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Status Updates posted by Threxx

  1. Welcome back, man!

  2. Welcome to the forums!

  3. Well, IP.B certainly is glitchy. I can't post screenshots of my CiM project on another forum...

    1. User


      Are the tags correct? Links working?

  4. Well, it looks like the CiMExchange might be gone for good if this bill doesn't get paid....

  5. Well, people are moving on up, people are moving on out, I can hardly keep track...

  6. Well, you weren't USING it...

    1. Threxx


      kudos to anyone who gets the reference...

    2. Threxx


      you obviously don't get the reference... lol

  7. Well... it's been 2 years.

  8. What is the point of the Random Thoughts thread in the respective forums?

  9. What is up with the forum?

  10. What... in hell... just happened to YouTube...

    1. Broadway Local

      Broadway Local

      Just got crappy.. :P


    2. ttcsubwayfan


      Like the people who thought that having A/C drainage on the TTC H5s through the stanchions and that the rear door Orion VI's seating arrangement were good ideas... someone's stupid crap was humored for too long.

    3. Threxx
  11. When the inevitable is to pass, people must accept it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Threxx


      Seriously, any way the cookie crumbles, Lex will have the 62A's, so why complain?

    3. ttcsubwayfan


      It will happen, though. That is the nature of the human race. It's not like anything gives a crap about what they think anyway, though.

    4. Grand Concourse

      Grand Concourse

      +1, you'd think someone was losing a kidney. It's just an older train, not like a redbird replacing a NTT. smh.

  12. Why is it so hard for some to put aside partisan BS and come together for a common goal?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lilbluefoxie


      compromise does NOT equal democrats get everything they want and republicans have to be the only ones to give up stuff, which is what a lot of people think the definition of compromise is

    3. BreeddekalbL


      but with the debt celing the speaker got 99 percent of what he wanted.

    4. Quill Depot

      Quill Depot

      QJT... your acting like a child! FYI, the meaning of compromise is an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. (Google)

  13. Why is NJ so bummy with their services?

    1. Cait Sith

      Cait Sith

      Because its a statewide agency.....

    2. B35 via Church

      B35 via Church

      lol @ "bummy"..


      anyway, as opposed to what?

  14. Wow, people have a serious tendency to go off the deep end...

  15. y u no in chat anymore lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orion VII 4 Life

      Orion VII 4 Life

      (continued)...sorry if you think I have something against Gordon (all things I say about him are jokes and he'll tell you that, we are friends), and I'll be glad to stop doing whatever I did wrong if I get unbanned. I wasn't even warned by PM or 1 week/month/etc. ban, I was just permabanned out of nowhere.

    3. 4P3607
    4. Quill Depot

  17. Yes. Bread crumbs, other stuff? Never heard of it? ;)

  18. yo. Jeopardy's back on a new forum: http://transitjeopardygames.webs.com/

  19. You know someone is bored when they are trolling by saying "what is internet"...

  20. You'd think a science research project would stress me out and would consume all of my time... but I'm on here, so...

  21. Your turn in Jeoporady man!

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