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NYC Subway Scavenger Hunt 1/9/2010

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It's one of those grey areas then. If they use his pictures, they have to credit him. But in the same instance if he were to turn around and try to sue for copyright violation, all they have to do is take those rules and regulations (that vast majority of you have to carry around to protect yourselves while photographing) and say "hey wait a sec, if we didn't post this in our rules & regulations, you couldn't take those pictures legally in the first place.


There's no reason to go apeshit (sorry) over this. I'm sorry, there just isn't. Dan, you should have spoken with Vintage before you even posted this (and I'm assuming you didn't based on his reaction here). And Vintage you really should just cool down and deal with this via PM so you don't compromise yourself. Right now you're actin the fool publicly when you can simply pull this kid aside privately, handle the issue, and be in a better position.


Then I'll be a fool... You don't work NEARLY as hard, I don't think ANYone excpet maybe Fred G works nearly as hard as I do on my photography. Sorry, its not your property so you couldn't possibly know how it feels. Not especially after the MTA pulled me in the office 5 years ago about a shirt that I made for myself and they said I was stealing and selling their property when no sales were ever made and the shirt was mines that I made for myself. **** THAT! But its ok for them to TAKE my hard work for their COMMERCIAL use. Na fam, this scavenger hunt thing is just the icing on the cake for me. So again before responding, especially to me, get the facts and the WHOLE story as to why I am the way I am.


The MTA has SEVERAL staff photographers, so why not take and have them do what they are paid to do, PHOTOGRAPH.


Don't you dare tell me how I should feel about my intellectual property. My copyrighted and protected property.


Tell the MTA to leave the bagel shop alone that they harassed about using stuff that THEY BROUGHT from the MTA for their shop. Tell the MTA to leave the guy alone in San Francisco who made a shirt with a N with a Orange circle in it (Which wasn't even MTA related or even close to the REAL N bullet). The MTA is a hypocritcal agency and is full of shit. I'm going for mines!


And at age 30, no one will tell me how to react to something related to me...

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This thread is dead on arrival. I have no idea how a railfan trip/scavenger hunt evolved into a photo war with the TA. But hey, things usually veer off topic, so it's nothing new.



It's the basis LRG. No one has not one single original bone in their body anymore and it makes me COMPLETELY sick.

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Then I'll be a fool... You don't work NEARLY as hard, I don't think ANYone excpet maybe Fred G works nearly as hard as I do on my photography. Sorry, its not your property so you couldn't possibly know how it feels. Not especially after the MTA pulled me in the office 5 years ago about a shirt that I made for myself and they said I was stealing and selling their property when no sales were ever made and the shirt was mines that I made for myself. **** THAT! But its ok for them to TAKE my hard work for their COMMERCIAL use. Na fam, this scavenger hunt thing is just the icing on the cake for me. So again before responding, especially to me, get the facts and the WHOLE story as to why I am the way I am.


The MTA has SEVERAL staff photographers, so why not take and have them do what they are paid to do, PHOTOGRAPH.


Don't you dare tell me how I should feel about my intellectual property. My copyrighted and protected property.


Tell the MTA to leave the bagel shop alone that they harassed about using stuff that THEY BROUGHT from the MTA for their shop. Tell the MTA to leave the guy alone in San Francisco who made a shirt with a N with a Orange circle in it (Which wasn't even MTA related or even close to the REAL N bullet). The MTA is a hypocritcal agency and is full of shit. I'm going for mines!


And at age 30, no one will tell me how to react to something related to me...


Then don't mind someone making an opinion about it if your gonna post it publicly. And I already said I didn't know (or care) enough about the MTA stealing your photography to really rule in on it. It sucks its happening but supposedly you're handling it. So why should I care?


Telling me I don't work nearly as hard on my photos as you do is pointless because I recognize my photography to be done simply out of spare time interest. I just post em up for comments and I don't care who uses them. The scavenger idea totally different issue.


Daniel should have approached you about it before he posted it up since it was your idea. Even after the fact instead of going attack dog mode publicly you should have pulled him aside, where you could have probably made a lot more progress with it than you are here.

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I am a freelance photographer so its side job and my photography is my art. It an extension of me. Something I work my ass of doing. So I'm passionate about it. So that is why I made THAT comment.


No one who has posted in this post seems to get why I'm furious. And until it truely happens to you at the frequency is has happened to me, you won't. The first couple of times you get jacked for your shit, its cute...after a while its not.


