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NovaBus Artic 1203!

Bx41 Wakefield

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Looks like 1201 is underway to come to NYC... 1202, 1203, 1205 and 1206 is completed and testing... And 1204 is somehow not completed yet?!? Cool facts and now I know Novas are produced in UpState in the Champlain region, :tup: ;)!


1202 and 1203,1204,1205 are being BUILT...WTH are you talking about.


Humm, need some photos of 1201, because it is behind the (MTA)'s Bus Company's curtains for a long time...


1201 is not in any MTA Bus Depot.

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Yea right. You understand what? So you are now saying 1201 is here, when you were trying to disprove me hours ago. And shut the f*** up about AWWang.


Oh please you need to get a grip of yourself ...


Cat Sith, R32 3348, and I mention 1201 is here. If you dont believe it, then search the thread in the forum or just do a Google search.

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Thanks and no need to curse...


So here is what I know:

-1200 is in Service...

-1201 is completed but somewhere in this world...

-1202 and 1205 is being built.

-1203 could be completed but running down a road for no apparent reason...

-1204 and 1206 is being built.


How am I cursing?

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So here is what I know:

-1200 is in Service...

-1201 is completed but somewhere in this world...

-1202 and 1205 is being built.

-1203 could be completed but running down a road for no apparent reason...

-1204 and 1206 is being built.


You need a aspirin. Leave it to the people who actually work or close to MTA and people who have saw it and confirmed it. You making a fool of yourself posting incorrect information. Just be super happy when most of the Nova LFS articulates arrive in Summer.

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I go to school in Plattsburgh and I just walked outside my house to get the mail when NovaBus LFSA 1203 drove past me in it's MTA livery. I just about dropped my mail and said Oh $#!t! I'm going to have start carrying my camera around with me.
That should not come as no surprise.Novabus facility is right in your backyard......Plattsburgh!! It`s where Novabus does their testing and final assembly.Consider yourself blessed.:tup:
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Ok, hold up, this gotta stop.


Thanks Bx41 Wakefield for the spotting.


1200 is in service undergoing a 30-day test before taking on the full order. As Vintage Soul said, this test is just to see if any spec changes need to be made.


1201 is in and at Zerega last I heard.


Good night.

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Well, does anyone have a up-to-date datasheet with proof from Novabus or it's workers or the (MTA)? I would surely love it...

No. Just wait. Chances are that they'll be here in weeks.

Please refrain from posting posts like this. You are adding typical confusion generating posts.

His post didn't add any confusion, it in fact cleared up confusion. All he did was tell you to wait which does not make things less confusing for anyone. It makes everyon speculate less on buses that will be here in weeks.

Well, surely Bx41 Wakefield is lucky, but a NovaBus employee who is also a BusFan would provide better and more accurate information... Pure speculation would not work...

Actually seeing the buses is not speculating. He has actual proof.

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Well, does anyone have a up-to-date datasheet with proof from Novabus or it's workers or the (MTA)? I would surely love it...

Ahh.. TTMG.


Depends on how a person refers to it as... HELL is like Y in Vowel... Sometimes hell is considered as a curse like when you use it like "What the Hell?" If you are saying Heaven and Hell and You are going to Hell, it is not considered an curse...


You need to stop making dumb post. You meant swearing words are inappropriate like you said in your post " shut the fu-- up" Yet we cant write in our post because of you ... Gee, are you the mod in this forum?

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He doesnt know HELL is not a curse.


Typical AWWang's silly posts.

Will you please cut it out! You seem to have a knack for flaming other members, at the expense of making yourself look like a fool!


And for the record...I can also confirm that the unit numbers posted here are correct. All of the mentioned LFS artics are currently undergoing final assembly as per my contact at Nova Bus.

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Will you please cut it out! You seem to have a knack for flaming other members, at the expense of making yourself look like a fool!


And for the record...I can also confirm that the unit numbers posted here are correct. All of the mentioned LFS artics are currently undergoing final assembly as per my contact at Nova Bus.


With that said



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