat and doing traffic and things like that--still boggles my mind. Maybe that's why I've put off my fictional route
  8. What I meant by overkill was the fact that you would model the ENTIRE city of New York. For the subway portions of the route, it's totally unnecessary to include scenery, imo. Now, for the outside portions having scenery is okay. Strain and I have no bad blood--just agreeing to disagree.
  9. After a lot of consideration, I have decided: to continue to use mcq's U-Bahn tunnels/tracks, and alterr's Russian subway tunnels on my NYC subway layout. While BStyles is on hiatus, I tried to do my own NYCTA tunnels, and they didn't mesh well with my stations and it just caused a lot of frustration. And, I just found my old NYC subway route in my cdp folder on my desktop, and I've uploaded it, so instead of starting all over like I originally planned, I am going to replace assets the old file and keep on building. So, I am back in the route building game, and for those who have forgotten the progress I've made, here's a handy update map! More pics to come within the week as I work uptown, and start replacing stations with my new creations!!! And for strain, I don't know if having it changeable is possible on a non-rolling stock object. The entrances are really cool though. However, wouldn't it be overkill to model the entire NYC street grid above an already complex subway system? Not trying to discourage. But, maybe do them for el and outside stations where the streets are visible in the route. Most subway routes (like mine) are not submerged under the baseboard (a la Jeff Morris'), so I'd have no need for station entrances on the subway since I wouldn't be modelling the street grid. -A :cool:
  10. You can have curved stations, because these are programmed to work the same as bridge splines. With the 6 track versions, if you made a curved station, the only extra thing you'd need to do is rotate the end pieces to suit your needs. The "bendy" tag in a config file determines if it'll chop (0) or not [1] when you have a curve. I set them all to 1, and have done some test layouts with sharp curves, not-so-sharp, etc. and everything has worked out perfectly. Off the top of my head I cannot remember any curved platforms [my track book is not near me], but I will draw one up and post a picture for ya! :tup: -A :cool: P.S. I know NYCTA doesn't have purple or black beams, but they were in the folders BStyles sent, so I said why not--it adds more color to the set!
  11. 6 Track Models (Island, Side, and Island Bypass) Enjoy! No definite release date yet--I have to see how trainz handles the frames, they all should be relatively low poly. -A :cool: Next up are the Williamsburg & Manhattan Bridges! P.S. Just realized the 3T local station picture is not uploaded. I'll get on that later!
  12. 4 Track Models (Island, Side, 3 Platforms, Island/Side, Island with two side platforms, and the BMT Chambers St layout) More in next post!
  13. Huge milestone everyone--the NYCTA Subway Station pack has officially been completed! After several long months and testing everything out, they are done!!!! I had to go back and change some things, as well as re-texture with some new beams that BStyles gave me before his hiatus. Pictures are below, but one HUGE change---all of the stations except the 6 track models will be splines--with the end pieces already included. This means, all you have to do is drag to the appropriate length and that's it! The station is fully made, using the "bridge" tag and having the end pieces be the "initiator" and "terminator". The reason this doesn't work in the 6T models is that you cannot do splines with more than 5 tracks in TS2010 (only in TS12 so far). So, for DeKalb, 135th, Hoyt, and/or whatever your 6T subway heart desires, it's still object end pieces and splines. So without further delay.... 1 Track Models (Bypass, Normal, One Wall) 2 Track Models (Island, Side, Island One Wall, False Wall [63-Lex]) 3 Track Models (Island, Side, Essex-Delancey) More in next post!
  14. To remind you..they are end pieces and splines so you could make them either IRT or IND/BMT length. And, I don't know if I'm going to make anymore stations. It's a lot of work.
  15. Thought I would tease a few eye-candy pictures of my NYCTA content, recently finished. Subway stations WILL be released in the future--the tunnels are based off designs from ExpressLine3Train and BStyles, respectively. The ones I made in-game will not be publicly released for two reasons: one, the designs aren't mine, and despite my friendships with the other two developers, I'm not going to disrespect them. Secondly, EL3T has made a LOT of tunnels, which are in BStyles' hands currently for fine tuning, so you'll get a hell of a lot more choices/configurations when his pack comes out. Mine were just thrown together because I wanted to get back into route building and was too impatient Enjoy the pics! -A :cool: P.S: Station objects such as maps, benches, garbage cans and exits/stairs will be released along with the subway stations. As you can tell, I haven't loaded them in game yet, which is why the platforms look bare. They were not included in the splines because of requests that it'd take away from the unique feel of each station by having them always evenly spaced apart. I didn't agree at first, but now I do!