These kids need to understand that some of the shit they do isn't cool, and I've pulled MANY of them aside and talked to them on personal levels and a few of the younger ones here can attest to that. When that doesn't work, you kick it up a notch until they get that the things they do that are wrong isn't cool.


Until next time...

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I am a freelance photographer so its side job and my photography is my art. It an extension of me. Something I work my ass of doing. So I'm passionate about it. So that is why I made THAT comment.


No one who has posted in this post seems to get why I'm furious. And until it truely happens to you at the frequency is has happened to me, you won't. The first couple of times you get jacked for your shit, its cute...after a while its not.


These kids need to understand that some of the shit they do isn't cool, and I've pulled MANY of them aside and talked to them on personal levels and a few of the younger ones here can attest to that. When that doesn't work, you kick it up a notch until they get that the things they do that are wrong isn't cool.


Until next time...


I understand why you are very frustrated and pissed off about the situation. I had my pics used on different sites w/o my permission....its cute for the 1st couple of times but after that it is just dead wrong. Then to top that off your idea was jacked....so I truly understand!

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:mad:**** that, Daniel was on my trip Saturday when I mentioned the idea to the entire group with Details.


He took a PART of my idea and used it as his own. I'm sick and tired of people hustlin' me for my shit, first the MTA with stealing my pictures for their commercial use without my permission, then I got people Ear Hustlin' when I give out information and then be passing it off like they got the goods first hand, and now THIS among other things. Abso-*******-lutely not.


Let's see how nice you feel when something you took a month+ coming up with and planning, just jacked from under you like its the business.


Personally, I don't wanna hear shit because I've been getting jacked for my shit for far too long now.

The issue with the MTA is not relevant with this issue at hand. Everyone uses other peoples ideas to improve upon. That is how things progress in society. Companies and inventors do it all the time, for example, look at the Amazon kindle. They were the first to do a popular e-book reader and now your have Sony, Barnes & Noble doing their own versions. You say your idea is unique? Well I'm certain scavenger hunts are nothing new and have been done since forever but you took a basic idea and made it yours. Instead of getting mad, you should feel flattered that someone thought your idea was good enough to have someone else want to attempt something. I don't see why it's necessary for you to publicly chastise this kid who was probably trying do something with the railfan community without any ill intent. Just talk to him privately, I'm sure he'll understand.

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Please.... Issue at hand?!


Did everyone else think about the same with the incident with Emmanuel? From the posts I read....Nope! Did anyone ever think to pull HIM aside for what he did, NOPE! But guess what, I DID! This incident compounds others and I said what I needed to say, if ya'll don't like it, ban me, but don't jump down my throat for my rant, when there has been rants on this board FAR worse than this that just went on and on.


Do Unto Others...

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Did everyone else think about the same with the incident with Emmanuel? From the posts I read....Nope!


Do Unto Others...

How are both incidents the same? He publicly attempted to humiliate a group of people, Daniel simply tried to incorporate your idea into something of his? You talked to Emmanuel in private about the situation did you not? I never commented in that thread that was created in regards to Emmanuel. While I can't quote you on this I believe you also stated that he was a kid and simply needed to learn? Well Daniel The Cool is a kid too, so why not afford the same on him and give him the benefit of the doubt and approach him privately. I have enough problems running my life and I'm not going to begin to run yours, at the end of the day, it's your life and you can do whatever you want. I'm simply giving my opinion and advice that you should have taken this privately.

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Please.... Issue at hand?!


Did everyone else think about the same with the incident with Emmanuel? From the posts I read....Nope! Did anyone ever think to pull HIM aside for what he did, NOPE! But guess what, I DID! This incident compounds others and I said what I needed to say, if ya'll don't like it, ban me, but don't jump down my throat for my rant, when there has been rants on this board FAR worse than this that just went on and on.


Do Unto Others...


Oh quit crying already.

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It's amazing how people can quote a post yet completely fail to answer it. If you were actually looking to stop Daniel from using your idea, you would have sent him a private message. By whining about it publicly, you're just being an attention whore.

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It's amazing how people can quote a post yet completely fail to answer it. If you were actually looking to stop Daniel from using your idea, you would have sent him a private message. By whining about it publicly, you're just being an attention whore.



And if ya'll lightbulb was on bright, you'd maybe try to figure out whether I had or not spoken to Daniel on a one or one, which I had. (but I'm sure the response to that would be, well we don't care.) Well if you don't care, stop responding.


I was responding to OTHER responses as I'm allowed to do, what you think you can just say whatever you feel without a response, not never!


