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Bus Assignments


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Just wondering if certain routes have certain types of buses assigned?


Like the M34 seems to be all NGs while the M42 has a mix of NGs and RTSs.


The M16/M34 routes mainly use the NG's because the Orion 7's 3800-3829 at MJQ are equipped with GPS across 34th Street, but it is possible to see an RTS on either route. Since the M42 has to use other buses, it uses both NG's and RTS like the other Quill routes. Usually all types of buses within a depot are used on all of it's routes except express buses which mainly use MCI coaches.


There are some exceptions like Orion 5's with coach seats from Spring Creek and College Point depot which are almost replaced .

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Just wondering if certain routes have certain types of buses assigned?


Like the M34 seems to be all NGs while the M42 has a mix of NGs and RTSs.


Well, like mentioned before, the M16/34 are fully with NGs because of the clever device GPS systems that is installed in them. The M42 is a mix of whatever the operators take out, primarily the RTSs or the NGs. The routes you will see a lot of NGs and OG Hybrids are the M1/2/3/4/5 & the M7 around the midtown area. RTSs will mostly be seen on routes like the M6, M20, M66, M72 and so on.

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Thanks for the info guys.


I totally forgot about the GPS tie in on 34th street.


Now another question, do the depots try to put their newest equipment on the Hawk runs or just whatevers available when the operators check in.


And does anybody know how the Meredith depot rotation works? Do the drivers swap buses in Manhatten during the day or does the rotation happen at night...just curious?

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Thanks for the info guys.


I totally forgot about the GPS tie in on 34th street.


Now another question, do the depots try to put their newest equipment on the Hawk runs or just whatevers available when the operators check in.


And does anybody know how the Meredith depot rotation works? Do the drivers swap buses in Manhatten during the day or does the rotation happen at night...just curious?


The Hawk Runs, that depends. When coming back from Pennsylvania, I actually seen the B39 Hawk out of Flatbush Depot and it was a ZF RTS (when they still had them). Most of the time its whatever thats been picked.


The Meredith Depot rotations as far as I know are usually at night. Buses stay there at night while the operators report to their respective depots, after that, they pick whatever bus they get from Meredith in the morning, I seen a Yukon Driver hauling ass with a Castleton 2800 series MCI. Some buses stay in Manhattan until the beginning of the Rush Hour where they begin their services, others deadhead from Staten Island to being their services.


How come they don't put some NG's on M27/M50?


They do, just not as many as one would think, because the M27, M42 & M50 interline with one another.

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I seen a Yukon Driver hauling ass with a Castleton 2800 series MCI. Some buses stay in Manhattan until the beginning of the Rush Hour where they begin their services, others deadhead from Staten Island to being their services.


I don't doubt that. Doing shuttle work at Javits the last couple of days I've seen the guys from SI and UP hauling ass up 11th ave, I assume they layover at MJQ during the midday.


I love standing out on the corner of 41st and 9th also to watch the X17J,X22 and X30 boogie into the Lincoln Tunnel. Those guys are NO joke. They get a :tup: from me!

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No they're not. I always see the 6900s on other routes other THAN the Q32!


Because they have something that could hold traffic signal when making turn from 34th Street onto 7th Avenue. It is only 6900-6904 and 6905 does not have this feature and it may be possible to see those buses on other routes as well but Q32 have priority.

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