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j express

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Everything posted by j express

  1. I noticed that the SMEEs run often more on the during the summer.
  2. I heard that Jamaica R46s will go to C.I but I doubt that and C.I sends most of its R160s to Jamaica.
  3. The CBTC R160s 8313-8364 can also run on the . If the R143 SMS starts, I think the would use the CBTC R160s and have the or the use the R32.
  4. SAT test wasnt so bad after all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peacemak3r


      Back in my day, SAT's high score was 1600. Pft, I did horrible. 1300.

    3. Broadway Local

      Broadway Local

      I got 126 on my PSAT, still wondering what'll score I'd get next year when i take it!

    4. j express

      j express

      I took it on Saturday. The test from what I heard is easy not hard.

  5. Caught boith blue and white R160s on the today.
  6. Expect serious over crowding on the during the p.m rush if it dosent get fixed.
  7. I wonder when was the last time an R40 ran on the ? I know its in 2009 but what month? When did the Brighton rehab start?
  8. I remember back in January or February on a weekday, I caught 3 R42s and 1 R32 on the back to back after the p.m rush. It depends whether they need the R42s/R32s or not. Last two weekends ago on a Saturday, I came down to the lower level of Jamaica Center and see a 5 p.m put in R42 from the back of Jamaica Center and I saw two other R42s that day.
  9. I wished I can ride an R46 but its very very very very unlikey it could happen.
  10. As long it says , the passengers wouldnt care. Even though, I have seen (B)s with wrong rollsigns the passengers still know its a .
  11. I was at Roosevelt Av today from 9 A.M to 1 P.M. This is what I got: 1, R160A 9673-9677 and 9578-9582 2, R160A 9728-9732 and 9383-9387 3, R160A 9368-9372 and 9768-9772 4, R160A 9758-9762 and 9463-9467 5, R160A 9393-9397 and 9503-9507 6, R160A 9743-9747 and 9543-9547 7, R160A 9558-9562 and 9628-9632 8, R160A 9528-9532 and 9523-9527 9, R160A/B 9328-9332 and 9208-9212 10, R160A 9678-9682 and 9778-9782 11, R160A 9718-9722 and 9283-9287 12, R160A 9638-9642 and 9258-9262 13, R160A/B 9228-9232 and 9468-9472 1, R160A 9233-9237 and 9708-9712 2, R46 5742-5745 and 5550-5553 3, R160A/B 9268-9272 and 9223-9227 4, R160A 9783-9787 and 9363-9367 5, R160A 9583-9587 and 9293-9297 6, R160A 9763-9767 and 9438-9442 7, R46 5626-5629 and 5646-5649 8, R160A/B 9273-9277 and 9818-9822 9, R160A 9623-9627 and 9413-9417 10, R160A 9598-9602 and 9408-9412 11, R160A/B 9738-9742 and 9848-9852 12, R160A 9793-9797 and 9403-9407 13, R160A/B 9883-9887 and 9453-9457 14, R46 5698-5701 and 5554-5557 15, R160A 9798-9802 and 9333-9337 16, R160A 9428-9432 and 9433-9437 17, R160A/B 9308-9312 and 9193-9197 18, R160A 9443-9447 and 9588-9592 19, R160A 9548-9552 and 9298-9302 20, R160A 9668-9672 and 9698-9702 21, R160A 9723-9727 and 9378-9382 1, R46 5638-5641 and 5818-5821 2, R160B 9843-9847 and 9828-9832 3, R160A/B 9608-9612 and 9918-9922 4, R160A/B 9863-9867 and 9533-9537 5, R160A 9398-9402 and 9613-9617 6, R160A/B 9868-9872 and 9388-9392 7, R160A 9703-9707 and 9303-0307 8, R160A 9448-9452 and 9473-9477 9, R160A 9488-9492 and 9788-9792 10, R46 5602-5605 and 5586-5589 11, R160B 9803-9807 and 9888-9892 12, R160A 9663-9667 and 9278-9282 13, R160A/B 9923-9927 and 9603-9607 14, R160A 9508-9512 and 9593-9597 15, R160A/B 9633-9637 and 9853-9857 16, R46 5810-5813 and 5494-5497 17, R46 5758-5761 and 5546-5549 18, R46 5774-5777 and 5578-5581 19, R160A 9243-9247 and 9523-9527 20, R160A 9288-9292 and 9538-8542 Total trains: 54. Total R160s: 460, 61% in service. Total R46s 64, 19% in service. Total Jamaica Yard cars in service 524, 48% fleet in service. Some facts: Surprised that there were less R46s . The runs a good amount of R46s if you wait a while. There are more R160s on weekends than R46s.
  12. The uses sets from the Jamaica. C.I once in a while will loan its own R160s to the southern . Today I saw 5 R46s on the and 3 R46s on the . Are weekend put ins/outs are done in C.I?
  13. I think they have to move between cars in order to do that.
  14. Is there an M put in from ENY that begins at Myrtle?
  15. Has that R32 set ran on the before? I remember during when C.I had one set of R32s, I heard that set ran on the .
  16. If the R32s go to C.I I would see them go on the , Since its a weekday route but the are better since they go out more and their terminals are outdoors.
  17. I think there will be more R32s sent to ENY which means that some R32s will appear on the M.
  18. There are R46s on the F on weekends. On Saturday I saw like about 8 R46s on the F and 3 R46s on the R.
  19. I also heard foamers changing rollsigns on the R32 R.
  20. That R32 got held at 36 St for a while.
  21. I had fun on the R32 R but in my opinions thing went way out of hand

    1. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      I rode in the back car from 59th to Woodhaven. No foamers, no BS, just a nice ride to somewhere I had to be anyways and a back RFW video (beats fighting for the regular RFW up front).

    2. 4P3607


      Stop going to Queens Center :P


  22. Is the vibration testing still going on?
  23. I heard about that set running in the p.m rush. But going to Whitehall St aint worth it unlike the full route.
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