Attention whore? Please...Don't even go there because if the tables were turned I'm not so sure any of you would be so damn cool breeze about anything. But we'll see;)

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Oh quit crying already.


Please.... Issue at hand?!


Did everyone else think about the same with the incident with Emmanuel? From the posts I read....Nope! Did anyone ever think to pull HIM aside for what he did, NOPE! But guess what, I DID! This incident compounds others and I said what I needed to say, if ya'll don't like it, ban me, but don't jump down my throat for my rant, when there has been rants on this board FAR worse than this that just went on and on.


Do Unto Others...


I am a freelance photographer so its side job and my photography is my art. It an extension of me. Something I work my ass of doing. So I'm passionate about it. So that is why I made THAT comment.


No one who has posted in this post seems to get why I'm furious. And until it truely happens to you at the frequency is has happened to me, you won't. The first couple of times you get jacked for your shit, its cute...after a while its not.


These kids need to understand that some of the shit they do isn't cool, and I've pulled MANY of them aside and talked to them on personal levels and a few of the younger ones here can attest to that. When that doesn't work, you kick it up a notch until they get that the things they do that are wrong isn't cool.


Until next time...


Yeah except that EVERYTHING that is posted on http://www.ttmg.org is copyright protected. So they were dead wrong. Ya'll need to get all the facts before ya'll start commenting.


And you really need to understand how the MTA functions to understand why I'm really pissed off and why I have a NICE little meeting setup at MTA headquarters tomorrow.


Then I'll be a fool... You don't work NEARLY as hard, I don't think ANYone excpet maybe Fred G works nearly as hard as I do on my photography. Sorry, its not your property so you couldn't possibly know how it feels. Not especially after the MTA pulled me in the office 5 years ago about a shirt that I made for myself and they said I was stealing and selling their property when no sales were ever made and the shirt was mines that I made for myself. **** THAT! But its ok for them to TAKE my hard work for their COMMERCIAL use. Na fam, this scavenger hunt thing is just the icing on the cake for me. So again before responding, especially to me, get the facts and the WHOLE story as to why I am the way I am.


The MTA has SEVERAL staff photographers, so why not take and have them do what they are paid to do, PHOTOGRAPH.


Don't you dare tell me how I should feel about my intellectual property. My copyrighted and protected property.


Tell the MTA to leave the bagel shop alone that they harassed about using stuff that THEY BROUGHT from the MTA for their shop. Tell the MTA to leave the guy alone in San Francisco who made a shirt with a N with a Orange circle in it (Which wasn't even MTA related or even close to the REAL N bullet). The MTA is a hypocritcal agency and is full of shit. I'm going for mines!


And at age 30, no one will tell me how to react to something related to me...


It's the basis LRG. No one has not one single original bone in their body anymore and it makes me COMPLETELY sick.




Then don't mind someone making an opinion about it if your gonna post it publicly. And I already said I didn't know (or care) enough about the MTA stealing your photography to really rule in on it. It sucks its happening but supposedly you're handling it. So why should I care?


Telling me I don't work nearly as hard on my photos as you do is pointless because I recognize my photography to be done simply out of spare time interest. I just post em up for comments and I don't care who uses them. The scavenger idea totally different issue.


Daniel should have approached you about it before he posted it up since it was your idea. Even after the fact instead of going attack dog mode publicly you should have pulled him aside, where you could have probably made a lot more progress with it than you are here.


Please, are you serious? Don't make a :lock: flame war out of a pleasant discussion about trains.


I have no idea how a railfan trip/scavenger hunt evolved into a photo war with the TA.


Neither do I:p.

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Once again, common sense and logic flee your mind faster than bat out of hell. You've admitted that you already privately contacted Daniel, yet you're still on here trying to garner sympathy (and at the same time increasing exposure and interest for Daniels' idea). Read this and educate yourself.


It wouldn't surprise me if you set this whole thing up on purpose.

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:mad:**** that, Daniel was on my trip Saturday when I mentioned the idea to the entire group with Details.


He took a PART of my idea and used it as his own. I'm sick and tired of people hustlin' me for my shit, first the MTA with stealing my pictures for their commercial use without my permission, then I got people Ear Hustlin' when I give out information and then be passing it off like they got the goods first hand, and now THIS among other things. Abso-*******-lutely not.


Let's see how nice you feel when something you took a month+ coming up with and planning, just jacked from under you like its the business.


Personally, I don't wanna hear shit because I've been getting jacked for my shit for far too long now.


