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Everything posted by Threxx

  1. I love when people draw ridicule to themselves and get angry when people respond with the appropriate reaction... lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B3 Via Av U

      B3 Via Av U

      Happens all the time here, epic fail.

    3. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      Yeah, it's like when women dress like whores and get mad when men stare/they get hit on/whatever. You asked for it!

    4. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      at B3... which I've gotten quite sick of...


      ....that, and people reacting & jumping to conclusions w/o fully reading the shit that's being put down.... someone even made a status update earlier about that....

  2. Call me crazy, but I think it's trying to say that they're desperate, and they want a "big, strong man" to protect them... desperation move...
  3. First of all, you mentioned my route in the post, so it's perfectly reasonable to assume that was directed at me... Second of all, the only person getting riled up is you... And where did I mention the B8? The B8 is a superroute, I believe I've even called it that before. We don't need to go around creating more...
  4. Getting to some old posts I passed over... First of all, the my "B23", which I relabeled "B18" (to avoid confusion with the old B23) serves the residences and small businesses along Foster Avenue... it's not a time waste, and if Kings Highway loses service when I plan to move the B7 to Remsen, then it's necessary to keep some kind of service along Kings. As for ending at Church Avenue , I like that terminal better than yours, because you just created a "Super Route" (your term) with too many purposes and too many turns. A route like your "B23" would get caught up in too many chances to be delayed, etc. A 13th Avenue route should be a branch of the B16 or a route running from Lefferts Gardens to South Brooklyn, not an extension of an already long route.
  5. Emphasis is required... Ely is a freaking character... that's all I'll say...
  6. Who said I wanted 20 minute headways? It'd have to be 15 max to make a dent in train usage... Yeah, and that 3 borough route in the "Create your own bus route" thread never happened? All you do is fantasy... don't try to run around w/BS....
  7. What does the Q77 have anything do do with this? I'm not satisfying your fantasies here...
  8. My throat is itchy... for absolutely no reason known to me... FML

    1. Metro CSW

      Metro CSW

      Lipton Tea might help....

    2. RollOver


      It happens to me at times too. My nose is also stuffy and my eyes are watery whenever I sneeze so hard. I don't get this season and weather sometimes...

    3. Threxx
  9. I think you've given me some ideas as well... Yes, he has... https://maps.google....018846,0.038581 Despite it duplicating the subway, it would get some ridership if it was frequent enough, mostly made up of Queens riders and some people trying to avoid the infrequent . I never agreed with the MTA creating a route to solely serve that development... I also amended my B23 to cover more of East New York and to serve the development as well as Gateway Center: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=213458373195564989412.0004c3750fbdde7be4805&msa=0&ll=40.654841,-73.899815&spn=0.009425,0.01929
  10. It's my adaptation of the MTA's idea... I don't necessarily agree with it. I'd actually prefer AEM's idea to reroute my B23 to serve the development.
  11. I routed it like this based on current traffic rules. If this proposal was sent to the MTA with all the hypothetical things, they wouldn't want to implement it because of all the traffic rules that would have to be changed. However, as for that new development, I do have another route for that purpose, a relatively infrequent B18: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=213458373195564989412.0004ce7cd1f6bae6c30f0&msa=0&ll=40.679182,-73.902873&spn=0.004711,0.009645 (The route should make a direct turn onto Van Sindren there, blame Google Maps...)
  12. I also had a similar B23 proposal, but it served the E. 105th Street station, to avoid the traffic and crowding at Rockaway Parkway, and it also served the Brooklyn Terminal Market and Gateway Center Mall: https://maps.google....de7be4805&msa=0 As a separate route, it works better than your current split plan for the B8, and it brings service back to Cortelyou Road as well. For the heck of it, I mapped out B35's B23 route... the only issue I have with it is length... even though G-maps claims that mine is only .1 mile shorter...
  13. Um... the B17 wouldn't be cut... the B17 would still be there if people need an ADA connection. The B7 would connect to the , , and . Most of the B17's ridership doesn't consist of elderly folk anyway, those people mostly come from the B14... As for the subway connection problem, there's really not much that can be done about that, there are no places for the buses to turn @ the line.
  14. At.... the second to last car. ALWAYS...
  15. I agree more with B35's idea here. However, I see what you're trying to do with the two B8 branches, and my counter proposal is this... (this was originally his idea in part, so I'll give him credit for that....) https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=213458373195564989412.0004d0932f6237afe56b0&msa=0&ll=40.642615,-73.918247&spn=0.037709,0.077162 Here, I took the B8 off of Avenue B completely, and rerouted it along Kings Highway to somewhat replace the B7, which would be rerouted to replace the E. 80th Street branch of the B17, providing extra service to the area.
  16. The point wasn't to provide a north south route, the S46 is proposed (under the North Shore proposal) to take a different route from it's current route.
  17. What is the point of the Random Thoughts thread in the respective forums?

  18. The S67 and the S45 in that area around the SIE seems to be overkill... also, I think the S41 would be better taking the current S46 route between Richmond Avenue and Arlington, and going to the future "Arlington Transit Center."
  19. http://www.omnibussimulator.de/ Allows you to create your own maps, and an LFS is under construction for the game.
  20. Also, a random question, will the rollsigns on the 62A's just read "Special" for the extension, or does the MTA plan to replace the rollsigns?
  21. ENOUGH with this debate... Also, a random question, will the rollsigns on the 62A's just read "Special" for the extension, or does the MTA plan to replace the rollsigns?
  22. The simplest thing to do for 125th Street would to be extend the SAS to Riverside Drive.... As for 181st Street, you could have an idea for a Bronx crosstown there...
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