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Everything posted by +Young+

  1. First, have you considered calling the Office of the President at 646-252-5800 to try to get this rectified? Second, have you tried reaching out to the Vice President of Human Resources to get this rectified? Third, you mentioned the title of "Bus Operator." Mind I ask: What exam number were you hoping to get hired off of? As soon as you can answer this question, we can guide you better. Unfortunately, with the exams for MaBSTOA (OA) and MTA Bus Company (BC), this is a one-time opportunity until the next examination and/or list comes out. Fourth, I do have some good news: As you know, when you do the pre-employment paperwork, which can be seen in this PDF document, on pages 13 and 14, they only ask you to disclose any drug tests for the past two [2] years. And, as of this typing, to my knowledge, they are not registered nor do they bother checking the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, hopefully you should be good to go in August of 2024. In the meantime, good luck getting this rectified. You're not the only one who has had issues with Human Resources - trust me.
  2. Ever since I got demoted from the Moderator position, I have not been keeping up to snuff with what others have been posting. Therefore, I'm going to let someone else "chime" in who has been recently through this. A = Air leakage rate test (hold service brake down, should not lose more than 3 psi in one minute) L = Low Air warning signal check (pump brake until approximately 60 psi, should hear and see warning devices) S = Spring Brake check (pump brake until approximately 30 psi, parking brake should pop out) A = Air compressor cut-off check (start engine, air compressor should cut-off at approximately 120 psi, do wrap-around while this is taking place. Step on the gas pedal to speed this up if necessary) P = Parking Brake check (put vehicle in gear without pushing in parking brake, vehicle should not move) S = Service Brake check (push in parking brake, move vehicle 50 feet, service brake should work) (psi = pounds per square inch) If you want to watch a video of this, check out the first five minutes of this YouTube video. In addition, if you play around with YouTube, it is a similar procedure for the big School Buses that have Air Brakes. Good luck!!
  3. They still need to go through the 10-Day Training Session regardless. As far as the DMV road test, if you already have your Class B CDL with a Passenger Endorsement, you do not need to take the road test. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  4. This NYPD Test Prep Kit. And I would take the memorization portion seriously. Good luck and welcome to the Forums!!
  5. First of all, this is not the first time that the folks on the 5th Floor of 180 Livingston Street have lied. The folks at "Employment Operations" lied to me the last time I was there. Even with the medical diagnosis that the MAC (Medical Assessment Center) diagnosed me with in 2014, I haven't seen the specialist for this "medical diagnosis" in years. Second, although you are new to the Forums, I just sent you a Private Message (PM) with my e-mail address (They can be found on the top right hand of the screen by clicking on the round speech bubble icon). If you can send me an e-mail message, I would appreciate it. If you cannot access your Private Messages (PMs), let me know and I'll come up with an alternate solution.
  6. If you wish to view your list number, click here and either type "2611" or your last name in the search box. Just note that if you type "2611" into the search box, and you put the list numbers in descending order (highest to lowest), this particular list only contains 837 (Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven) names. If you're saying "Ouch," you're not the only one with this reaction. As far as an idea of how long before they start to reach out to us, all I have to say is "Take an educated guess and go with it."
  7. Try clicking on the following links. They work on my end with no problem whatsoever. Video #1 Video #2 Video #3 Video #4 Video #5 Video #6 Video #7 Hope this does the trick. If not, have you considered using a different computer or electronic device? Keep in mind that anyone, including ourselves, can view these links and this post without logging into our accounts. Good luck!!
  8. If you click here, and you type in either "9618" or your last name into the search box, you will see that this list does not expire until September of 2025. Therefore, this should be one of the last things to worry about. If you folks want to know when they will be hiring again, **click here ** (type "09618" into the search box) and/or **click here.** Normally these websites are updated first, and then the agency, regardless if it is NYC Transit, NYC DOT, FDNY, NYPD, Sanitation, etc., will start contacting the prospective candidates, respectfully. **I would recommend to check these websites on a regular basis for any updates, which anyone can do 24/7/365, except when they down for maintenance once a month on a Saturday evening for a couple of hours.**
  9. You folks might want to check out this post, which, as of this typing, is less than six [6] hours old. Good luck!!
  10. Since this is a Civil Service List, you have to restore your name to the list thru the Dept. of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). If you wish to speak to someone, call 212-669-1357 and ask for the List, Management and Audit unit on business days. If you call at exactly 9 AM or 9:05 AM, the "wait" time on the phone should be minimal. If you try calling later in the day, the wait time will just get longer and longer. As far as how long to "wait" after you e-mail them - I do not have a concrete answer to this question. Sorry.
