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Hicksville's turn for Crazy Time: 7:39am Ronk cancelled!!


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On Tuesday I was traveling out east and took the 8:21am train to Ronkonkoma from Westbury. When the train pulled into Hicksville it was announced our train was cancelled due to a police investigation in Farmingdale. Chaos ensued as hundreds of people got off and overcrowded the platform around the staircases, which wasn't helped by the fact that the escalators were broken. At street level hundreds of ppl were at the station as about 4 buses pulled in. I gather these buses were already here because of the track work program, which affects the next eastbound Ronkonkoma train at 9am. It was clear there wasnt gonna be enough buses and I didn't stick around to see how they handled it as I got a Port Jeff train. I'm sorry but the LIRR screwed up on this one. The police investigation was finished just after 9am and they should've just delayed the train in Hicksville, but they cancelled it because they didn't want to delay the track work. They dont realize how many ppl take that train I tell you!! Its also made worse because there's a lack of buses, they use anything from coaches to school buses. Because when the ()' /> left LI Bus they also screwed up the LIRR, God forbid they could send out some MCI's from the city, God Forbid!! :angry:



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There was a suspicious package at Farmingdale.....your train had 700 people on it. Do you really expect the LIRR to keep that many buses on call for unexpected situations like that?



I excpect them to not cancel the train but give some the opportuntity to use the buses or wait till the investigation is completed, instead of just throwing 700 people off the train.

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You were on that ONE unlucky eastbound train. Unbelievable!



I pass by 2008 every morning at Mineola. The crowding on it is no worse than the typical AM peak train, if not slightly lighter. But that doesn't take into account boardings at Hicksville, which there are a ton of.

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I excpect them to not cancel the train but give some the opportuntity to use the buses or wait till the investigation is completed, instead of just throwing 700 people off the train.



So LIRR is just gonna pull out of their asses 15-20 buses? When are they suppost to know when the investigation is complete? The trains need to be turned to keep the rest of the system moving. Stop crying and being a baby!

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