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Status Replies posted by peacemak3r

  1. Anyone having problems with the latest version of Itunes? I downloaded the update, but now I can't open up the program. 'can't read because it is a newer version' wtf? Also the layout when I first saw it was confusing as hell. So till then, do not update itunes.

  2. I really hate it when people compare European transit to North American transit. Especially in regards to how vehicles look on the outside.

  3. I really hate it when people compare European transit to North American transit. Especially in regards to how vehicles look on the outside.

  4. Who thinks that 82.33% average is not a bad average? My MOM said that IT'S SO BAD, GO STUDY!

  5. Who thinks that 82.33% average is not a bad average? My MOM said that IT'S SO BAD, GO STUDY!

  6. Who thinks that 82.33% average is not a bad average? My MOM said that IT'S SO BAD, GO STUDY!

  7. I must be the only one not raging on a new layout on YouTube.

  8. I find it ironic that the first day the snow stuck (with a decent amount on the ground), was the first day of December.

  9. Some people have to realize there's a such area known as the BACK of the bus...everyone bunched up in the front..it's like breaking a football tackle just to get to the free back space.

  10. IS there a reason why people dont view my videos?? or even comment on them? People just scroll pass them...comment on other people things and like them...and my stuff just gets pushed to the bottom with 0 views 0 replys. -.-

  11. Skyfall is the best Bond film of this decade, by far.

  12. Anybody who watches Nickelodeon are ready to say goodbye to the iCarly's tonight?

  13. Well shame on me for announcing the return of a new line... Maybe there are people who don't want to read the Hurricane Sandy thread, and I think that the (H) deserves it's own topic, seems pretty big to me. But whatever, idgaf. Just another thread.

  14. I wish people would stop responding to trolls. c,c

  15. People that leave the forums should be leaving for proper reasons, not because you can't handle some stupid texts on a screen. #TrueStory

  16. So I hear they are not reimbursing unlimited's.

  17. Shadiness gets you nowhere....just sayin'

  18. Am I the only one who has received a "Malware Detected" message of Google Chrome from this website?

  19. Lol I couldn't even walk to the Q85 with this snow. No school for me today! :D

  20. Mother nature is recompensating us with some nice sunshine today :D

  21. Weed legalized in Colorado? What the hell? What's next? Meth legalized too? Smh.

  22. Is it my dreams, or are they laying up NJT trains at Av U on the Q?

  23. Are fares still waived for tomorrow and Friday?

  24. Turns out http://www.nyctransitforums.com/forums/# returns you to the top. I lost power at 9:15PMish while playing Monopoly, but now it's back to full blast, still need to get my dad to reset the radio clock.

  25. And there goes my lights!

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