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Well, that's the point of weighting it, isn't it? I mean, it's the same thing at my school: A lot of kids are getting 80s & 90s when they could be getting a 95 in the regular version of the class. So the weighting helps bring their average to (roughly) where it would be otherwise.


And he says he went to Sheepshead, but that was back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. :P


In what universe does a weighted average of 86 roughly equal an unweighted of 95 (just using an example)? This is the type of thing i'm commenting on here and i'm sure other high schools have students like this as well.
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Nope, regular high school. This must be a new thing... I mean 103 average... Give me a break... I knew a chick that had nothing but AP classes and she had a GPA in the high 90s....



Yeah, because my school isn't the only school that does it. I know for a fact SI Tech does it that way too, and apparently his school up in The Bronx does/did it. In any case, it's not like I get some kind of unfair advantage because the other kids who do well in their AP classes and everything also have 100+ averages.


In what universe does a weighted average of 86 roughly equal an unweighted of 95 (just using an example)? This is the type of thing i'm commenting on here and i'm sure other high schools have students like this as well.



What do you mean? I think it's possible for the grade to be 10% lower. I mean, if you think about it, in AP classes, most of the material comes from the big, heavy textbooks they give you to read at home, not the material covered in class, so it's that much harder to absorb the knowledge.

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Weighing averages for AP/Honors classes is the norm in every high school (I think).. I go to Catholic school and my averages are weighted, like I take Honors Geometry, and I got an 82, but it goes on my transcript as an 86. Same for History (got a 93; goes in as a 97), Science (got a 90; goes in as a 93) and English (got an 88; goes in as a 91). Its not spoiled or anything, it basically congratulates us for doing extra work and stuff. You could easily get a 95 or 100 in a regular class, but getting a 90 or 95 in an HONORS class, is more rewarding, well IMO. Idk bout AP classes as I'm only going to be a junior and I'm only taking AP Psychology, but I'm sure its the same thing...

Edited by MTAFanBoy512
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I think the weighing also helps college admission counselors. If they review a students transcript and see averages constantly around or exceeding 100 they can assume that the particular student took Honors/AP classes and can give them special consideration accordingly. Colleges these days are extremely competitive and anything to give students an edge should be encouraged. Heck, my cumulative average of 98 (I took no AP's sophomore year) couldn't get me into Columbia or NYU :o. Although now, i'm not complaining given tuition rates at those schools.


Side note: I was throwing in a little rebuttal to account for the many students placed into AP classes who aren't cut out for them. For them grades and college chances get worse because counselors just assume a high grade in a regular class equals capability in a more challenging class. People don't realize laziness is a huge problem among high school students (especially the ones I graduated with).

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The kids of today... SPOILED beyond belief... <_<



Yeah, OK. You're the one scared to go into areas like Port Richmond & Kingsbridge, and we're the spoiled ones. :rolleyes: I would love to see your reaction if you had to do the same walk I did this afternoon. (Start at Broadway & Castleton, walk along Castleton to Jewett, and then go south over to Forest). And I saw a whole bunch of "scary Blacks & Hispanics" along the way too. <_< (On a side note, one of the girls I saw at Castleton & Broadway was really good-looking).


Aside from that, what's the difference? Before, the smartest kids in the school were getting 98s & 99s. Now they're getting 102s & 103s. It's not like the kids are getting a free pass or anything.


Besides, if you have two students with the same average in their classes and you're trying to decide who should be the valedictorian, doesn't it make sense that the person who took the AP version of the class should be the valedictorian instead of the one who took the Honors version? I guess under your system, it wouldn't matter that the AP student put in the extra effort. <_<


I think the weighing also helps college admission counselors. If they review a students transcript and see averages constantly around or exceeding 100 they can assume that the particular student took Honors/AP classes and can give them special consideration accordingly. Colleges these days are extremely competitive and anything to give students an edge should be encouraged. Heck, my cumulative average of 98 (I took no AP's sophomore year) couldn't get me into Columbia or NYU :o. Although now, i'm not complaining given tuition rates at those schools.


