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Everything posted by +Young+

  1. Have you tried reaching out to the "higher ups," whose contact information can be viewed here? And yes, as per the "Civil Service" Rules and Regulations, you can restore your name back to the list a maximum of three [3] times. The list for 9604 doesn't expire until November of 2023, so you're good for the time being. Good luck!!
  2. First of all, as per the guidelines, if you can refrain from "bumping topics," it would be appreciated. After all, you made three [3] consecutive posts in this topic within three calendar days, so just try to be careful in the future. I do not have the phone number handy, however, to make a long story short, they will ask you to fill out this PDF packet, which you can save on your desktop/laptop/tablet, and e-mail it back to employmentcenterbuses@nyct.com or employmentcenter@nyct.com. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, preferably in one post, compared to three posts. Thanks!
  3. For those who make it through the 10-Day Training Session, they will have a mini "pick," in list number order. At this mini "pick," you will be able to choose your location depending on the number of vacancies that are available at the depots. Congrats! And your list number is 10**, which is from 1000 to 1099, right? To my knowledge you still need to make an appointment...the link is in the green announcement box at the top of this webpage. Good luck!!
  4. As per the guidelines of the website, if you can please "post in the relevant forum," which can be found here, it would be truly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. @Lawrence St - I just sent you a Private Message (PM) in regards to this.
  6. First of all, for the purpose of getting hired, those famous Defensive Driving Classes do not count. Therefore, whatever points you have, you just have to wait three [3] years for them to expire. Mind I ask when in 2018 did you get your 2 point ticket? The reason why I'm asking is because the agency will hire you if you have up to four [4] points on your license. If you have five or more, you will not be able to proceed. Therefore, if I was you, I would run off your abstract, which they will also do, see what you have and take it from there. Just note that they look at the past three [3] years, so if you got your 2 point ticket on July 15th, 2018 or earlier, you should be good to go. (If you live in New York, click here for more information on how to obtain your abstract online.) Good luck!!
  7. To make a long story short, it's the same. The only difference is for MaBSTOA (OA) and MTA Bus Company (BC), your list numbers are in random order, while for NYC Transit (TA), the list numbers are determined by how well you did on a multiple-choice Civil Service Examination, in addition to the fact that the agency is supposed to follow the "Civil Service" Rules and Regulations of the City of New York as well. Good luck!!
  8. So I've been thinking about this for a little bit, and I'm going with a 80% "No" answer and a 20% "Yes" answer. Here's why: -As far as the 20% "Yes" answer, there's that famous quote "You never know until you try." If you type this into Google, you'll see where I'm coming from, especially if you live within a reasonable distance from Livingston Street and you have the extra time to go there. -As far as the 80% "No" answer, they will be looking over your paperwork several times, which includes your abstract. As soon as they see that something is "pending," you will be automatically disqualified. In addition, if you happen to get through the Human Resources Department, if I recall correctly, the folks at Zerega will run their own abstract, which is similar to the first two pages of this PDF document. Therefore, as soon as they see that something is "pending," you will be automatically disqualified until it is rectified one way or another. My sincere apologies if I hurt your feelings.
  9. It depends on when they run your abstract. If they run your abstract before you get the permit, then you will be automatically disqualified. If they run your abstract after you get the permit, then you should be good. Keep in mind that, as we know, when you send an e-mail message, it's timestamped on both the sender's end and the person receiving it as well, therefore this may have a factor. Offhand, if you look at the second page of this PDF document, you know that the A3 (Medical Certification Exempt) restriction and a few others are acceptable for the MTA, right? Therefore, if you don't have your "physical" permit, I would try to get this document as soon as possible. You can get the physical done later and then submit the MCSA-5876 form to the DMV to have the "A3" restriction removed, respectively. -Young
  10. You're welcome. From my perspective, this is the first time this happened, therefore I'm going to wait, see what they say, and take it from there. You should definitely hear back from me before Friday.
  11. Wow, and they didn't turn you away, since, from my perspective, you can't have anything pending? Interesting. I'm going to ask @SevenEleven and @Flatbush Operator for their responses then I'll post mine. I'm just speechless by your quote.
  12. First of all, did you fill out the pre-employment background sheet and e-mail it back to them? Interesting. Anyways, if my memory recalls, didn't you have the same problem when you sent paperwork in for a Bus Operator Position with MTA Bus Company back in December of 2020? If not, then click here to refresh your mind. As you said in your post back in December of 2020, "the process can not keep going forward cause i have 2 pending tickets." Should be self-explanatory.
  13. First of all, congrats on passing the road test! As far as what list number they are up to, if you click here, you will see that someone in the 430s (430 - 439) received the canvass e-mail for the next list, Exam #9604. Therefore, the phone number(s) that you are looking for are either (347) 643 7413, which can be found on the bottom of the first page of this PDF document, or either (347) 643 8229/30/31/32. In addition, have you considered restoring your name to the list via DCAS? If not, the instructions to do so can be found in the green announcement box located at the top of this webpage. Finally, have you considered sending an e-mail to employmentcenter@nyct.com or employmentcenterbuses@nyct.com to see what they have to say? Good luck!!
  14. First of all, welcome to the Forums @Ant190! Glad to have you on-board! Second, in the event you are not aware, one of the many guidelines states to "post in the relevant forum," which can be found here. As you can tell, I answered another member's question in that forum within this past week. Therefore, if you can kindly "post in the relevant forum" going forward, compared to making a brand new topic/thread, it would be appreciated. Again, welcome to the Forums!!
  15. You're welcome. Like I've said, to make a long story short, if you have taken a drug (urine) test in the private sector, it's the same thing, the only difference is that you have to wait a lot longer.
  16. (I thought someone else who is currently a TA employee was going to answer the question, that's why I'm late on posting an answer. My sincere apologies.) I would first encourage you to read this PDF brochure about Drug & Alcohol testing. To answer your question, from all the drug tests that I've taken in the private sector and for the MTA, not only is this optional, and sometimes recommended, but they also tell you to take this with you in the event the Medical Review Officer (MRO) calls you. As an example: I have a slight medical condition which I've had for over two decades and I take two medications on a regular basis. Since these are the only two medications I take, besides the over-the-counter Vitamin C, and once in a while Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, this, that, etc., I don't have to make a list of medications, since the list is short. I've had this slight medical condition for over 20 years and I've taken several drug (urine) tests and no MRO has called and/or said anything to me. Another example: A family member of mine has to take over 5 pills on a regular basis, for several conditions, including high blood pressure. He always keeps an updated list of medications with him, in the event something happens. Therefore, if the MRO decides to call my family member, he will have the list ready right there and then, wherever he is, to try to figure out why he tested positive for drugs. -Young
  17. Click here to view the specific YouTube video. The statistics can be seen from 1 minute, 20 seconds to 1 minute, 30 seconds. As a side note, this video was published in May of 2014, and since then, the road test to obtain a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) has gotten harder, which now includes an inspection of the engine compartment. For more information about this, click here. Finally, my apologies in advance for repeating myself and/or being annoying about this, however, for those who are currently and/or about to go through the initial 10-Day Training Session, have you considered looking at the handouts? Good luck!!
  18. From the perspective of someone who failed the initial 10-Day Training Session, one of the things which I would recommend is to use your CLP (Commercial Learner's Permit) to take a few lessons on a bus at a local driving school or two, depending upon where you live, how much time and money you have to spend, etc. This way, not only would you avoid getting any "bad habits," but you won't be 100% cold like I was, when it comes time to operating a 40-foot Bus within the streets of New York City. Good luck!!
  19. First of all, welcome to the Forums! Second, if anything is pending, this would be an automatic disqualification. Depending on the severity, I would just pay it, accept whatever points and move on. Just note that those famous "Defensive Driving Classes" do not count towards having your points removed. Third, as some people on the Forums already know, one of the things which the folks at "Employment Operations" are going to do is to run your Standard Driving Record, aka "abstract." Did you know that you can run off your own abstract to see what is and what is not on there? For those of you who live in New York, click here for more information. Good luck!!
  20. +Young+


