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Random X bus pics


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FG....He need to come back here and post again.lol


(W)hy so he could say nice EXP pics and then you would ask ....I wonder if those buses have locked windows


(B)y the way MT what are you doing on ^ ave ....Your in Uncharted and dangerous territory :confused: look your next to mickeydss get me A Big Mack truck ...I mean big mack sandmich

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(W)hy so he could say nice EXP pics and then you would ask ....I wonder if those buses have locked windows


(B)y the way MT what are you doing on ^ ave ....Your in Uncharted and dangerous territory :confused: look your next to mickeydss get me A Big Mack truck ...I mean big mack sandmich


I can't get next to Mc d's cuz your boyz don't don't let a brotha thru, you guyz think you own the roadz or something.......B)

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