Side note: I was throwing in a little rebuttal to account for the many students placed into AP classes who aren't cut out for them. For them grades and college chances get worse because counselors just assume a high grade in a regular class equals capability in a more challenging class. People don't realize laziness is a huge problem among high school students (especially the ones I graduated with).



To be fair, it's already listed that you took Honors & AP classes. As far as the tuition goes, I heard Columbia is pretty generous with financial aid, and they probably give extra scholarships if you have high grades (I've heard of people getting full scholarships to Columbia and while their averages were obviously very high, they weren't the valedictorian or anything).


And yeah, I noticed that in the AP class as well (especially in the first one I took, which was World History). I think about 6 kids ended up being pulled out before the end of the year, and some of them really couldn't keep up (they were borderline failing and I think one of them actually did fail a marking period). Presumably, they did well with the regular curriculum, but they just couldn't handle the workload in the AP class (I guess they thought "It's just reading, not written homework, so I don't have to do it" and then when test time came around, of course they did poorly).


That's why I think 10% is fair as a bonus. I mean, maybe it could be a little bit less, but it's just simpler to do 5% and 10% instead of like 4% and 8% or something.

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Yeah, OK. You're the one scared to go into areas like Port Richmond & Kingsbridge, and we're the spoiled ones. :rolleyes: I would love to see your reaction if you had to do the same walk I did this afternoon. (Start at Broadway & Castleton, walk along Castleton to Jewett, and then go south over to Forest). And I saw a whole bunch of "scary Blacks & Hispanics" along the way too. <_< (On a side note, one of the girls I saw at Castleton & Broadway was really good-looking).


I don't know why you keep bringing that up for. FYI, two of my neighbors are Latinos... One is a mixed Latino (mainly Puerto Rican) and the other is a Latina, so I'd better pack up and move because my three neighbors on my floor are all minorities, not to mention that a large majority of my friends are Latinos and Latinas. <_< The other neighbor on my floor is an Asian chick. Could it be that they're not ghettofied?? Speaking of balls... Did you have any when you saw that chick?? :lol:


Aside from that, what's the difference? Before, the smartest kids in the school were getting 98s & 99s. Now they're getting 102s & 103s. It's not like the kids are getting a free pass or anything.


Besides, if you have two students with the same average in their classes and you're trying to decide who should be the valedictorian, doesn't it make sense that the person who took the AP version of the class should be the valedictorian instead of the one who took the Honors version? I guess under your system, it wouldn't matter that the AP student put in the extra effort. <_<



Give me a break... One should only get a 100 GPA for perfection... This crappola about 103 and all of that...

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I don't know why you keep bringing that up for. FYI, two of my neighbors are Latinos... One is a mixed Latino (mainly Puerto Rican) and the other is a Latina, so I'd better pack up and move because my three neighbors on my floor are all minorities, not to mention that a large majority of my friends are Latinos and Latinas. <_< The other neighbor on my floor is an Asian chick. Could it be that they're not ghettofied?? Speaking of balls... Did you have any when you saw that chick?? :lol:




Give me a break... One should only get a 100 GPA for perfection... This crappola about 103 and all of that...


You would kill the existence of AP classes as they are currently known.
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I don't know why you keep bringing that up for. FYI, two of my neighbors are Latinos... One is a mixed Latino (mainly Puerto Rican) and the other is a Latina, so I'd better pack up and move because my three neighbors on my floor are all minorities, not to mention that a large majority of my friends are Latinos and Latinas. <_< The other neighbor on my floor is an Asian chick. Could it be that they're not ghettofied?? Speaking of balls... Did you have any when you saw that chick?? :lol:


Give me a break... One should only get a 100 GPA for perfection... This crappola about 103 and all of that...



