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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Is that The Royal Motorman in that first shot at 149th?
  2. Kids could probably be motormen now, who knows. Sometimes people get to fulfill all that childhood dream stuff.
  3. Anyone else think that switching locomotive looks like Amy? (I know, it's not -the- Amy)
  4. Have to put those trailers to use somehow...
  5. Haha, R40s and R68s being considered "nostalgia". Here's a wonderful photo from the George Conrad collection:
  6. I'm not sure what led to me being interested in transit but i've never seen so much grease and dirt in my life before.
  7. No, that's not what I meant. For future reference, note that someone who cannot differentiate "U" and "you" should never be correcting me. Ever.
  8. After spending the day un-raping a Windows box, I remembered exactly why I hate working with Windows.
  9. Don't forget the other pinnacle of class, Rainbow.
  10. If that sort of stuff shuts you down, you need to reevaluate your wifes' gender.
  11. Maybe you just tend to always pass by at pool time?
  12. The Book I Read by Talking Heads off of their 1977 album 77. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK8rgSbTBbk
  13. I quit using Facebook. Terrible f**king site. Only thing that's redeeming about it is that the trolley museum posts photos and news on their page; luckily I can still access it without an account.
  14. I know i'm probably knocking on the wrong door with this one, but does anyone have any propulsion specs on the M8? IGBT? GTO? Motor specs?
  15. Is your setup AC or DC, Zach? Also, are those signals prototypical or just timers?
  16. I always hear CT residents making fun of the new NY plates now. I haven't got the new plates on my car yet, I still have the previous scheme plates. If I get a vanity plate, perhaps i'll spring for the orange and blue.
  17. The new plate production line just happened to start at F. However, i've spotted a few other plates that began with other letters, most likely due to special request.
  18. Any good pizza in the East Haven/Branford, CT area?
  19. I can get a GPS fix in my room, albeit nowhere near as strong of a signal as I can get outdoors.
  20. I've got the Droid on Verizon. Much happier with the Droid than I was with my old Treo (remember those, anyone?)
  21. Another good suggestion, I had forgotten about that lens. It's longer and faster (hey, that's what she said, right?) than the 18-55 and comes with an ass-gasket to boot!
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