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Mayor Bloomberg urges Gov. Paterson to block New Yorkers from using food stamps on soda

Shortline Bus

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If they want to drink soda with their food stamp money, let them. That's every American's right to choose.


Just don't expect me to pay for their healthcare when they get sick as a result of soda and (emphasis on "and") being lazy and not working out or keeping in reasonable shape...


Especially since you and I both know a certain TSS who eats what he wants and is fine.


And since I do the same.


Live and let live. No babysitting, no excuses. Bloomberg is content to tell everyone else (individuals) how to live. There is no liberty, that is unAmerican and the suit should get the hell out of this once great city.


But there using your money to pay for it. What's next, let them buy beer and some smokes too? Hell I've seen them try.

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How about "urging" people to quit using food stamps and to get a job?

I took it a step further… I got into network marketing to relieve myself of a job. I'd urge the same for most other people. but most don't have the mindset for it yet.


If they want to drink soda with their food stamp money, let them. That's every American's right to choose.

We didn't pay them to kill themselves, though that would be an acceptable end result as long as they died faster and stopped sucking up money in medical expenses.

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No matter what you think of the midget, he is actually doing the right thing here. Food stamps should be used for buying items that you actually need, you don't need soda, buy some bread, milk, cereal, or the many other items that you really do need.


Totally agreed. Much as I'm against the nanny state crap, this makes a lot of sense. If they are on food stamps, they should be injesting things that are healthy for them and not the stuff that can lead to diabeties or such that will require medicare and such. If they want soda and sugary stuff, they should spend their own money.

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The only problem here, is that there are plenty of good beverages that have sugar, and plenty of other beverages that have carbonation, but are not soda.


For example, Odwalla and Naked juice drinks are naturally high in sugar, because fruits are essentially made from sugars and other more complex compounds. Poland spring and some other bottled and canned beverages have carbonation, but typically it's just plain water, or water with a dash of flavor added.


I can see the point that drinking soda is bad for you, but any legitimate person on food stamps would not waste their money on such crap, you buy what you need, and if there is any "left over" after getting the basics, you get things like fruits, vegetables, broth for soup etc. Pop tarts, toaster strudels etc are way junkier than soda, yet where is the negative stance on that?


I myself am on public assistance, i treasure my food stamps, without them i would most surely be a wreck if not starved to death. I buy:


Organic oatmeal, organic raisins, sardines (the only meat i usually buy for consumption later), bread, organic soup of the cheapest brand/type i can find, organic cereal bars, organic juices, here and again i'll get some organic milk, organic cereal, orange juice, soy milk, organic frozen meals, orgnaic yogurt, and usually 2 cases of bottle water.


I usually have very little left at the end of the month, and some months i have to go all most without food the few days before i get to go grocery shopping again.


If you noticed, there are no desserts, there are no sodas, nothing but healthy nutritious food. Months when people (friends or family) are kind and treat me to a meal, i sometimes have extra and don't have to buy as much the next month, usually these are the soups or the milk or soy milk. Those times i just simply buy more for the next month, such as more grape jam for PB&J, or something else that is good for me. Here and there i might buy a pack of tea, but those last a few months, and not a regular monthly purchase.


I really have no idea why anyone would want to get by on the amount that you might get on public assistance, it really is not enough at all, i cannot wait to be well enough for work. For those out there who do abuse the system, shame on them, all it does is have people at the grocery store give me looks now and again. :P


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But there using your money to pay for it. What's next, let them buy beer and some smokes too? Hell I've seen them try.


If they want to buy beer and smokes at the expense of bare foods, tough shit. That's their choice and when they can't sustain themselves, they'll get sick and die. That's life.


Fix healthcare PROPERLY and it won't even be a concern anymore.


They're using my money anyway. Everyone is. Might as well stick to an American principle and support American businesses since my money is long gone by that point anyway.

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I usually have very little left at the end of the month, and some months i have to go all most without food the few days before i get to go grocery shopping again.