So what if your floor has all minorities? In this day and age, there are minorities everywhere. Aside from that, you keep on skirting the fact that I said Blacks and Hispanics. <_< And you keep on saying "Oh, I don't go to areas with Black people" like it makes you so much better than the rest of us. And you talk about how Canarsie is a crime-filled slum and how it was so wonderful back when it used to be all Italian and Jewish and all that (in fact, crime-wise, it's actually improved as it became a Black neighborhood: http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs069pct.pdf) Back in 1993, it was mostly White and the crime rate was 2-4 times higher than it is today, depending on what you like to use to measure crime (whether you want to use the robbery rate or the assault rate or whatever). Yeah, maybe the city overall was more dangerous back then, but even when you take that into account, it hasn't changed to a crime-filled slum (and its crime rate is below the citywide average)


And aside from that, even if you want to use income and all that, its citywide income is above the citywide average and its poverty rate is well below the citywide average (and it performs even better compared to the rest of Brooklyn). In fact, it performs even better than your old neighborhood.


http://www.city-data.com/neighborhood/Canarsie-Brooklyn-NY.html (Median income is $52,490 and the poverty rate is 12.9%)

http://www.city-data.com/neighborhood/Sheepshead-Bay-Brooklyn-NY.html (Median income is $46,382 and the poverty rate is 17.2%)


And don't start saying "Oh, well the projects in Sheepshead Bay bring down the income" because Canarsie also has projects and yet still has a higher median income.


As for the 100 being for perfection, well if they had taken the regular version of the class, they would've likely been perfect anyway.

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So what if your floor has all minorities? In this day and age, there are minorities everywhere. Aside from that, you keep on skirting the fact that I said Blacks and Hispanics. <_< And you keep on saying "Oh, I don't go to areas with Black people" like it makes you so much better than the rest of us. And you talk about how Canarsie is a crime-filled slum and how it was so wonderful back when it used to be all Italian and Jewish and all that (in fact, crime-wise, it's actually improved as it became a Black neighborhood: http://www.nyc.gov/h...cs/cs069pct.pdf) Back in 1993, it was mostly White and the crime rate was 2-4 times higher than it is today, depending on what you like to use to measure crime (whether you want to use the robbery rate or the assault rate or whatever). Yeah, maybe the city overall was more dangerous back then, but even when you take that into account, it hasn't changed to a crime-filled slum (and its crime rate is below the citywide average)


And aside from that, even if you want to use income and all that, its citywide income is above the citywide average and its poverty rate is well below the citywide average (and it performs even better compared to the rest of Brooklyn). In fact, it performs even better than your old neighborhood.


http://www.city-data...rooklyn-NY.html (Median income is $52,490 and the poverty rate is 12.9%)

http://www.city-data...rooklyn-NY.html (Median income is $46,382 and the poverty rate is 17.2%)


And don't start saying "Oh, well the projects in Sheepshead Bay bring down the income" because Canarsie also has projects and yet still has a higher median income.


As for the 100 being for perfection, well if they had taken the regular version of the class, they would've likely been perfect anyway.



The point was that I live with minorities even though whites are the majority in the building overall, so if I had such a problem with Latinos then obviously I wouldn't have moved to that building to begin with and I guess I'd better get rid of all of my Latino friends too since they're the majority of my friends (not to mention that my closest friends are Venezuelan and Colombian, both Latinos).


As for your other comment, what are you talking about? Leave it to you to take a comment and blow it out of proportion. The point was that I'm mainly in white areas either at work or in my neighborhood. Just the way it is. I don't know where you get all of this about me being better... :huh: Getting a tad bit carried away are we now... <_<


As for Canarsie, I think Roadcruiser was the one making the most comments on Canarsie anyway and even so I still stand by my comments. For all you know the crime rate could've been higher when white flight was happening in Canarsie.

Edited by Via Garibaldi 8
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As for Canarsie, I think Roadcruiser was the one making the most comments on Canarsie anyway and even so I still stand by my comments. For all you know the crime rate could've been higher when white flight was happening in Canarsie.



