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Everything posted by Harry

  1. 25 downloads

    November 5 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  2. 40 downloads

    November 4 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  3. 29 downloads

    November 3 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  4. 27 downloads

    November 2 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  5. 30 downloads

    November 1 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  6. 81 downloads

    October 31, 2012 Subway Hurricane Sandy Recovery Map. There were approximately 16 maps in total that that were released by the MTA throughout the storm recovery.
  7. The economy and exchange is back online at the Talk forums. Check it out!

  8. You're welcome. Where the hell ya been?
  9. I moved his post here because this is where it belongs. This thread is now pinned and open for posting.
  10. Topics that look like they were completely abandoned will get locked and unpinned. Some go back to the summer of 2012.
  11. New and improved bus bullets coming soon...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harry


      Brooklyn bus bullets added so far

    3. Metro CSW

      Metro CSW

      testing them out on chat*

    4. Harry


      Bronx bus bullets completed, now working on Manhattan bus bullets

  12. Another signature smackdown for the masses, some were getting out of hand

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harry


      Correction, 800x80

    3. Threxx


      800x80 seems a bit disproportionate... I didn't find my sig to be abnormally huge but it's now cut off...

    4. Harry


      You can use up to 800px, you don't have to use it all

  13. Let's change it up a bit

  14. Now testing cross-login for the nyctalkforums.com, you can use your credentials from here to log in there

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Metro CSW

      Metro CSW

      Your name is on the member list...

    3. Threxx


      I had to "change" my password for it to work for some reason, but it did.

    4. Quill Depot
  15. Put me in a room with a hacker by ourselves... please

  16. He's been banned for good. Forget about him and just continue with the discussion please.
  17. Please just ignore and continue with the topic people.
  18. I was aware of that already. The point was scanning the front and back of the actual map with all the extra print. But thanks anyway.
  19. Version 2.0


    "The night map was developed in-house by the MTA and like the standard map it folds into a handy pocket-sized document. There's more -- the reverse side of the map shows a work commissioned for MTA Arts for Transit, The Home of the Stars, created by artist Ellen Harvey, is a large-scaled series of mosaic panels that grace the walls of the pedestrian overpass of Metro-North Railroad's Yankees - E. 153rd Street Station in the Bronx."
  20. Guys please check your personal photo limits. The settings should be updated now.

    1. 4P3607


      I Love it! Thanks Harry

    2. Harry


      Sorry for the hold up, I messed up on that one

  21. Cleaning up the house. Almost got all the junk out!

    1. B3 Via Av U

      B3 Via Av U

      Cleaner? Discovered anything transit-related?

    2. Brighton Express
    3. Harry


      Lots of maps

  22. Who is the person that runs the Transit Jeopardy?

  23. 29 downloads

    Misc transit avatars of different transportation agencies from around the world.
  24. Any interest in a sports betting (for fun) modification for the forum?

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