  11. The "initial" vaccine is mandatory. The "booster" shot is optional.
  12. Follow the instructions which are in the green announcement box located at the top of this webpage. Should be self-explanatory.
  13. So 42 divided by 60 equals 0.70. Move the decimal point two places to the right, and you got a 70%. According to the top of the first page of the Notice of Examination, which can be viewed here, it states the following: "MTA New York City Transit anticipates hiring provisional Bus Operators approximately two months after each examination period ends. Candidates who receive a passing score on the examination will be considered for employment based on their multiple-choice examination scores." In addition, if you look at the Proposed Answer Keys, for Exam # 2611, the last examination was administered on May 14th, 2022, so maybe the middle of July? Only time will tell.
  14. I actually disagree with the prior post. As far as a study guide, I would use this and this NYPD Test Prep Kit. Just note that, while the context of the examination will be similar, the examination we will be taking, or already took (for those who took Exam # 2611) are geared towards a Bus Operator's position and not a Police Officer. Here are a few examples: -For the memorization, which I highly recommend you take seriously, it will be the picture of a single fictitious bus route compared to a crime scene or suspects or anything to that nature. -For the Reading Comprehension, Written Comprehension Written Expression, Problem Sensitivity, etc., everything will be based on a Bus Operator's position, such as reporting or following instructions from your dispatcher, a basic question involving the pre-trip, etc. If you want more help with the memorization, send me a Private Message (PM) and we'll take it from there.
  15. True...we'll see what happens. Thanks for the encouraging words, I appreciate it.
  16. With a list number in the 2200's, I was there this morning from approximately 7:30 to 8:15 AM. If anyone saw somebody on the "stocky" side wearing a white polo collared shirt with black jeans with black sneakers, it was me!! As I reflect on the paperwork that I submitted, one of the things which I regret doing is listing the fact that I failed the 10-Day Bus Operator Training Session back in February of 2014, especially since the bottom of *this post* came to my mind. As a result, at approximately 8:15 AM, one of the employees called me up and stated that since I worked for the agency in a different title, the "Hiring Manager" has to review my paperwork and get back to me. Therefore, I would not be surprised if I get another "1-in-3" letter, respectively. (*Although I quoted a post which is six years old, why is it that the agency is still using the 1-in-3 rule? Therefore, is it just me, or is this part of the on-going "corruption" within this agency to begin with?*) Good luck to everyone else out there!!
  17. So I got my Admission Letter in the mail today for Exam 2612 on Tuesday, July 5th, 8:30 AM at 180 Livingston Street in Downtown Brooklyn. However, it states the following: "As stated in the Notice of Examination, you are required to pay a $20.00 Exam Processing fee in the form of a money order that you MUST bring to your test." Does anyone else's Admission Letter state this? How come we did not have to pay a Processing fee for Exam 2611? Thanks in advance for the replies, I appreciate it.
  18. Definitely! The only three things you have to lose are the following: a) Study time b) Taking the exam on a Saturday or Sunday c) The application fee ($68.00) As they say, "you never know until you try," right?
  19. Back in the day, I was a mathematics major, therefore: -If you got 42 questions correct, 42 divided by 60 equals 0.70. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 70%. (NOTE: This is the passing score.) -If you got 45 questions correct, 45 divided by 60 equals 0.75. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 75%. -If you got 48 questions correct, 48 divided by 60 equals 0.80. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 80%. -If you got 51 questions correct, 51 divided by 60 equals 0.85. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 85%. -If you got 54 questions correct, 54 divided by 60 equals 0.90. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 90%. -If you got 57 questions correct, 57 divided by 60 equals 0.95. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 95%. -If you got 60 questions correct, 60 divided by 60 equals 1.00. Move the decimal points two places to the right, which gives you 100%. (Congrats!!)
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