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Everything posted by Lex

  1. Thanks to the issue of height restrictions, I'd have to put my support behind articulated buses, which can also be used with comparatively little issue on other routes if push comes to shove.
  2. If anything, the concern should be about competent implementation of the concepts...
  3. B16, maybe (don't get your hopes too high), but that B49 proposal is rooted in fantasy. Likewise, those B2, B9, and B40 proposals fall squarely into nutbar territory, and the less said about the B5 and Q45 proposals, the better. As for the "result(ing) in sensible changes" part, it's obvious that you've decided to keep your head shoved so damn far up his ass that you won't even consider that people are saying that these proposals are bonkers from a place of reason.
  4. I swear, this is more about wet dreams than sensible improvements...
  5. I mean, we already do this with the in some capacity (on Sea Beach). We would be better off having any potential route of the sort use Sea Beach in order to address the issues of night service, ridership along that line (as well as 4th Avenue between 36th and 59th Streets, to say nothing of the line north of there), and weekend service improvements. (Yes, merging could still prove difficult, but not in the same way as when the diverging point is designed like the ones at 36th Street or 59th Street-Columbus Circle. Those were strictly to cut down on the space used, which is especially bad for the latter, given the stretch north of there...)
  6. Sea Beach has a larger base (when there isn't extensive work being done). Why, then, would you put more trains on West End? Merging delays suck, the ridership can't justify the change, and it doesn't even solve any problems regarding route consistency or access to a maintenance facility. That's to say nothing of the other crap...
  7. Unless a decision is made otherwise, nothing. After all, that route is scheduled to run every 10 minutes at best. Also, keep in mind that some vehicles are granted exceptions for moves that are otherwise prohibited. Just look at Flatbush Avenue aand Atlantic Avenue. Unless they removed the exemption, the only vehicles allowed to make any (read: left) turns from Flatbush Avenue are buses (B63 to Pier 6, B45 to Ralph Avenue).
  8. Its length is only beaten by the between Inwood and the Rockaways...
  9. I don't recall anything about the LFS line getting fire suppression systems before 2012. (If someone can prove otherwise, please do.)
  10. In theory, you could, but then you'd have to deal with 125th-168th Streets, which would probably undo most (if not all) of any meaningful gains, especially if a switch craps out in the process. It would also be a moot point if the work pertains to both express tracks.
  11. And you have proof? In any case, the busway is sorely needed.
  12. Make sure to pressure the city into fully funding them. The MTA eats the costs of existing Student MetroCards due to inadequate funding for the program... Back when I was at AMAC, that sort of thing would've helped when the IRT went to 💩...
  13. I have no words... If the vendor does change, I can only hope that the drivers are better.
  14. The drivers expect tips? What kind of bullshit is going on behind the scenes?
  15. The fact that they didn't even consider putting it directly under RBO (flawed as it is) concerns me. I mean, it's part of the same damn agency...
  16. That really makes me wonder about how the stations are positioned. Depending on where everything is located, that connection could prove to be more trouble than it's worth.
  17. It's most certainly not. Safety is the whole reason why trains crawl on the bridge, and that negatively impacts being able to clear the switches. Also, it should be of considerable concern that we're still not using something that can render punchboxes obsolete.
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