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R10 2952

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Everything posted by R10 2952

  1. Nelson Rockefeller was elected to a fourth term, in 1970. Anything more than two terms is definitely too long, though. Hugh Carey was the only governor in recent memory to abide by that.
  2. That and he's probably trying to distract people from the impeachment investigations.
  3. Not surprised. When the ran the occasional R32 in the 2000s and then a bunch of R40Ms and R42s in '08'-'09, there were always a bunch of rollsigns in the consists set to the brown <R>. Odd because it didn't really happen that often on the R46s, by contrast. On a side note, what does surprise me is we still don't have the brown <R> icon; we got the , the , even the , but no brown <R>. What gives?
  4. In all fairness, it goes both ways. Yes, there absolutely need to be more subways (especially in underserved parts of Brooklyn and Queens), but that does not necessarily preclude the MNRR and LIRR from doing a better job at serving stops within city limits. Their predecessors, the New York Central as well as Pennsylvania Railroads, served much more non-terminal stops in the city, all the way back to the beginning in the 1840s- same thing goes for when the SIR was a part of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. This practice continued well into the '60 and '70s (in some cases even until the '90s), long after the subways had already been built. The LIRR's current obsession with only wanting to serve Penn (and soon GCT) via the Main Line is a newer phenomenon, and frankly it's a disservice to city residents who live along other branches and want better transit options, as well as a disservice to the people coming in from LI who don't want to deal with the giant crowds at the Manhattan terminals.
  5. Disappointed but not surprised. Confirms a lot of suspicions I've already had that their financial addiction to ESA would result in cutbacks to other projects. The wait at Huntington is the main reason that when I'd go out to visit people in Port Jefferson several years back, I took the rush-hour specials from LIC Terminal, so I could avoid waiting 45 minutes in the cold on that overcrowded platform. Just goes to show how ass-backwards the LIRR is, that the only direct trains to the end of the line where 2-3 special trippers that almost nobody knew about, from the least utilized terminal in the City Zone.
  6. As to Penn Station Access, wasn't there also some discussion about reviving the Port Morris Branch for a Harlem Line connection to Penn? Doubt it would be doable since in addition to the ROW being built over in some places, the line itself had some very tight twists and turns.
  7. Been saying for years the LIRR has had numerous opportunities to implement alternative service patterns to the benefit of riders, but they're so laser-focused on Penn Station and the Main Line that they refuse to consider the commutes of non-Penn, non-ML riders. Sadly it's just one of many chapters in the book of LIRR complacency; been wondering whatever happened to that plan to bring back the Elmhurst stop on the PW branch. Nearly a decade since the idea was publicly announced and no sign of any progress yet.
  8. I agree with all the points made above; too many New Yorkers are passive about public policy issues and local electoral politics, and only a few are willing to throw up their hands and say, "this is bullshit". Back in 2010 when I lived in the West Bronx, MTA tried to axe the Bx20. It's still around mainly because the neighborhood showed up at hearings to remind the agency bean-counters that not everyone trying to get the at 207th lives along the Bx7. More recently, when the U.S. Postal Service started royally screwing up mail service because of that idiot postmaster DeJoy, I made it clear to my elected officials how I felt about it, and now we have 55-60 members of Congress calling on Biden to remove the entire USPS Board of Governors for cause. Or all the state legislators who put up with Cuomo's ego for years- now that they're starting to push back, they realize he's not the infallible demigod he makes himself out to be. In other words... no deposit, no return.
  9. THIS. Lot of things about the yuppie and hipster transplant rich kids from the suburbs get on my nerves, but the one thing that I find absolutely irritating is their attitude that their wants outweigh native New Yorkers needs. Especially in the transportation context- High Line, Essex "Low Line", the bullshit with LIC... the list goes on.
  10. As far as non-AirTrain travel from the airport goes, I took the B15 to the only 2-3 times from JFK, but have to admit it was pretty direct compared to taking the Q10 to the or (as far as getting to Manhattan was concerned). Took the Q3 once to Jamaica Center; big mistake- got the scenic tour of Farmers Boulevard.
