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Everything posted by Jericho

  1. Every dollar counts. $40 a week for 52 weeks is $2080. In the end, unless they give out switching/yard jobs like candy, you should get top pay before going to work trains which you need two years in title beforehand anyway.
  2. You have to send an email to the pick office. Be on the lookout for the next memorandum about it before picking starts again.
  3. Not true. Just put in a request before it's time to pick in whichever division you want to go to.
  4. Currently, T/O must be two years in title to go to work trains. This pick, only work train jobs were left, so all the noobs stayed XX.
  5. What he meant is that there will be times when you will not go home at your clearing time. Train crews cannot work for more than 16 hours though usually you wouldn't be allowed to work past your 14th hour in a day. You can work six days a week. They will not let you string a couple weeks worth of days in a row together. Also keep in mind with the Tier 6 pension, there is an overtime cap when contributions will stop for the year.
  6. Look for a letter to come in the mail in the coming days.
  7. When you get a road job, usually your trip will start 15 minutes in. The person might've been talking about being on board. When you're on board, you can pick up a job up to the last minute before you clear your 8th hour.
  8. If your boots have arrived, then start wearing them. Why stress yourself out over one "extra day". You'll be wearing boots for the rest of your career.
  9. Another thing I would add is the health insurance is a hell of a lot better than what you'd get in the private sector. You can looked at the plans marked with TWU on the Aetna website. You'll be selecting which plan you'll want when you get to schoolcar. Though the dental and vision plan does could definitely be better.
  10. Transit will make your schedule. Railroading is not easy on family life. They will determine your tour and RDO up to a weekly basis. Example: If you're sent to the midnight tour, your first day of the week may report at 10pm at 207 St Terminal and your fifth day, you will report at 330am at Coney Island Stillwell Avenue terminal.
  11. You have to request a day off 3-20 days in advanced and it has to be approved first. You can request up to three days in a row, but good luck getting all three approved as it's a luck of the draw with other people requesting as well.
  12. You accrue the holiday whether you work it or it is your scheduled RDO. If you book off sick before or right after the holiday, you have to provide sick lines.
  13. I gained over 20 pounds which was their limit and they had me go do another sleep study. It's no biggie. They restricted me until I used the CPAP machine and brought back the results. It was like a vacation switching/yard so I didn't mind.
  14. Okey dokey, I won't be surprise if Transit decides to make it absolutely pass/fail in the future then.
  15. Can we please not make this public, please. Some things best left unsaid.
  16. If you cannot do it on a B division train, they will see if you can do it on one from the A division since they're smaller. If you can't do either, then you're let go. _______ I am by no means anywhere muscular (womp womp) and I am able to climb up on the train. An induction classmate of mine is under 5 feet and she was able to do it. In the end, no harm lifting some weights in the meantime, but I wouldn't stress over it.
  17. You're forgetting that in those two years, we've been through a pandemic where every tour was short staffed so there was no point in jumping people around.
  18. As an extra extra list employee, your tour and RDO can change from week to week. Your first day of the week, you can report early in the day and by your fifth day, late in the day. Ex. the PM tour is between 1200-2200 hours. Your first day can start at 1200 and your fifth day can start as late as 2100ish. You will be sent to any terminal or yard where they need you and not necessarily whichever is closest for you.
  19. Don't worry about it. As a conductor, you'll mainly have to climb on or off a train when you're in the yard. Most of your time will be in class or in the cab.
  20. And even then, we are actually required to have our rulebook on hand after schoolcar. Just hope you don't run into the TSS's that actually ask for it though.
  21. I'm kind of confused, because Ms. Vargas or whoever was there should have told you what you needed.
  22. Hopefully you updated your prescription too. You will be able to attain a free pair of prescription safety glasses by getting your doctor to fill out a form attain either from your schoolcar TSS, Material Control, or Stillwell Crew Reporting Center (CRC). You do not need to have the form filled out by GVS. You only have to go to their store if you want to try out the safety glasses.
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