  16. If you're using 09 or 10, why not build a shell route using Magicland's tunnels and such, and then when the newer content is released, simply use the "replace assets" tool in Surveyor? That's what I did to replace all of the junction levers (to his Alstom cement models), and I also used it to replace his signals with my new ones. Might want to look into it--it saves a ton of time--but there are certain things you'll have to manually rebuild. (Btw, it works well when replacing the old FRM el tracks with BStyles' new ones. :tup::tup: -A :cool:
  17. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on my progress with my share of the mega NYCTA route-building package. I have completed all of the NYCTA subway station configurations, committed them to Trainz, and have tested them all out. They are looking fabulous! I will continue to work out any bugs I spot, so that they'll be damn-near flawless when you all see them. It's late now, so I will post pictures soon. Because of the scope of replacing all of the current system I had (those who have been following my progress know how far I've come) is very difficult, I am debating rebuilding a fresh new route encompassing all of my material, so far. I only say this because it's difficult to replace static objects (Jeff's stations), with objects and splines, have to measure it all out a hundredfold, then relay track--I only relaid TWO stations, and having to rotate everything and get it right--total headache! So, I'll just go for a fresh rebuild. Keep your eyes posted for a media-fire link within the next week. And remember, these are only the subway stations. BStyles is on hiatus for the rest of the season, and I will not disrespect him by releasing my own EL stations when he said he is committed to the project, so please don't ask. I will think about possibly making at-grade stations, if I get enough support for it. Thanks again for sticking with me throughout this project. I know these stations have been in the works for a hell of a long time, and it feels good to have them finished. -A :cool:
  18. The answer to your question about faulty objects will help you in repairing Magicland's cars to work in 2010. Also, use compatibility mode. I have a friend who re-worked them for me in '10, so I can use them in native mode, but I'm not allowed to distribute.
  19. Strain, no need to repeat what BStyles already said--just sayin.
  20. I don't mean to be rude, but it ruins the quality and sanity of this thread when EVERY OTHER POST from you is "where can I get this?" "how do you do this?" "Where can I get that?" It seems like you have a lot of free time on your hands, so searching the Auran forums, taking time to patch to the latest build, and THINKING before you post would be wise ideas. I know this thread is really long, but I bet you the answers to your questions are somewhere in here. Take the time to LOOK. There's a difference between not knowing how to do something, and asking the same stupid question a million times over. If you have any questions, PLEASE either post in the appropriate thread that BStyles made, or PM someone. Your questions were fine in the beginning, but now you're crapping all over the forums and it's getting old and ridiculous.
  21. 1. Go to the Auran forums, look under whatever version you have, and look for the most up to date patch. If you have never patched before, and your current version's patch is SP4, then you NEED to download all the patches before (and including) the current version, which in this case would be SP1-4. Once downloaded, simply install. It's relatively easy. 2. No, because it is no longer needed/used, hence the term "obsolete". Look for a newer version on the DLS. 3. A nuisance I've run into with new content is that sometimes the content filter in surveyor is set for "5-star" content, whatever the hell that means. Usually, if you go into the content filter in surveyor and clear the fields, everything should show up. Also, check the "open for edit" tab in Content Manager, if there's anything in there, it won't show up. 4. Yes, for most objects. Usually it's a config file typo/error, a texture being the wrong size, or something else that is making it faulty. 2010 is really strict on what it lets through, and previous versions were much more lenient. Right-click on the faulty object(s) and select "View Errors & Warnings". That should give you a list of things that are wrong with it, and need fixing. If you're unsure on how to fix a specific problem, then go to this thread: Listing of Errors and How to Fix Them. It covers almost everything--it is long--so PLEASE take the time to look through it carefully before posting on here that your problem isn't listed. 99.99% of the time it's there, but people like to skim and will obviously miss it.
  22. Not only that, but if you have TS2009, 10 or 12, Jeff Morris recently re-released all of his cars for those versions of the game, and they have changeable rollsigns. I suggest using those cars for now for the R68--nobody else has released anything else. @Andres: You don't sound rude at all--but it DOES take a lot to build a train car, so it's not like anybody can just pick up a 3D modelling program and bust one out.
  23. Official Release of the NYCTA Signs Package: Click on the link below, and enjoy. Questions and comments, please post a reply. NYCTA Signs -A :cool:
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