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Bus Driver Crashes Bus While Texting...

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thats a dam shame. you have the lives of other people in your bus and you are texting away while operating a bus what an idiot. is it really nessary to do it at that mooment.like come on aready have some common sence to pay attention to the road. not your phone.

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Driving while on phone without earpiece/speakerphone is illegal in NJ and NY. PA has something similar coming soon.


Didn't people learn from the metrolink incident? I mean seriously... :mad:


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thats a dam shame. you have the lives of other people in your bus and you are texting away while operating a bus what an idiot. is it really nessary to do it at that mooment.like come on aready have some common sence to pay attention to the road. not your phone.


Man you hit the nail on the head.You took the words right out of my mouth what an idiot next time pay attention its your job.:cool:

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Apparently he thought the text was more important....he lucky the passengers didn't get injuried b/c he would have been sued along with the company!

If the message was URGENT, get off at the next stop and make the text. Don't text when you are behind the wheel. That's actually WORSE than talking on a phone.

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