Then I'll be a fool... You don't work NEARLY as hard, I don't think ANYone excpet maybe Fred G works nearly as hard as I do on my photography. Sorry, its not your property so you couldn't possibly know how it feels. Not especially after the MTA pulled me in the office 5 years ago about a shirt that I made for myself and they said I was stealing and selling their property when no sales were ever made and the shirt was mines that I made for myself. **** THAT! But its ok for them to TAKE my hard work for their COMMERCIAL use. Na fam, this scavenger hunt thing is just the icing on the cake for me. So again before responding, especially to me, get the facts and the WHOLE story as to why I am the way I am.


The MTA has SEVERAL staff photographers, so why not take and have them do what they are paid to do, PHOTOGRAPH.


Don't you dare tell me how I should feel about my intellectual property. My copyrighted and protected property.


Tell the MTA to leave the bagel shop alone that they harassed about using stuff that THEY BROUGHT from the MTA for their shop. Tell the MTA to leave the guy alone in San Francisco who made a shirt with a N with a Orange circle in it (Which wasn't even MTA related or even close to the REAL N bullet). The MTA is a hypocritcal agency and is full of shit. I'm going for mines!


And at age 30, no one will tell me how to react to something related to me...


I am a freelance photographer so its side job and my photography is my art. It an extension of me. Something I work my ass of doing. So I'm passionate about it. So that is why I made THAT comment.


No one who has posted in this post seems to get why I'm furious. And until it truely happens to you at the frequency is has happened to me, you won't. The first couple of times you get jacked for your shit, its cute...after a while its not.


These kids need to understand that some of the shit they do isn't cool, and I've pulled MANY of them aside and talked to them on personal levels and a few of the younger ones here can attest to that. When that doesn't work, you kick it up a notch until they get that the things they do that are wrong isn't cool.


Until next time...


And if ya'll lightbulb was on bright, you'd maybe try to figure out whether I had or not spoken to Daniel on a one or one, which I had. (but I'm sure the response to that would be, well we don't care.) Well if you don't care, stop responding.


I was responding to OTHER responses as I'm allowed to do, what you think you can just say whatever you feel without a response, not never!


Attention whore? Please...Don't even go there because if the tables were turned I'm not so sure any of you would be so damn cool breeze about anything. But we'll see;)


My emphasis. This topic needs either a :lock: or a fresh, clean start.

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Once again, common sense and logic flee your mind faster than bat out of hell. You've admitted that you already privately contacted Daniel, yet you're still on here trying to garner sympathy (and at the same time increasing exposure and interest for Daniels' idea). Read this and educate yourself.


It wouldn't surprise me if you set this whole thing up on purpose.


And common sense flee yours. So, you think its ok for people to respond and not be responded to? Are you serious?


Sympathy...I don't need ANYONE's sympathy and never will.


But I'll play along, i'm just so flattered you think I would set something up like this...HA, that brings a smile to my face *looks up a ceiling*


I now TRUELY understand PabloM201's take on this board.

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:mad:**** that, Daniel was on my trip Saturday when I mentioned the idea to the entire group with Details.


He took a PART of my idea and used it as his own. I'm sick and tired of people hustlin' me for my shit, first the MTA with stealing my pictures for their commercial use without my permission, then I got people Ear Hustlin' when I give out information and then be passing it off like they got the goods first hand, and now THIS among other things. Abso-*******-lutely not.


Let's see how nice you feel when something you took a month+ coming up with and planning, just jacked from under you like its the business.


Personally, I don't wanna hear shit because I've been getting jacked for my shit for far too long now.

the mta used your photos with out your permission? this is defeinitiley a penalty of law.sue!

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If it was me i would not go and sue i would go try to get it resolved, if it doesn't work then I sue.


You're back!!! Good to see you around again. But please, don't do what you did again. You've been given a second chance, and you've been forgiven for your actions (by me, at least).


The issue here is that Mr. Logan's photos are being used by the TA unwillingly, and not at his discretion. Personally, I don't want anyone using my work and passing it off as my own. Mr. Logan's photos deserve written acknowledgement from the TA if that is the case. You can use his photo, but say who took it. Forget about the metadata and if there's a copyright watermark on the photo, some sort of acknowledgement should be given. I'd hate to see a picture of mine on someone's YouTube slideshow and not get any credit for it. I'm not gonna ***** or anything, I'll be very cordial with the person and ask for acknowledgement in their video, because I feel that's the right thing to do. That's just me.

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