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Cut all the organic stuff and you'll see how you can get more food. Penn & Teller did a good show on why organic foods are bullshit and not worth the cost. You should watch it.

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Ever notice that most of the people in line at the register who have their carts filled to the top are the ones who use food stamps? And then when they leave you see them getting into a late model car in the parking lot.


I know there are needy people out there, like the elderly or disabled(mentally or physically) but some of them who are able bodied and young sure know how to game the system.

Yes that is sooo true.The food stamp system is easy to get around in NY state.Been that way a long time.
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Cut all the organic stuff and you'll see how you can get more food. Penn & Teller did a good show on why organic foods are bullshit and not worth the cost. You should watch it.



Well said. If you can't afford just buying 'regular' fruits/veggies or frozen veggies works well in many cases. And cheaper too.

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Originally Posted by metsfan View Post

I usually have very little left at the end of the month, and some months i have to go all most without food the few days before i get to go grocery shopping again.



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Didn't you just recently post in the shout box that you were getting a new IPhone? also they have a right to give you dirty looks at the checkout line when you are using your welfare card to purchase your groceries.


Not pointing a finger at you specifically because you said you can't wait to go back to work, but some welfare people have no SHAME.

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Originally Posted by metsfan View Post

I usually have very little left at the end of the month, and some months i have to go all most without food the few days before i get to go grocery shopping again.



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Didn't you just recently post in the shout box that you were getting a new IPhone? also they have a right to give you dirty looks at the checkout line when you are using your welfare card to purchase your groceries.


Not pointing a finger at you specifically because you said you can't wait to go back to work, but some welfare people have no SHAME.



Granted nothing wrong with having a cell phone. However Metsfan is buying a Iphone? I love to have an Iphone too along with a new digital TV. However like most of you I am also living paycheck-paycheck and have made sacfarices such as waiting until I get a better paying job to get those goodies. Not trying to pick on him but sounds like Metsfan is spending beyond his means(budget)by buying organic food and buying an i-phone..


Right now I am just making do with 1)running a 15-year old car 2)6-year old Flat Screen (not digtial)TV 3)Having a pre-paid cell phone.


Buying unneeded stuff i.e iphones, video games, nike sneakers, etc. does make it look bad for those on welfare/government aide for those who need it.:tdown: And in this depression *cough* woops i mean terrible mega recession, many people do need it.

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I've lived in the lower-middle class all my life and I've known the hardships of having no money at the end of the month. It is terribly discomforting to open the kitchen cupboard and realize your down to a couple cans of soup and packs of Ramen noodles. Luxury spending is a thing of the past because of the recession. Food prices in general have skyrocketed and caused major hardship for many families. Back in the day (pre-2007) my family would have quite a bit of "luxury" food in the house, some name brand delicacy, fancy imported cheese, hearty meat, perhaps even a bottle of white zindfandel. Nowadays, its just the basics: milk, bread, cheese (usually just cheddar or American), ketchup, ground beef, some corn flakes perhaps. Keep in mind that there was no real change of income. In fact, since then and now, the family income has actually gone UP slightly. The economy sucks! One thing those basics had in common though was they were relatively unhealthy in the long run. Full of junky ingredients. The organic versions were right beside it in the store, but at a $3-$4 surplus, we couldn't afford it, so we got generic brands.


As for the topic of whether sugary drinks should be prohibited, I think it is a double-edged sword. Of course, its good for the health of the people, but would it make that much difference? While I agree that people have a right to chose what they should be able to buy (hence the "cheap" brands vs. the "name" brands war), I do think that the government should limit their choices to things that would actually benefit them more. But, as it stands today, if one were to limit things to only healthy choices, 80% of the grocery store would be off limits.


Last I checked, almost every other processed food in America had some form of high-sugar ingredient, be it high fructose corn syrup or what have you. The entire American food supply is contaminated with sugar and fat and we can't stop it. Why? Because massive companies like Coca-Cola and Kraft make billions off of our sweet tooths.


