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Fulton bus transit center


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What if on top of the existinh transit center, a bus terminal was built so all (but the X1) express buses who run out of dowtown stop there. I would also have all the commuter coaches that start on trinity pl go through the transit center and on the west side highway for a quicker departure from Manhattan. For this to work I would also build direct bridges from both directions of the west side highway, to speed things up.


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What if on top of the existinh transit center, a bus terminal was built so all (but the X1) express buses who run out of dowtown stop there. I would also have all the commuter coaches that start on trinity pl go through the transit center and on the west side highway for a quicker departure from Manhattan. For this to work I would also build direct bridges from both directions of the west side highway, to speed things up.


Not happening... Space is at a premium Downtown and I doubt people want a transit center in what is becoming a more and more residential area.

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Broadway and Trinity Place/Church Street are WAY too narrow already to handle the current bus traffic that runs along them; a bus terminal is just going to exacerbate the problem.

that's exactly why I want bridges connecting the west side hwy to it so buses wouldn't have to travel through the church/Broadway mess

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Not only how much it would cost, but how much pollution and noise that would bring, how much property you would need to take, and how many people would protest or sue to stop that sort of thing?

And this is before we get into the fact that the MTA would probably need to demolish another block of Lower Manhattan to build said terminal despite the fact that they already did so to build the Fulton Center.

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A bus terminal should have been built down here a long time ago. Now it's not gonna happen period. Too developed, and even if it could happen the NIMBYs would kill it.


It really should have happened though, the NJ PBLs (cough ACADEMY) clog up the streets all day, not just parking the buses on Trinity Place but they drive them around in loops all day. Talk about a waste of diesel and that's real great for the air quality too, but I guess it pays off for them to loop the buses when they can't park on the street so they don't have to drive them to NJ and bring them back for rush hour.

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A bus terminal should have been built down here a long time ago. Now it's not gonna happen period. Too developed, and even if it could happen the NIMBYs would kill it.


It really should have happened though, the NJ PBLs (cough ACADEMY) clog up the streets all day, not just parking the buses on Trinity Place but they drive them around in loops all day. Talk about a waste of diesel and that's real great for the air quality too, but I guess it pays off for them to loop the buses when they can't park on the street so they don't have to drive them to NJ and bring them back for rush hour.


PABT buses clog up Midtown streets as well now that most of the Midtown West parking lots are gone, so a bus terminal wouldn't have done much in any case. More development > a bus terminal.

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