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Obama legitimizes anti-Israeli Muslim Brotherhood (NY Daily News)

R68 Subway Car

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What's the big damn deal? People like you are the reason we are at war right now! Sit down somewhere and relax!


Clinton did not say whether the U.S. has already contacted the Brotherhood or how involved the communication will be.


"Now in any of those contacts, prior or future, we will continue to emphasize the importance of and support for democratic principles and especially a commitment to non-violence, respect for minority rights, and the full inclusion of women in any democracy," she said.

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What's the big damn deal? People like you are the reason we are at war right now! Sit down somewhere and relax!


I actually laughed. This is one of those issues that I actually hold a neutral position on. At the end of the day I want to simply see that the president has his priorities right.

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98% of the people who votes said No. And so did I. I liked Obama but like I thought he hansnt done anything that he said he'd do.


I agree! Obama is definitely on my ish list right now! He's got 16 months to convince me that he's worthy of my vote for a second time.


The thing I don't like is in the eye of the Conservative Republican, he can do no right at all. Republicans will flip on policy just to oppose the man! Or threaten to shut down the government if they didn't get tax breaks that added $400 Billion to the debt IIRC????


Where is the logic in that.....


"Cut spending or we shut down the government! While you're at it, we will allow you to add billions to the debt though as long as we get to keep our hard earned money and don't have to pay those pesky taxes!"


Give me a break!

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Give it up with this claim he's a Muslim and that's a bad thing. You people are more prejudiced than you even think.


The Daily News is a joke and your posts make it clear that not only do you not know what to think, but you also don't think.




He's not Liberal enough and I'm sick to death of selfish brain-dead moronic Conservatives holding the country hostage because they're too dumb to raise taxes. To think there are idiots who vote for them. I want Bernie Sanders in the Oval Office and my VP Barney Frank and then I'll be good.


1) Don't put words in my mouth. I have NEVER called him a Muslim. I do not believe he is a Muslim. I cannot think of a notable conservative commentator I am attacking him because he is supporting an organization that is anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic, anti-American, and anti-Western. If you do not believe me, look it up yourself. BTW, I am African-American, not White.


2) What are talking about, bro? The New York Daily News is one of the most liberal newspapers in the country. Have you ever heard of Michael Daly and Mike Lupica (yes, the sportswriter)? Have you ever heard of Richard Cohen? There are tons of liberals who write for that newspaper. They even endorsed Obama.


3) Did you even listen to part of his news conference yesterday? He attacked corporations, corporate jets, oil companies, millionaires and billionaires. He attacked the things you liberals/leftists hate.


4) So it is selfish to believe in capitalism and not crushing the producers of this country?


5) So you are good with two people even more radical than this radical president? Holy crap you are way out there, bro.

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Woah wait. We barely know anything about the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, and we are helping them? They can be Islamist. They can be our worse enemies. If they want to they can attack us. I don't think we should help any movement in the Middle East that are calling themselves Democratic right now, because they could just be sugar coating us to get rid of their dictators. Once they do that there is chance they will set up an Islamic Republic like Iran. We can't trust these people. These are basically the people that danced when 9/11 happened. I won't trust these people with my life for God's sake.

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Woah wait. We barely know anything about the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, and we are helping them? They can be Islamist. They can be our worse enemies. If they want to they can attack us. I don't think we should help any movement in the Middle East that are calling themselves Democratic right now, because they could just be sugar coating us to get rid of their dictators. Once they do that there is chance they will set up an Islamic Republic like Iran. We can't trust these people. These are basically the people that danced when 9/11 happened. I won't trust these people with my life for God's sake.


How are we helping them? This is how things get twisted......


Do any of us know exactly what the administration is doing? How do we know this isn't in motion for national security purposes?


Can we at least find out what's going on before we form an opinion?

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We are trying to talk to a group that refuses to accept Israel as an accepting state. Currently you know that Israel is one of the few Democratic states that exist in the Arab World, and that you should also know that by talking to them we might be talking to people that hate us, and hate the things that our nation has support in.

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We are trying to talk to a group that refuses to accept Israel as an accepting state. Currently you know that Israel is one of the few Democratic states that exist in the Arab World, and that you should also know that by talking to them we might be talking to people that hate us, and hate the things that our nation has support in.


We talk to a few nations that's don't like us already! What's one additional group!?