What the hell are you talking about? When it had more Whites, there was more crime. Now there's more Blacks and less crime. Crime was continuously decreasing between 1993 & 2011.


And in any case, my point still stands that you're one to talk about "being spoiled" while you look down on people who live in "lesser" neighborhoods. You talk about "Oh, well I wasn't scared of being robbed. I just couldn't handle the poverty." and then start talking about how I'm the one who's spoiled. :rolleyes: To get what? A Student MetroCard to ride those local buses (that you can't stand because the people there aren't "affluent" enough for you) just to get a high school education. Or to get a high average that isn't costing you or my parents or any of the taxpayers anything (In fact, with my high average, I should be allowed to skip classes and save the taxpayers money. Why the hell do they want me to take 2 periods of AP Calculus instead of one while they're strugging with a budget crisis?)


How the hell is it a luxury to get a high average anyway? Do I get to live in a bigger house or get some more electronic gadgets or wear better clothes just because the weighting gives me a few extra points? It's not like I had to bribe anybody to get a high grade: I know the material.

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What in the world are you talking about?? We were talking about GRADES and you went on this whole tangent about poor vs rich and all of this... :huh: The spoiled comment was about you guys being babied in terms of things being easier like being given high grades and such. Now can we give this a rest already?? You took a simple comment and made a big to do out of nothing about it. Jesus Christ. <_<

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What in the world are you talking about?? We were talking about GRADES and you went on this whole tangent about poor vs rich and all of this... :huh: The spoiled comment was about you guys being babied in terms of things being easier like being given high grades and such. Now can we give this a rest already?? You took a simple comment and made a big to do out of nothing about it. Jesus Christ. <_<



How is it easier? The classes are the same difficulty as they used to be. So we got higher grades than we would've back in the day. So what?

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John De Lancie brohoofed me. Had a nice little conversation with him about how I got there at 6:45AM before the staff! :D

He also called me "the biggest fan there" (a few other people called me that too) for getting to Bronycon before the staff, and three hours before somepony else. And this is someone who came in from NY. (Two hours of sleep ftw) The guy a few spaces behind me drove from ALASKA. BY HIMSELF. Had a fun time with everypony there. When the meadowlands staffed arrived around 7:30, hey turned on the A/C and it scared me at first. (It was LOUD, and it made the building shake) but I got to see the whole staff set up, talk with the documentary crews, and everypony completely flipping out at 9:00. Worried i'm going to be a little late tomorrow. (The 320 doesn't get until 7:20, and registation starts at 7) But i'm NOT waking up at 4:30 (again!) just to take PATH to Hoboken, then take the local bus to the convention center. But thats what happens when your first, amirite? But anyways, I got the first badge (#1696) and then ran after that bus cause I was TIRED. Everypony cheered when I got the stepped up to the place to get the badge (because it started an hour late, and i was first in line) Can't wait for tomorrow tough! Kinda screwed tough, because Bronycon ends at 2AM, and the last bus leaves at 12:30. Ehh, worst comes to worst i'll crash with one of the guys staying at the hotels there.

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It would fizzle out real fast in this heat though... :ph34r:


Eh, I'm not so sure about that. I've been known to wear a sweater while everybody's complaining about the heat in the late spring.


Though I've got to admit, walking around definitely heats you up, though. Yesterday, I came into Wendy's drenched in sweat, after having walked all the way from West Brighton, and then I still had to walk another 25 minutes to get home. :o As you can imagine, I appreciated the cool air once I finally got home.

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lol.... Well I don't have AC and i'm thinking that I may not even bother with it. It's amazing how cool the place is once I get a shower and open the balcony door. and in the hallway it feels like there is AC. Must be all of the granite or whatever they use in the hallway. I have trees and such near my balcony so it's nice and cool and nice air comes in. In fact very few people have AC here. I'm still up in the air about it, but I've noticed that it's been pretty nice in here considering how hot it is overall.

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