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Status Updates posted by 4P3607

  1. 13+ years on this site! 🤯 THANK YOU NYCTF for being an awesome resource and a place to share useful Transit Information.

    Fun Fact: This is the last place online where I use my original username from 2009 (along with YouTube). You may find me at Trackwerk or "R46 5636" on social media or other forums. 

    *Catch your last Orion OG shots before they're all retired!*

    - Gordon

  2. Orion VII #3607, my namesake on this site, has retired. I wonder if it's time for a new username... 

    I'm considering using my IG handle. I know whom to contact in order to have my username changed, of which I will once I decide I'm no longer attached to my original username lol. (It's a bit unique having a name that starts with a number, but I've stopped using it for new accounts since 2012).

    Think it's time for an upgrade? 🤔

  3. Been nearly 12 years on this site. I appreciate every part of it and everyone who contributes information. Looking forward to many more years here.

    Also, frustratingly can't change my Profile Pic, error message every time. I don't think anyone else ever uploaded a Budd UTV as their PFP, but so far I'm not either.

    Edit: Fixed, the file I was using may have been too large. Regardless, thankful that I could! 

  4. I'm writing a public message on my feed for the first time in a long time. 

    Hope y'all doing well and enjoying your time.

    Just gonna leave this clue in the midst of recent transit events:

    September 9, 1964 -to- October 8, 2020. Thank you for your service. The show is over, SO FAR. 

    Sure the news will be out there by the time anyone figures this out ;)

  5. Who's going to the Parade of Trains coming up on Brighton? (June 17 - 18)

  6. It seems Corona is getting back some R62A's, This will be interesting as CBTC is scheduled to start next month. (Correct me if there's any new info on this).

  7. It seems the two R62A sets left on the (7) still run at any time during the day. Yesterday I passed 33 Street around 12 AM and one was heading to Manhattan.

  8. How is it June already... .-.

  9. So who's ready for Saturday's snowstorm?

    1. NewFlyer504


      It's upon you now. It seems it will miss me though.

  10. Who else enjoyed the TOMC trip over the weekend?

    1. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      Didn't ride it, but I heard I missed out on some action lol.

  11. Caught 7449 on the Q72 earlier. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some pics and vids of it later.

  12. I love coming to this website when I take breaks from Facebook. It's nice to see a community of civilized people that don't waste their time over personal drama. And better yet, it focuses on what I am and always will be interested in - transit.

    1. BM5 via Woodhaven
    2. 4P3607


      Thanks, but I check every week or two :P

    3. Missabassie


      Facebook sucks monkey b***s!!

  13. It's hard to believe that I've been on these forums for over four years now. Where did time go? Man, life is so much different now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daniel The Cool

      Daniel The Cool

      I remember joining when NYCTF was Brand New. Damn I was 12 years old


    3. PATCOman


      I've been here for around 8 years. You have really matured 3607 over the years.

    4. 4P3607


      Yes I have. Glad to see people are beginning to realize that.

  14. It's amazing what caffeine does to me. I completed those signs faster than I ever did before.

    1. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      lol what u got the caffeine from soda or coffee?


    2. 4P3607
  15. You see I would work on making signs again but my computer is so unbearably slow that there's no fun in doing it. I've been using my Kindle since late October and I haven't really done much on my computer since then except print shipping labels.

  16. Hey. I know I'm about a year and a half late, but to answer your question, MIXXD was one of the drinks made by Monster Energy. I was looking at my old post and saw your question now.

  17. This is the last site where I use this username. Kind of nostalgic in a way. I was planning to switch it to "R46 5636".

  18. I post here a lot less often now that I have a FB account (Lots more information on FB), but still participate. It's nice to sometimes take a break from all the FB Drama.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      I prob have 20 tabs in my Chrome right now and I don't even go on fb lol

    3. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      I would argue that more computer users are multitasking....


      I have seen video captures of enough people's web browsers, where they have (what appears to be) at least 50 tabs open....


      On average, I have about 10-15 tabs open... And in another browser session, another 5 or 6....

    4. peacemak3r


      That's what I'm saying, I have about 15 chrome tabs and 10 firefox tabs open. At least 9 of the tabs are various forums including this one. I do have FB open but, let's be real, I'm "working"

  19. Last day of Summer Vacation. Looking back on this summer, it actually went by slower than previous summers. I guess it's because I actually did productive things. It still went by fast though, and so will next school year. It's September and next thing you know it's June. Hope you guys had a great summer as well! Looking forward to see what will happen next school year as I'm changing schools.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      At least it was comfortable compared to last year, in which it was HOT almost every day.

    3. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      that's the problem lol. no good beach days or nothing.

    4. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      well, that is true lol. Though, the cool sea breeze is always a nice little bonus.

  20. Anyone know where tomorrow's fantrip will run? I want to get a picture of it going down at Hamilton Beach but I don't know what time it will be there.

    1. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      leaves the museum 1130 iirc

    2. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      goes down to rock park, does a few roundtrips between rock park and rock blvd and leaves 116 for bedford park at 4 or so

  21. Anyone here a fan of Monster Energy?

    1. peacemak3r


      The drink? Some taste okay, some don't taste good at all. It's my last resort choice if a Red Bull is not available.

    2. 4P3607


      Yes. I have a bunch of rare flavors and I'm trying to sell them.


  22. So I turn on my laptop and the screen is broken...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peacemak3r


      If you think Asus is really a piece of shit, you don't know your technology.

    3. 4P3607


      I didn't mean the whole screen was broken. It's just there's a black blob on the top center-left part of the screen with a crack running down the screen. Somehow it cracked but I don't remember doing anything to the computer. BTW this is the new Acer Aspire one 725-0802 I have, not the ASUS netbook.

    4. 4P3607


      I'm planning on getting a computer that runs really fast. Also want one with a big screen (thinking of a Desktop). I'm sick of getting computers that run slow.

  23. Oggy and the Cockroaches is a great show.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      the bug guy is the lefrak city mascot

    3. 4P3607


      No that's Joey from Oggy & the Cockroaches.

    4. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      he should be the lefrak mascot

  24. Signs can't be done tonight. I'm going to be up all night making up school work.

    1. 4P3607


      I've completed all the animated signs except for the exterior signs. Static signs next.

  25. Really sorry about the Animated LCD/LED signs thread. I know I'm terrible at keeping my word. This Sunday I'll do any requests waiting on that page, and every Sunday from there I'll try to get requests done. Now that the school year is nearing it's end, I'll have some more time to go on the computer and finish requests. Thanks for requesting!

    1. Harry


      You're going to get the ability to lock your own your topic until you're ready to work on them again

    2. 4P3607


      Ok good. It's just that I haven't had time with school but now that Summer is approaching I should have more time.

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