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RTS CNG Command

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Everything posted by RTS CNG Command

  1. I read comments from an anti-LGBT (and supposedly homophobic and transphobic) transsexual user on the Huffington Post, who's been hounding how using the word "transgender" is sex discrimination (especially to transsexuals like her). How is usage of the word "transgender" sex discrimination?

    1. Via Garibaldi 8

      Via Garibaldi 8

      They'll do anything to escape reality. I mean hey listen if you're gay you're gay, and if you're born a man, deal with it. If you're born a woman, deal with it. You are what you are. No point in trying to change your sexual gender and then b*tching about the word transgender...

  2. All set! This ox is heading to BronyCon! :D

  3. Watching "The Costco Craze."

  4. If Disney released Peter Pan today, it would be slammed so badly because of the blatant racial stereotypes and racist language towards Native Americans.

  5. Three more states, including Minnesota, legalized same-sex marriage. Illinois is prepared to campaign for gay marriage, and now (according to the Huffington Post) Virginia may be next.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RTS CNG Command

      RTS CNG Command

      New York already legalized it.


      >can't tell if sarcastic.

    3. User



    4. Via Garibaldi 8
  6. Things have seriously changed in Minnesota when it comes to same-sex rights over the past few months. Last November, there was a ballot to constitutionally ban gay marriage, only for it to be defeated. Now Minnesota will be the twelfth state to legalize same-sex marriage. ^__^

  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/08/merida-brave-makeover_n_3238223.html? <--- And as if Hasbro's sexification of Friendship Is Magic's Mane Six (into human-like anthros for Equestria Girls) is revolting enough. Pixar's Merida is being sexualized, too. *gag*
  8. Is hating the sexual slang term "circle jerk" to describe a group of like-minded "yes, men" more and more.

  9. FINALLY! Pay the Rent has been won! :D

  10. Uploading my NICE photos onto my Photobucket. My videos will be uploaded once I consolidate them.

  11. *sigh* Nothing like a really good night's sleep after twelve hours of NICE busfanning.

  12. - And now with another NICE-style flipdot, but with an express! Behold the bxm7!
  13. - Furthermore, there's one new big resource for making Luminator signs, although some of the characters are designed a bit differently than what we see in NICE, Bee-Line, the New York City PBLs, and the MTA. You can find it here.
  14. Another day, another NICE-style sign! This time, however, I decided to create one for the M34A Select. Check it out below!
  15. I'll be getting to yours soon, Threxx. Meanwhile, I created a fantasy idea borrowing one of your fantasy routes that you requested me to map out from another thread last year: the Q51 from Forest Hills to Broadway Junction. Unlike the MTA, current NICE routes use a lowercase letter to indicate the county (or company, for NICE is lowercase). Here, I decided to use the format of the typical NICE routes, using separate keyframes for each piece of information.
  16. I thought Willis McGahee's injury during the 2003 BCS Title Game was the most graphic injury I've seen in a live sports event. Kevin Wade's injury between Duke and Louisville easily topped that, and I wish that wasn't true. Poor kid. :(

    1. Threxx


      They said his surgery went well, so hopefully he can recover from this.

    2. Around the Horn

      Around the Horn

      it was just plain horrible...

  17. I may not have Facebook or Twitter, but it doesn't mean I can't use the marriage equality logo to support gay marriage!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Threxx


      And also, don't try to steer the topic away from gay rights... You're saying the federal government shouldn't be involved in civil rights... which is asinine of itself... I apologize to RTS for making his status into a political debate, but some things need to be said.

    3. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      It's not "civil rights" in everyone's opinion. People (including myself) believe marriage is between a man and a woman (however I do not care if the states allow same-sex marriage) and allowing the states to decide is a win-win for everyone. Places where the people want it can have it, and where the people don't want it let them not allow/ban it. Like it or not, this country is divided and that's not gonna change, hell that's what makes this great nation so great....

    4. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      ...*cont'd* You libs have to stop trying to force your agenda on everyone.

  18. *commenting on "Pay the Rent"* Someone put the least expensive product in the mailbox, and she STILL could've won the $100,000! O__O

  19. Had a great Passover party with hilarious reading of a quick Haggadah, latkas, salmon, chopped liver, and homemade marshmallows (to name a few).

  20. Is think of developing a NICE-style flipdot/Horizon for the five boroughs.

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