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Police Take Down Alleged Drug Kingpin In Bronx Raid

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Members of the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force on Wednesday raided a Bronx apartment building they say was under siege by a group of brazen drug dealers. NY1's Dean Meminger filed the following report.


Police officers from several different agencies swooped into 1571 Undercliff Avenue in the Morris Heights section of the Bronx Wednesday and arrested several people for allegedly running a major drug operation.


"Innocent men, women and children had to live in fear of the drug dealers who used 11 apartments to stash, sell, and cook drugs for street level sales," said DEA agent Wilbert Plummer.


A total of 11 apartments were raided, along with three other Bronx locations in what was called Operation Siesta. In all, 15 people were arrested and indicted. Officers on the federal, state and city level investigated the case for six months.


"We worked together on this using wire tapes and confidential informant information," said DEA agent Glen Coughlin.

Police Take Down Alleged Drug Kingpin In Bronx Raid


Agents say the crew's leader is Jose Delorbe a.k.a Culebra -- which means "snake" -- is being held without bail. Officers say they also have him on video carrying a gun into the building after a shoot out last November. He will be the first alleged drug dealer to be tried under the state's new drug kingpin statute which could carry a life sentence behind bars.


Under the law, a kingpin is someone who oversees the sale of more than $75,000 in drugs over six months. Authorities say this crew's take was a lot more, with about $50,000 in sales and purchases a day in the Bronx and in other states.


"What it was that we seized was one day's work for this organization. They turned over the narcotics very quickly. If they brought in a kilo of cocaine they sold that kilo very, very quickly," said Bridget Brennan New York City Special Narcotics Prosecutor.


People who live in the building and surrounding block say they have known for years that 1571 has been a hot spot for drug dealing.

Police Take Down Alleged Drug Kingpin In Bronx Raid


Those who spoke with NY1 did not want their faces to appear on camera, saying they fear drug dealers will target them for speaking out.


"It got to be so bad that I'm scared to come in my apartment," said one neighborhood resident.


"It always a pleasure to see the cops come in and do this. Let them do their work," said another resident.


"What about the landlord or the people who own that building? You don't know what kind of people you are renting apartments to," said a third.


Residents say there are other dealers working in the neighborhood and are hoping police come back to arrest them too.http://bronx.ny1.com/content/top_stories/118628/police-take-down-alleged-drug-kingpin-in-bronx-raid

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Good to hear for now but the sad thing is when this happens there will be another gang to replace this one and back to square one


This is spectacular news, glad these illegal businesses gets busted for good, one down hundreds more to go but it is still a step to eliminate these illegal acitvity, :tup: :P!


The illegal drug business will never ever end, its a very big money maker for the USA and I'm sure behind the scenes the higher ups are fueling this.

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