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Lawrence St

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Everything posted by Lawrence St

  1. Perfect! Although for the via, I would something similar to what luminator does where it's half size of the other letters.
  2. R142A interior: 242 ST via 7 Av-Bway LCL The Next Stop Is 137 St-City College 5:44 PM
  3. So I was watching videos from yesterday's power outage, and one thing has me confused. All the signals were still powered, so what exactly prompted the shutdown of the entire IRT? Was the tracking system not working?
  4. But the basic "give me service and screw everyone else" argument needs to stop.
  5. Why is it that Canarsie Yard, a yard that only serves one line, has a train wash while ENY, a yard that serves 3 lines, doesn't?
  6. And honestly it shouldn't work like that. Anyway, I decided to start from scratch with my redesign plan, and am going to start from Coney Island and work my way up. I'm going to utilize the existing conditions report as well as some ideas here. First ideas: B1 (formerly B74): West 37th St to KCC via Stillwell Terminal. B2 (formerly B36): West 37th St to Sheepshead Bat via Neptune (bypassing C.I Hospital, section replaced by B3).
  7. Which is exactly my issue. They don't want anything to change and it hinders the ability to create a sufficient network. Why not implement the new routes on a trial basis, see how people like it, and if they don't, just revert it,
  8. Not sure why CB 15 would shut it down, if it would still serve Coney Island serving all 4 subway lines then why were they against it? Some folk just don't like change.
  9. Because the B74 has potential instead of just being a shuttle...
  10. I was actually thinking of instead extending the B74 to Brighton Beach to replace the discontinued portion of the B68.
  11. Ok let's do this: Give me your proposals starting with Coney Island and I'll add them onto the map.
  12. For your last point, isn't there an entrance/exit a block away from Brighton Beach that people can still use to transfer to the B4? The B64 would alternate between Coney Island & 37th St so it's not getting overserved. The B68 would run to KCC every 24 minutes during non rush hours and every 12 minutes during rush hours, and 30 minutes during off-peak.
  13. Then the B49 to Coney Island would be better. I would have buses depart in-between departures. And the Bedford Av service is eliminated from the B49.
  14. I wonder why its only limited to the A division and the ...
  15. Apparently everyone even in the suburbs felt it. I was all the way out in Hempstead and my house flickered power for a few seconds.
  16. It would promote more usage to KCC as well as reduce an unnecessary transfer. The B68 would only run to KCC on weekdays, othertimes ending at Brighton Beach. Honestly I'd get rid of that portion entirely, but some people still use it as an alternative to the for whatever reason that is. There's also no suitable place to end the B49 there without causing an issue to the B68. See above. Perhaps rerouting it to Knapp St would be better. Nothing, the B4 now continues on Neptune instead of doing that un-needed detour around Sheepshead Bay.
  17. I was bored and decided to start doing a redesign of my own; Opinions?
  18. Can someone pin this topic or rename it to "Bronx Redesign Plan Discussion"? Thanks To my main point, DOT has stated they're doing "tweaks" to the final design plan but haven't said if it's stop tweaks or route tweaks. I wouldn't be surprised if they went ahead with the draft plan Co-Op city changes hoping no one will notice.
  19. Why not just give the routes to DeCamp or Private Transportation? clearly has no interest in running the lines.
  20. I keep running into an issue on all my devices where even though "Remember Me" is setup, I keep getting randomly signed out, and it's been happening more frequently. Is this a problem on my end?
  21. I've been hearing that 16th Av residents are asking for the to somehow reinstate the B23. Not sure how that's gonna work out since the western terminal now has a direction change.
  22. https://www.silive.com/news/2021/08/mta-urged-to-absorb-sim23-sim24-express-bus-routes-amid-potential-cancellation-of-academy-bus-contract.html
  23. I took a ride on the B35 earlier, and my god was that such a horrible experience. Double parked cars, bikes not paying attention to the rules of the road, bikes with zero lights at night time, someone smoking pot in the back of the bus... Our bus drivers have to put up with so much, sheesh...
  24. 8660 has rear panels from the older LFS buses and they didn't even bother painting them.
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