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Everything posted by Lex

  1. If only we could stop train crews people from being infected...
  2. I was wondering about that. The clarity certainly helps.
  3. I'd like to know that, as well, especially since it's not always easy to tell if someone's just being an ass.
  4. I'm not an employee, but based on the length, number of stops, and ridership (both the people who ride and the number of people who ride -- especially outside of Brooklyn), I think I have an idea.
  5. That won't do too much. The railroads' locations are often too inconvenient for a simple replacement.
  6. Why am I not surprised? (This isn't sarcasm, I really don't understand it. Maybe it has something to do with the press conference a few days ago.)
  7. I don't understand it, either. Chances are, someone made a mistake somewhere and failed to notice.
  8. And if you end up getting to the terminus late after pulling that kind of stunt, well, you'd better hope you still have that job.
  9. Any sort of Lower Montauk reactivation would need to have a large shift in alignment, thereby only applying to a portion of the line. Something could be worked out for LIC, but the line would ultimately need to serve Manhattan and pass through less of the industrial area split between Brooklyn and Queens. (This goes for the subway and railroad sections.)
  10. Sure. It's not common, but that makes it no less correct.
  11. Flatbush and Gleason don't play. I hope Ulmer Park's been trying to keep up, for once...
  12. CBTC can address operator variability, but it can't do anything about physics.
  13. Don't expect too much from the portion south of 59th Street.
  14. Not everyone can handle getting sick, especially if they have weak immune systems.
  15. I can see having more doors per car, but that's it.
  16. Sadly, the Democrats just roll over and let them do whatever the hell they want. We need real leadership...
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if skip-stop was canned due to the ridership drop.
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