One of the reasons wars break out is because people don't know how to communicate effectively.

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"You people" was not an ethnic dig in any way, first off, I wasn't referring to white people or black people... more the people that are swept away by these stories. C'mon now, you know the point of these stories is to make him look like a Muslim. "Legitimizes?" Give me a break... If you don't know that, be careful when you post these cause that's the point of these articles.


The Daily News is NOT Liberal. I don't even comprehend how you can think that. Granted they have a few centrist writers, but that's not a Liberal paper.


He's a centrist at best. He's not a Liberal, not after giving in on the Bush tax cuts, health care, and barely supporting gay marriage. And those are things everybody should hate, because they're ostentatious and excess.


Capitalism is practically the purest form of selfishness. If not supporting subsidies for big oil equates to "crushing the producers of the country" your values are messed up. And the principle that these idiots will stall Congress and nearly cause a shutdown until they get what they want is completely selfish and childish to boot.


Obama a radical. Wow. That's somebody nobody has accused him of...


And yes, I'm a Democratic Socialist and proud of it. You can call that out there, but that's where I stand and that's what I believe is right.


1) I just wanted to make clear my race.


2) I said "legitimized" because he is reaching out to this despicable group.


3) Are you kidding me? This newspaper is as liberal as you can possibly get. They have several notable liberal news columnists. Michael Daly even joined in the left-wing chorus that tried to tie the Tuscon shootings to Sarah Palin. Of course we found out he and his fellow leftist hacks were wrong when Loughner's own friends told several news organizations that he was left leaning and did not like politics. We also find out he was a huge 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist. He sounds like some who is more likely to listen to Info Wars (Alex Jones) than to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin.


4) Obama is NOT a centrist! He is as left wing as you are. He wants to tax the rich as much as you do.


5) So an economic system which has lead to a high standard of living for so many people (middle class/rich) is bad and selfish?


6) Damn you are out there bro. :eek:

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He's not Liberal enough and I'm sick to death of selfish brain-dead moronic Conservatives holding the country hostage because they're too dumb to raise taxes. To think there are idiots who vote for them. I want Bernie Sanders in the Oval Office and my VP Barney Frank and then I'll be good.


I don't get why you want your taxes to be raised. The less tax you pay the more money in your pocket.


It's not that simple though. Capitalism is an every-man-for-himself type of system where the greediest man wins -- the free market means one man wins, another loses. It's not equal and it's fundamentally flawed. "So many people" is just ignorant. So few people is the real story... A lucky few make it in the free market world and get vastly overpaid for jobs that don't deserve that much and we call it beneficial for "so many." Smh.


Despite what many people say I think that the upper class is vital to society. If there were no big companies owned by the rich there would be alot less jobs out there.

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That's completely wrong. It just shows how polarized your views are and how far the center has shifted if you think the News is "as far Liberal as you can get." It's a mix up gossip and center-Right garbage with the odd Liberal columnist "balancing" it out. Secondly, lefties are not conspiracy theorists, don't know where you're going with that. [Re: the Palin map, poor taste and despicable, yes, but it didn't lead to the shooting.] You pull up as many unique Democrats there as you want, but it's anything but a Liberal paper.


Oh believe me he's not as left wing as me. I see him as a left-centrist. I'm pretty far left, and you're far right. He's no Liberal, not after falling through on the Bush tax cuts. That failing was the moral and fiscal debacle that pulled my support from him.


It's not that simple though. Capitalism is an every-man-for-himself type of system where the greediest man wins -- the free market means one man wins, another loses. It's not equal and it's fundamentally flawed. "So many people" is just ignorant. So few people is the real story... A lucky few make it in the free market world and get vastly overpaid for jobs that don't deserve that much and we call it beneficial for "so many." Smh.

1) If this paper is so conservative and right-wing, why would they endorse Obama?


2) I was saying that Loughner was a conspiracy theorist who was more likely to listen to Alex Jones than any conservative host.


3) He is as far left as you can possibly get. He was friends with two 60s radicals (William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn) and went to a church with a radical leftist as it's pastor (Jeremiah Wright). His childhood mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a noted communist writer and poet. Look it up your self bro. He hates the rich, businesses, and oil companies as much as you do.


