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Grand Concourse

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Everything posted by Grand Concourse

  1. I'm in total agreement with you about Citaro's constant bitching about how America's system like healthcare is runned. It seems like all he does is post about it. Sadly the few here agrees with him than to just isolate that nutcase. He's as bad as Megawang about anything US. What's his facination with 'socialism' anyway? I don't want my earnings going to help some bum that doesn't want to support their own self. That's capitalism.

  2. I don't think so. I took my permit test at the DMV place at 34th-HS. There's a local driving school in my area and the teacher was the one who recommended SI and I picked it as well based on what my cousin told me.
  3. They have these very questions online, as long as you remember them [and get the right answer], the test itself should be easy. I had no problems with it. I just took my time to make sure I didn't mess anything up as it was 'too easy'. For the road test: if it is based on SI, I recommend that one, as it was pretty easy and not as many traffic to deal with. My cousin didn't do to well when he had to take the test in Queens.
  4. He's right, it's happened sometimes on my xbox. For some reason only that game has problems where it would freeze in some parts. Thank god for the auto save or I would've bent the crap out of the disk. Also I returned it [cuz the disk can't be read] a while ago. The 2nd one so far seems ok.
  5. The new MTV generation: America's future down the drain....
  6. I see now. Oh, I don't even bother with that channel outside of the two morning/afternoon shows and Transformers. I change to some other channel well before that. If the hub adds the 80s Turtles show to the line up, then it'll totally be awesome.
  7. Today's main 3 of kids shows = shit. [Adult swim is the only good thing about CN] Disney XD = shit. It was fine when it was Toon Disney, but apparently ABC Family and Disney channel aren't enough for them. The only good thing about XD is the new Avengers series, but nothing else. Although the new network the Hub, is too kiddie, I do love them for bringing back: MIB, Batman Beyond and the original Transformers shows. Other than that, not really that big a deal. Also bought a skull mask and a scythe for the hell of it. Not sure if i'm going out on Halloween [some costume party], but at least I have something to go out in.
  8. Truth ^ They had a lot of good stuff and they weren't too watered down for the more pc'ed shows like now. Disney sucks for their lame editing of the 90s shows like Superman, etc. They made random cuts cuz some scenes were too violent. Total Bs. Whatever network that picks up Superman and batman, I hope they undo those edits.
  9. Of course, but for someone like him, the mere talks about cutting express bus service is like tossing holy water on a vampire. It's a 'sin'.

  10. lol, I agree with your statement about the express buses that runs along the LIRR should be cut. Note how FG doesn't quote you about it. What a hypocrite he is. And I didn't even say cut all express buses. I guess he has either reading comprehension issues or a grudge over my past anti-express bus stance.

  11. Photobucket sucks where if you upload a fairly large batch of pics [20+], sometimes the site freezes and you have to shut down IE and then search for the pics that didn't get loaded up and then reupload them again. Total PITA! Then again it is free and 500Mb free space, so eh... I have 2 accounts: one transit [most recent ones], the other for everything else plus older transit stuff.
  12. I don't think we should continue on about this [beating a dead horse], but I will say FG has a problem 'distinguishing things'. I do agree he has every right to be pissed at TS [for being a bully and a**hole], but to mention stuff like the Holocaust and for it being 'justified' because TS is jewish was so totally off base and beyond anti-semitic. Hate the person, leave the religion out of it.
  13. While TS is an a**hole, I agree the rest of the comment was uncalled for. That should not be tolerated here. Also ironic how he always is quick to assume Muslims are terrorists.
  14. If LGA needs 'new' buses, I'd say send them some of the older hybrids from QV or such. Anything but RTSs ['97 and later] to LGA.
  15. lol, true about that. Anyways, as promised, I've posted up my Nova LFS pics.
  16. Ah, thanks so much! I wonder if they are going to push out the last RTSs out of MJQ? I could see them having an entire 40' hybrid only fleet like Manhattanville.
  17. Yup, I had no idea till yesterday there were even 5000s at 126th. When did this move start?
  18. Nice! I wonder if the 5200s will be next? I wouldn't mind if 126th were to displace their 8700-8900s to places like LGA or such. Those would probably be better than the ex-BL O5s.
  19. I wished the redbirds weren't all gone from the ML by 2003. I really would've loved to get some pics of them in the Bronx. That plus I didn't get as many shots of the redbirds on the either.
  20. Don't hold me to this, but yesterday I saw RTS 5073 with, I think, a 126th st depot sticker [ran by too fast for me to see it clearly]. It was running oos on Allen St.
  21. The Heat game maybe expensive, but it's gotta be worth it to see James, Bosh, and Wade play. The Knicks just sucks. You may as well pay even less to watch a Nets game*. *Cannot confirm this is true, but I'd have to imagine the Nets tickets won't be as expensive due to how badly they did last year.
  22. Speaking of trees: this year has been a bad one in my area. Trees that have been here for years have either fallen over or were cut down early before they could be turned into weapons by the major storms that blows thru.
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