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Not Again! Cuomo removes $100M in dedicated transit dollars

NX Express

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I thought the same exact thing. This should have been seen a mile away by railfans/transit advocates.




Again, did people really expect different from Cuomo? Did anyone look at his lack of initiatives during the campaign? He wasn't elected because he was the best there was, he was elected because the alternative was a psycho.


Pandering to every political groups was also a part of it, but of course it's not like he needed to because Palidino shot himself in the foot over the whole gay bashing thing. Media crucified Palidino and that was it for him.

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Oh please, they are politicians, they always lie to get votes. To expect they actually get anything done is either a miracle or the people are gullible.

At least christie is upfront about it and not deciving anyone. Cuomo totally lied about helping the MTA, that's much worse.


So to you [in general] still mad about the ARC thing falling thru, get over it. A state shouldn't put itself in a hole it can't dig out of [figuratively]. Would you rather the state go belly up just for a new rail tunnel or a state with decent finances to support itself? I choose the latter.


Again: where's Obama and the stimulus funds? that would be a far better use of it than for the banks or auto companies.

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The Auto company bailout was the only good one.


A couple billion dollars which were paid back quickly, and those companies kept thousands of RARE manufacturing jobs here in the US. And those companies can compete with foreign companies still (unlike US railcar manufacturers).


However the bank bailout was a waste. They basically pocketed it, paid higher bonuses, and "life as usual" on Duche Bag Wall Street continued.


The best use of any federal dollars is to pay down debt. That reduces operating costs in future years for transit. It has a long term benefit.


Building new "doohickeys" just adds long term costs that aren't even funded in the first place.

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Again, did people really expect different from Cuomo? Did anyone look at his lack of initiatives during the campaign? He wasn't elected because he was the best there was, he was elected because the alternative was a psycho.


Well, NY is a strongly Democratic state, so Cuomo definitely had an advantage no matter who the GOP opponent was, but I agree with the above post.


Lesson learned in this fiasco:


The common perception that Democrats are pro-transit and Republicans are not is NOT always true.


ETA: Is the MTA using its current financial troubles the same way the airlines did in the last decade and slashing wages and making operations a lot more efficient? I hope so.

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Well, NY is a strongly Democratic state, so Cuomo definitely had an advantage no matter who the GOP opponent was, but I agree with the above post.


Lesson learned in this fiasco:


The common perception that Democrats are pro-transit and Republicans are not is NOT always true.


ETA: Is the MTA using its current financial troubles the same way the airlines did in the last decade and slashing wages and making operations a lot more efficient? I hope so.


When it comes to the rich, they are ANTI-transit. They have cars and chauffers so life is easy for them.


Take some tax loopholes for the rich off the books, and the budget shortfall won't ever be as bad as they're predicting. Best part...all it takes is a few strokes of a pen to make it happen.


But they won't do it.


Why? Because they're rich and they don't want to pay their fare share in taxes. They want you to, and when the tax revenues fall short of a perfect scenario, they cut your services claiming "it's necessary" and that you've got to be a "team player" and bite one for "the common good."


When things succeed, they take all the credit. When things fail, you bear the brunt of the so called "needed" cuts.

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When it comes to the rich, they are ANTI-transit. They have cars and chauffers so life is easy for them.


Take some tax loopholes for the rich off the books, and the budget shortfall won't ever be as bad as they're predicting. Best part...all it takes is a few strokes of a pen to make it happen.


But they won't do it.


Why? Because they're rich and they don't want to pay their fare share in taxes. They want you to, and when the tax revenues fall short of a perfect scenario, they cut your services claiming "it's necessary" and that you've got to be a "team player" and bite one for "the common good."


When things succeed, they take all the credit. When things fail, you bear the brunt of the so called "needed" cuts.


If they heavily taxed all companies that out sourced their employees to outside the US and gave all payroll tax exemption for companies that pay US employees, there would be no recession in the US at the moment. If you heavily tax the outsourcing, you eliminate the money they save for going to New Dehli and Beijing. It's that simple. The only problem is that Obama, Cuomo, McCain, Clinton, and every other Rebublican, and Democrat politician are in bed with the corporations, but we caught the STD's from the dirty skank corporations. Now it burns every time we use the washroom.

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