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Everything posted by LTA1992

  1. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-omny-path-new-jersey-mta-payment-system-20190620-42cv47vmfrb4nifzvj3sosb4hm-story.html PATH will replace SmartLink with OMNY by 2022. The first step towards an integrated fare system. Imagine being able to transfer from NYCT to PATH and vice-versa for a 25 or 50 cent fee? A man can dream.
  2. Automated Passenger Counting combined with OMNY tap counts and GPS information will allow the MTA to pinpoint exactly where fare evasion hotspots are and send Eagle teams to them. So we might just get that
  3. I live here actually and more people come from east of WPR than west. I am one of the people who will benefit from this as I won't have to walk a quarter mile and would instead walk three blocks. The BxM5 should be well received.
  4. Nah. It's basic transport planning that's been widely used across the world. New York is just the next in line. Also, I think the MTA spied on an argument I had with a friend regarding bus service in Co-Op. I seem to be the only person who thinks the proposed routes make sense. And I read the document. Three legged transfers may come with the redesign as it's something residents wanted.
  5. Public transit isn't supposed to profit. It's supposed to provide a service. Systems like MTR make profits because they have other revenue streams (i.e.: Owning real estate around stations). It costs so much to run transit that running such a system with the goal of profit could cause more harm than good, ultimately rendering such a system useless to most. I will always be a fan of a one or two cent sales tax increase for the entire MTA service area. We could easily pay for what we need while keeping the fare mostly stable for a few decades. Also, how much you pay depends on your own spending habits. But this is just the rambling of a poor individual early in the morning.
  6. Outside of this, Schwartz was one of the FEW peopke making sense today and one of the FEW who actually stood up to Foye on the BS pulled in regards to last months requests to have the heads of Siemens and Bombardier to come in and answer some questions publicly in regards to all the issues with PTC. Because after all, the Board makes the decisions and they have to use public money to execute them. And speaking of Foye, does everyone who gets in his seat act like a tool after some time passes?
  7. Its not that they were in the 200s. That was expected. He got the EXACT number out of 199 possible. There's also no way anyone could have predicted your reasonings either. Its an amazing coincidence. Let him have this lol
  8. Well. The mystery of who you are is no longer a mystery lmao. Also, can we talk about how Roadcruiser literally called R262? His 1,200 number wasn't bad either. Bravo my guy, bravo.
  9. I cannot be the only one who realizes the genius in the design? What is the one thing we see all over the system, white-on-black, that people use for wayfinding? The signage. Ningen. THIS is exaxtly how you start building a brand and identity. Small details like that.
  10. The beauty of foster care is I was entitled to a full-fare card (had to fight a school or two to remind them) and I made THE most use out of it. Ended up in night school for my last two years of high school and let me say, that extra day on the night school card (worked Monday to Saturday with an 11pm cutoff) made life easy. Honestly, having a school metro allowed me to do things I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. So I can see the benefit.
  11. For those who can, tune into the board meeting tomorrow. Word is a demonstration of the new system will occur.
  12. Y'all just forgot about the SMEEs huh? Even the cars that looked different were still, aside from appearance, nearly identical to what was already around. This is nothing different. Appearance and a few new amenities are different, but the overally car is still mostly the same. Evolutionary, not revolutionary.
  13. Bumped into them last night while leaving Ft. Tryon Park. Always nice to see the irony of trains on trucks lol
  14. I am happy to report that as of today, I am sold on the improvement numbers. Why? I should have been at least 30 minutes late for work today. Left late, missed my train, and my was stop and go from Prospect all the way to Union Square. I got to work at 9 on the dot. 233rd to Bedford (L). Mind you, I told my boss is be late because we just kept stopping so much. Next thing you know, it's 8:57 and I'm approaching the days location. I still can't believe it. I think that if the current rate keeps up, and politics and don't screw us over, we should be in a good place by 2022. And considering NYS still owes over $7B, imagine what could be accomplished if Albany pays what they've owed for two years.
  15. What the F does this have to do with my father's experience? My point was that we are noticing SOMETHING. It is completely illogical and irrational to expect perfect service on all parts of a large system no matter what city you go to. Side note, Good and Perfect are not synonymous. Good service means exactly that. It's running. Delays are inevitable. Especially at effing RUSH HOUR. Also, the being packed is as normal as the sun coming up. No amount of CBTC is gonna change that. Zero signal failures won't change that. Have you forgotten 2/3 or all New Yorkers use the subways? We should be LUCKY it isn't worse. The areas the Broadway-7th Ave line services are hella dense. No one should be surprised at this. And then, for some odd reason, you thought the next (or somehow that they would send one out of the yard right when you needed it even though they have this thing called a schedule they work off of) was gonna be any different? At 137th? Lmaoooo! In what world? Anyone with an iota of critical thinking skills would have questioned that thinking immediately. That "kerfuffle" of a commute would have been way easier if you never got off that train in the first place. YOU made you late. Not the subways. Anywho, this tunnel vision of yours has been tired for 10 years. Little victories matter too.
  16. My dad got from Wakefield to Coney in two hours flat two days ago. The trip usually takes 2hrs45 to 3hrs. Mind you, he himself suspected the changes a week ago and only just now paid attention. Being somewhat a lover of trains himself, let's just say he's been getting flashbacks.
  17. Listen, @Lance, I'm just throwing ideas. Nothing more. If there is any possibility of attracting riders, to any system, then I say why not pose the question? It's already known that fare integration can be a huge benefit. And many people do commute, via bus and/or train, from as far away as Philly. Again, just throwing ideas.
  18. It truly is amazing what a few miles per hour can do. All of my trips have been faster and it's thrown off my timing. For the first time in three years, I'm allotting too much time and that's a great thing.
  19. It was for comparisons sake since you can't really hear what I'm describing. When I talk bout hard/flat sounds, ONIX and the new MITRAC have that. Siemens and the older Adtranz/MITRAC inverters have rolling sounds.
  20. @B35 via Church, Philly may not be a part of the NY Metro area, but it IS within the Megacity that stretches from DC to Boston. Philly is also close enough for normal commutation and people do so everyday. Why can't OMNY be added on the buses to NYC or places in between (NJT could also switch to OMNY)? Not only would that provide a reason for SEPTA to adopt OMNY, but you could even have a special Intercity fare for card holders. Cheaper fares than Amtrak and certain bus lines could be offered incentivising travel. Extra revenue for both the MTA and these other carriers could be generated. Making OMNY available for use in stores could further incentivise it. I would love it if all I needed was a single card to get anywhere from Boston to DC like I could have with Pasmo/Suica in Japan. Hell, add in the Ferries. I really hope they don't stop with basic fare payment functionalities. There is so much potential here that would bring in revenue.
  21. These editors ears will tell you that there are definitely similarities between the R143 and R179 inverters. Instead of rolling in the sound, the R179s inverters have harder transitions like ONIX. But the overall progression is the same while the pitch is higher. So I expect something similar when the R211 rolls around. Something different, but also the same in many aspects. The question is, by how much.
  22. Plochoci (or however you spell his name) just said the R211 is getting an Alstom propulsion system...
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