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Kamen Rider

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Everything posted by Kamen Rider

  1. That would be thrown out automatically…
  2. Just remember the office moved last week to a different address, 149 Pierrepont Street.
  3. Has it ever occurred to anyone that if it was reasonable to connect them, they would have built it? thing is, something like that… gonna be really labor intensive and expensive. they would have to be regularly using it to make it worth while. a connection like that, on the off chance it’s needed one day? that doesn’t make good fiscal sense. Unless you plant to try to squeeze an 8th-SAS line in, it’s not going to be worth it. Send the E via 6th and be done with it.
  4. I am literally sitting on her right now going home from work… after riding it to work this afternoon.
  5. had 4075-79 as part of one train I worked today. she has the up-to-date software, the set she was coupled to, IIRC 4105-09, did not. was working southbound with 4079 as my operating position.
  6. Just pasted a set on my way to work, on the flats test track.
  7. I mean, we have done it loads of times in the past, E both directions via 63rd, with Queens Plaza closed at night, but those have always been weekends
  8. After all, we are talking about a site that still required you to type out HTML commands to insert things... I mean... this place has a moderator who tries to keep an eye on us... Subchat is/was full on anarchy. speaking as someone who was the occasional recipient of homophobic and transphobic statements after I made the decision to come out, often for simply stating my opinion...
  9. in a overly technical sense... No. Because it's really not a one for one thing... And if I've said it once, I've said it a million times, the C has the 8 car units because 207th can't do 10 car trains in the inspection barn.
  10. The new address is 149 Pierrepont Street. All services formerly at 180 have relocated there as of this week.
  11. The barriers have been added to Morgan Avenue, on the Manhattan bound platform. the markings for them to be placed on the southbound platform are already there. Source: my own two eyes, as I was working the L today. (I was actually able to pick specific jobs for the major holidays this pick, all L jobs to make my life somewhat easy)
  12. Here’s the thing, the non-CBTC trains could enter the QBL and turn at the plaza or even be sent the Forest Hills or 179… the issue is E and F service is too frequent now, at the rush hours a train every two minutes or less. We already have a rough go when the R drops out at the plaza at night.
  13. (Insert Arseno Hall "Coming to America" Spit Take) They switched tracks almost six weeks ago and are only actually getting to start NOW...? At this rate might as well just leave everything till the next pick starts...
  14. they did turn that temporary inspection barn in Fresh Pond Yard built for the Myrtle Viaduct replacement shuttle into a permanent diesel repair shop, so who knows.
  15. This plan of yours, Wally, requires a dispatcher at west 4th and “switch” train operators. Not everyone is comfortable being in a relay with people who refuse to get off the trains. And the train operator has to walk through the train, possibly endangering themselves, unless every train is cleaned out every time. and the plan also includes more points of failure. Having to make all these unnecessary moves. And… Like… given this is the service change thread: last weekend, the A and C were running via Rutgers. There would be no room for the M.
  16. yeah, chambers would make more sense than west 4th... which is not equipped to be a terminal.
  17. and these arguments never seem to consider the issue of manpower. making a line longer, means you need more people to run it. let's take an example of all the claims the J or at least the Z, should go via the Montague tube. The J/Z operates on what we can call a "single base" model. with the exception of the crews that report to East New York Yard and one crew whose day ends at Broad Street, everyone starts and ends their day at Parsons/Archer. this is because the J's length makes it tolerable. a full round trip, including relaying the train at broad street, is just about two hours, with the possibility of a quick "comfort" (read; bathroom break) at Broad if we need it, and two hours is about the limit of our average physical tolerance to continus work. Now, most J jobs are three round trips and most fit into a standard 8 hour working day. you start making the line longer, You will ether start having to dig into more jobs with built in automatic overtime OR, cut it down to two trips, meaning you need MORE crews to keep service levels the same.
  18. and they were literally just redoing the place when I was working to get hired 2 years ago... must have lost their lease or something...
  19. Basically an image of the platform, the car you are in is highlighted and it shows where every exit is and if that route leads to transfers.
  20. I mean, the 211Ts are special. As I have repeated and will continue to repeat thill I’m blue in the face and have tapped a hole in my phone screen: they’re true prototypes. They are like the R110/R130/R131 program. You want to evaluate how the train behaves, how the people react to it, and to do that, you need to run them. you run them every chance you get. If the brakes charge up, if the traction motors work, and if the darn thing is not on fire, send it out. You short handed and need to layup some trains? Lay someone else up, leave the Ts out there. again, this isn’t just about the mechanics, but about the ridership. The people. How do they react to them. Do they use the gangways without a second thought. Do they like this idea?
  21. Which creates a problem with any time we use 145 lower for turning the C or shortlineing the D. which given the whole situation with the concourse line… is not currently feasible.
  22. that's a lot more switching moves than we are comfortable with, more so since everyone is going to be crossing in front of everyone else... might have to staff West 4th tower every weekend for this... and we only just put it in remote mode a few years ago when 34 Master came online.
  23. Finally got to see one of the sets in service. It was next to the M train I was working in the junction south of West 4th.
  24. I mean, when that happens you are still supposed to report to your original starting location at the time you’re supposed to be there. unless they call you directly and tell you to head somewhere else.
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