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Status Replies posted by peacemak3r

  1. I'm tired of people with no brains coughmomcough

  2. I'm tired of people with no brains coughmomcough

  3. I'm tired of people with no brains coughmomcough

  4. The chronicles of the B3, let's blame the MTA for a double parked car blocking us. Yes, very logical.

  5. Bill O'Reilly called Obama a socialist for the umpteenth time. When will he stop?

  6. Bill O'Reilly called Obama a socialist for the umpteenth time. When will he stop?

  7. Ok, I have the Galaxy S2, and my upgrade in in April...should I get the Galaxy S3 or wait for the S4 to come out?

  8. The southbound Brighton lines are so messed up right now..usual 40 minute ride took 2 hours just now. SMH.

  9. The southbound Brighton lines are so messed up right now..usual 40 minute ride took 2 hours just now. SMH.

  10. I need to seriously re-invest in another printer.

  11. I need to seriously re-invest in another printer.

  12. Oh wow, I just saw that whole thread of non-sense.. (commuters wasted time thread). LOL Total BS. Honestly, I think this forum needs to be cleared of dumba$$es. Well, in my opinion this is how the internet is. Full of flame wars, spam, trolls, hackers, etc.

  13. Had a half day due to the blizzard today

  14. Okay, someone hacked my facebook and now I'm pissed!

  15. If anybody is interesting, JFK is hiring for CDL drivers....

  16. Someone get some ICE for the people I might BURN today.

  17. Man, this morning was a mess on the subway. Had no B because of a stalled train and the 2/3 were delayed because of switch problem.. Barely made it to class on time.

  18. Man, this morning was a mess on the subway. Had no B because of a stalled train and the 2/3 were delayed because of switch problem.. Barely made it to class on time.

  19. Man, this morning was a mess on the subway. Had no B because of a stalled train and the 2/3 were delayed because of switch problem.. Barely made it to class on time.

  20. Man, this morning was a mess on the subway. Had no B because of a stalled train and the 2/3 were delayed because of switch problem.. Barely made it to class on time.

  21. My feelings for this new "vote up/down" system is rather mixed. On one hand, it'll hopefully make people think before they hit the "submit" button. On the other hand, it may invite further drama. The Sonic Stadium Message Board once had the neg-rep option, and it only invited controversy. Some people complained about being bombed with negative reputation, and at least one left for this. Because of the headache, it was ditched for the "Like" system only.

  22. My feelings for this new "vote up/down" system is rather mixed. On one hand, it'll hopefully make people think before they hit the "submit" button. On the other hand, it may invite further drama. The Sonic Stadium Message Board once had the neg-rep option, and it only invited controversy. Some people complained about being bombed with negative reputation, and at least one left for this. Because of the headache, it was ditched for the "Like" system only.

  23. What would you do if you was on this bus? Either a B/O or a passenger...

  24. College is overrated. Yes, I said it. I'm really annoyed with people urging me to go back.

  25. Sorry to make a complaining status but I feel it is due. Very recently I've witnessed the level of relevance, intelligence, and professionalism decrease by a large margin. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering a personal hiatus. Am I the only one that holds these sentiments?

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