    My apologies if I'm going "harsh" on you, however, since you made so many threads, have you looked at the guidelines, which includes "posting in the relevant forum" and "bumping topics" as well? If you can kindly adhere to these rules, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  21. +Young+


    My apologies if I'm going "harsh" on you, however, since you made so many threads, have you looked at the guidelines, which includes "posting in the relevant forum" and "bumping topics" as well? If you can kindly adhere to these rules, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  22. +Young+


    My apologies if I'm going "harsh" on you, however, since you made so many threads, have you looked at the guidelines, which includes "posting in the relevant forum" and "bumping topics" as well? If you can kindly adhere to these rules, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  23. +Young+


    My apologies if I'm going "harsh" on you, however, since you made so many threads, have you looked at the guidelines, which includes "posting in the relevant forum" and "bumping topics" as well? If you can kindly adhere to these rules, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
  24. Offhand, did they give you folks "ticket numbers" or anything to that nature when you came in? Waiting six [6] hours for your name to be called, after submitting paperwork which was already looked over seems "fishy," however that's just me...
  25. You're welcome. As far as your situation is concerned, as soon as anything changes (permanent address, job situation, etc.) I would update the packet and re-send it as soon as possible. I would not wait until your called in for the pre-employment, however this is just me. The final decision is yours. Good luck!!
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