4) One man winning and another losing is apart of life. No one gets participation trophies in the real world, my friend. Sorry. As much as you hate it, capitalism produces more winners than losers. Contrary to what you think, Socialism does not make everyone a winner. Socialism makes everyone into a loser. All one needs to do is look at history. Socialism has been tried out in Cuba, the Soviet Union (Russia), Germany, Italy, North Korea, China, and Venezuela. It has never worked and it never will. Wake up, bro.

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Give it up with this claim he's a Muslim and that's a bad thing. You people are more prejudiced than you even think.


The Daily News is a joke and your posts make it clear that not only do you not know what to think, but you also don't think.


Thank you. He sees what he wants to see and nothing else...it's a pattern. I don't CARE about the f***ing middle east. Enough lives have been lost interfering in someone else's conflicts. America got rich by not giving a shit about EITHER side in these "foreign conflicts", and just simply selling them non military goods while those economies were ravaged by only producing war goods.


Then we started selling military goods, BAD - started getting us involved in conflicts as suppliers. Now we send American boys and girls to risk their lives in the name of someone else's fight.


I still think the only reason we do it is because we can't find work for them here, you know, with the economy in the shitter.


He's not Liberal enough and I'm sick to death of selfish brain-dead moronic Conservatives holding the country hostage because they're too dumb to raise taxes. To think there are idiots who vote for them. I want Bernie Sanders in the Oval Office and my VP Barney Frank and then I'll be good.


There is a giant f***-you cabal of Conservatives very large that still holds the country hostage as you say. The problem is the SPINELESS so called "liberals" that waste their time pursuing agendas that limit the freedoms of Americans such as outlawing trans fats, requiring bike lanes, and otherwise rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The ship is sinking, dammit. We need people who are going to come in and change things - FOR REAL - upset the apple cart, rip out the entrenched special interests and expose them for the corrupt den of privileged vipers and thieves that they are and humiliate every one of them nationally, even sending many of them to federal pound them in the ass prison where they can share prison cells with violent criminals.


Obama promised change, and has not changed much. That's why he's failing, not because he's "too liberal" but because like most Democrats and moderate Republicans he's too damn spineless to stand up to the powers that be, instead falling in line with the very powers he was elected to uproot and destroy.


ALL politicians are like that. Until one comes along that's different, we are on our own. And that's why we need to start saving our money, getting out of debt, investing in gold, and otherwise doing things to reduce our dependency on the government and the large corporations (especially banks!) that bribe it to do what they want.

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4) One man winning and another losing is apart of life. No one gets participation trophies in the real world, my friend. Sorry. As much as you hate it, capitalism produces more winners than losers. Contrary to what you think, Socialism does not make everyone a winner. Socialism makes everyone into a loser. All one needs to do is look at history. Socialism has been tried out in Cuba, the Soviet Union (Russia), Germany, Italy, North Korea, China, and Venezuela. It has never worked and it never will. Wake up, bro.


YOU need to wake up, "bro". The ideology used in MOST OF those countries is something called COMMUNISM. Read up on your terms...you will learn that they are two different systems. Some of the other countries used FASCISM - also a different ideology.


And second of all, take some time to read up on "CAPITALISM". Two comments here:

- Freedom of the markets does not mean complete freedom (just like freedom in America does not mean it is OK to kill). Right wing conservative idiots don't seem to understand this. They seem to think that freedom of the markets means that it is OK to lie, steal, cheat, and price-fix to get ahead in the business world...and they turn "the market" into this onanistic deity (let's see who figures out that one) that "solves all". IT'S NOT, and IT NEVER WAS, and IT NEVER WAS INTENDED TO BE.

- What we have today in America is NOT capitalism. What we have now are privatized profits, and socialized losses. Meaning the rich keep the bonus bounty, but EVERYONE (read: the taxpayers) seems to be on the hook for all the sad sad songs on some small violins.


If you continue to believe what you believe blindly, you'll never get any more educated about what's going on in the world than you are right now...which is to say not all that much. You may not like hearing it, but it's the damn truth.

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I don't get why you want your taxes to be raised. The less tax you pay the more money in your pocket.


In 1956, the top federal income tax rate on personal income was something like 91%.


By 1985, this had been dropped to 50%. Tax rates on the super rich had been effectively CUT IN HALF.


In 2010, it was 35%.


In 1956, the economy was pretty good. In 1985, it was in recovery, bouncing to and fro, but it didn't recover until the internet boom of the 90's, which was not actually a recovery but instead a BUBBLE. Just like housing was a BUBBLE in the mid 2000's. Both BUBBLES ended by POPPING, and reverting things back to the way they were in the 70s, which is to say "not good."


