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Our subway in video games

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It is indeed a nice game. Have you seen the NYC subway cars one can download? Low-Vs, R9s, Redbirds and R-142s. Plus the old PATH K-cars.



The only thing I don't like about these downloads is that these trains don't last forever in the game. They last like 30 years, and once they go past the obselete date, they can't be bought. The Chicago El cars have no "expiration date", so you can buy them anytime. There is a way of keeping them running forever, but it involves changing some things to the game, and I don't want to risk any damage.

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The only thing I don't like about these downloads is that these trains don't last forever in the game. They last like 30 years, and once they go past the obselete date, they can't be bought. The Chicago El cars have no "expiration date", so you can buy them anytime. There is a way of keeping them running forever, but it involves changing some things to the game, and I don't want to risk any damage.



There is another mod to make these cars never go obsolete. And with the same mod you can change the cars so they never break down. It's a great mod, that's for sure. :)

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An R10! It's usually the R32 or R38, or some Redbird. I'm happy to see an older train in a video game.


Don't mean to burst your bubble, but it's a r12 in game, i just can find any pictures of the whole car, even though it has a r10 paint scheme and sign up as the (F):)


@Grand Concourse okay. sry :)

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