  11. Personally, I'm interested in how Phase Two of Penn Station Access will pan out. Unless they restore the second track on the drawbridge, move Spuyten Duyvil Station north of the junction, and throw in an extra stop on the West Side Line around 96th or 168th Street, I can't imagine the frequency or ridership will be too good.
  12. Honestly, NJT often acts like it doesn't want to run any routes aside from a few high-volume routes in and out of PABT. Places like Morristown, Boonton and Pompton Lakes haven't seen regular, usable intrastate bus service since around 1980. Public officials keep assuming the problem is commuters turning their back to public transit in the state, but in truth it's the other way around- NJT in many cases has turned its back to the commuters.
  13. Right, except now Manchin is blocking voting-rights legislation; he's become a liability for them, and at some point he's going to have to be cut off. If the Republicans can strip Liz Cheney of committee assignments for something as trivial as not kowtowing to Orange Kool-Aid Man, then surely the Democrats can do the same to Manchin for something as serious as bucking them on S 1. If they can get Warnock re-elected and score a win somewhere competitive like PA or OH, they won't need Manchin anymore. Looking forward to the day him and Sinema both get booted out.
  14. Yeah, we're basically a First World country with Third World transportation infrastructure. The current state of affairs with railroads in this country is absolutely deplorable. Even the Russians do a better job than us when it comes to rail.
  15. Just another reason they should've stuck with white-body, blue-stripe scheme IMHO- less hassle.
  16. On a side note, the new license plates are needlessly complicated- so much gibberish on them compared to the old plates. Old ones had R#######, the word "Official" under the number, and that was it. But these new ones are simply ridiculous.
  17. Is it really, though? Most major economic crashes in this country have been the result of deregulating capitalism. The stock market in 1929, the savings & loan crisis of the late '80s, the downturn of 2009... The rich gamble their money, it goes wrong and they dynamite the economy, and then ordinary working people get laid off through no fault of their own. Why should a regular worker like me foot the bill for some rich jerk's screwups? Gates, Bezos or Musk wouldn't lend you a hand even if you were drowning. Capitalism left to its own devices will end up turning the rich into kings and the rest of us into slaves. Just because communism was a bad system that failed, doesn't automatically make capitalism the common good. Not by a long shot.
  18. Show me actual statistics that demonstrate crime in the subway is as high now as it was in, say 1985 or 1990, and I'll believe you. Otherwise, posting a string of sensationalist local news stories doesn't really count for much of anything. Of course it should be used as a benchmark; you expect people to just block that entire 25-year period out of their collective memories and act like the sky is falling everytime somebody gets stabbed on a train in a city of 9 million people? I'm no fan of deBlasio and the NYPD's incompetence, but the media spreading panic is not exactly helping things, either.
  19. Mindless sensationalism without context- watch a documentary about what was going on in the '70s and '80s, read the actual statistics and you'll see there's still less crime going on today compared to before 1990. @MHV9218 At this rate, you're going to have to change the title of this thread to "VG8 Fear-Mongers about the Subway".
  20. Fine by me if Dems lose West Virginia; all the effort and money they're throwing down the drain to appease Manchin is a waste at the end of the day. Would be better spent making sure Raphael Warnock gets re-elected in Georgia. But them backing Manchin is pure cowardice; they'd rather cater to a Democrat in name only and scuttle major legislation in the process, than focus on winning states that are actually competitive.
  21. As far as federal funding goes, I don't see anything materializing until the filibuster is finally killed. Which is probably not going to happen for several years, at least not until Manchin and Sinema get primaried.
  22. Understandable; the Van Wyck has always been like something out of Death Race 2000.
  23. LOL I've had the opposite experience. Growing up in Queens I never had the problem of being tailgated by 5-6 yuppies in a row on one of those fancy, hi-tech European racing bikes.
  24. Several times I've almost gotten hit by arrogant cyclists who don't stop at intersections over the years. Absolutely can't stand them, and I say this as someone who's been riding bikes since early childhood. The hipsters in Williamsburg and the surrounding areas are the worst; they ride around acting like they belong in a certain Steven Seagal film-
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