Now here we are in 2010. Governments in deficit. Jobs continually outsourced. Rich getting richer by outsourcing jobs and unemploying the American people - shipping their money overseas in foreign wages and foreign investments. Reducing the wealth of America. Like they've been doing for the past 35 years anyway.


Has any of it changed? Have any of the tax cuts to benefit the wealthy done ANYTHING? NOPE. We sit around and argue to all hell about raising the top tax rate back to THIRTY EIGHT PERCENT - well less than half of what it was in 1956, and our government backs down. Even as it stares at a record deficit of FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS because it does not want to offend its masters.


But meanwhile it is content to add payroll taxes on to small businesses. Andrew Cuomo won't support a millionaire's tax, though. Meanwhile, it's OK to end tax deductions for working class people. It's OK to keep capital gains tax rates low when the majority of the American people don't enjoy the LUXURY of investing their money in a prime brokerage account like the wealthy do to avoid paying the top tax rate.


To overcome the FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT, someone's got to pay something and it sure as hell ought NOT to be the working and middle class population that has been raped and pillaged SINCE 1956 to pay for the extravagant and excessive lifestyles of a bunch of unoriginal corporate c***smokers, who all buy yachts and cars with their tax breaks - none of which are made by American companies doing business in the USA.


Despite what many people say I think that the upper class is vital to society. If there were no big companies owned by the rich there would be alot less jobs out there.


The upper class is NOT vital to society. They are one of the least represented consumer spending groups, which is the engine of an economy. Look at any society in human history with any economic system ever. The middle class is the key to everything. Show me a society with a healthy and thriving middle class and I will show you a society with a kick ass economy. Show me a society with a weak, dying, poverty stricken, or oppressed middle class, and I will show you a society with a shit economy but a few very rich individuals who don't care one bit as long as they get what they want.


Most jobs in America have been created by small businesses who are not the very wealthy. The very wealthy are the LEAST productive demographic in any economy save for the terminally unemployed hood rat baby mama drama types. At least society knows enough not to benefit those types, but they have NEVER learned to STOP benefitting the rich at the expense of everyone else.


They'll just do what they always do. Let things reach a breaking point, then the "peasants" will all get real pissed off and kill the rich, and oh man will that be a gorgeous day watching those f***s get what's coming to them, then they'll reinstitute a new system that will work for about 100 years, and the same shit will start happening again, and a new "revolution" will be necessary.


People never learn their history, they never learn not to repeat bad history, and they are stupid f***s forever as a result.

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That's why if these people want to set up an Islamic state, and try to take over the world I will be saying the same thing that you said just now.


There's a difference between acting to preserve your nation, and acting to interfere with other nations.


If an Islamic state were to try to "take over the world" there are a lot of closer nations to them than the United States that will be quite pissed off about that, and will act in fury and self defense to prevent that from ever happening.


If the US is threatened too, for the purposes of that "Great Islamic War" that you are suggesting might occur, then we would ally ourselves IN SELF DEFENSE with every other nation so threatened.


The problem arises when after the war is over and the enemy defeated, we continue to involve ourselves in conflict solely to defend our former allies in NEW conflicts subsequent. That's how you get involved in a lot of things that are not your business and get a lot of peoples and countries pissed off at you for meddling in their affairs. What once WAS a common issue no longer IS, and it becomes meddling, and it wastes the manpower and resources of THIS nation to pursue that agenda in furtherance of FOREIGN aims.


There's a reason America's founding fathers always promoted a doctrine of neutrality in foreign conflicts. Those founding fathers really had an idea what they were doing...it's a shame not more is taught about them because maybe then people might see why this country was set up the way it was, and why reneging on everything they promoted is probably not such a good idea.

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I don't get why you want your taxes to be raised. The less tax you pay the more money in your pocket.




Despite what many people say I think that the upper class is vital to society. If there were no big companies owned by the rich there would be alot less jobs out there.


The lower and middle classes are much more vital to society because they actually do shit, as opposed to those whos goal in life is to acquire as much wealth as possible without regard for others.


Btw Andrew, creating dialogue with the MB doesn't legitimize a group that already has a significant amount of legitimacy in the Middle East. This is to ensure political stability in the region, as opposed to making another enemy.

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