Why is McDonald's flourishing in this economy? Because its CHEAP! In America, Cheap food = not nutritious food. Welfare folks get the sugary cereals and the soda because they can't afford the expensive sugarless ice tea or the bottled water. In America, Soda sells for LESS than water.


Indeed, America has an ultimate paradox: It is the only country in the world where you can be in poverty and obese at the same time.

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Last I checked, almost every other processed food in America had some form of high-sugar ingredient, be it high fructose corn syrup or what have you. The entire American food supply is contaminated with sugar and fat and we can't stop it. Why? Because massive companies like Coca-Cola and Kraft make billions off of our sweet tooths.

Even yogurts which are supposedly healthy list sugar, fructose, or some other kind of carbohydrate as one of the first 3 ingredients.


Why is McDonald's flourishing in this economy? Because its CHEAP! In America, Cheap food = not nutritious food. Welfare folks get the sugary cereals and the soda because they can't afford the expensive sugarless ice tea or the bottled water. In America, Soda sells for LESS than water.

Also note the irony in that: it costs more to not add sugar.


Indeed, America has an ultimate paradox: It is the only country in the world where you can be in poverty and obese at the same time.

^ LOL ^

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During his 2nd term he said he going to fix the MTA...I'm not surprise he hadn't done anything to the MTA budget problems.He only care about the rich people not the poor people....

He made some other bullshit promises too like the (F) express while knowing fully it would be impossible to have it until he's long out of office.

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Cut all the organic stuff and you'll see how you can get more food. Penn & Teller did a good show on why organic foods are bullshit and not worth the cost. You should watch it.


I stopped eating the chemical junk, and half my problems went away. I also don't believe things i see on tv, tv is entertainment, if education happens it is a secondary effect.


As for my cell phone, my girlfriend got it for me, i'm out and about quite often, usually to and from seeing her, she supports my travel i do not pay for it. I originally got the iPhone to aide me trying to do tours in nyc and get off public assistance, but, well, basically i couldn't even begin to handle it, even in debt a bit from borrowing for business cards, i really tried, i'm just not in a mental or emotional place to do any of that right now. I have the new iPhone because i'm able to talk with my girlfriend on it with facetime, and living 60 miles away, that is a HUGE thing. Also, my computers, not reliable, if they crash and i had no iPhone i'd be totally cut off from the world and i'd loose all my photos from 8 years of photography.


I understand some of you have feelings about who should and shouldn't get public assistance, but having a cell phone, iphone, sprint evo, does not mean anything in terms of needing public assistance or not, it just means i have a nice phone, one of the few "new" and properly functioning things that i own, of these things, they were all gifts.


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I stopped eating the chemical junk, and half my problems went away. I also don't believe things i see on tv, tv is entertainment, if education happens it is a secondary effect.


As for my cell phone, my girlfriend got it for me, i'm out and about quite often, usually to and from seeing her, she supports my travel i do not pay for it. I originally got the iPhone to aide me trying to do tours in nyc and get off public assistance, but, well, basically i couldn't even begin to handle it, even in debt a bit from borrowing for business cards, i really tried, i'm just not in a mental or emotional place to do any of that right now. I have the new iPhone because i'm able to talk with my girlfriend on it with facetime, and living 60 miles away, that is a HUGE thing. Also, my computers, not reliable, if they crash and i had no iPhone i'd be totally cut off from the world and i'd loose all my photos from 8 years of photography.


I understand some of you have feelings about who should and shouldn't get public assistance, but having a cell phone, iphone, sprint evo, does not mean anything in terms of needing public assistance or not, it just means i have a nice phone, one of the few "new" and properly functioning things that i own, of these things, they were all gifts.


- A



You should be applauded for eating healthy i.e veggies and fruits and away from the so called 'junk' chemicals.


All what should be done is that if you can't afford organic buying regular veggies and fruits from say Pathmark and Shop Rite can a very good alternative.

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You should be applauded for eating healthy i.e veggies and fruits and away from the so called 'junk' chemicals.


All what should be done is that if you can't afford organic buying regular veggies and fruits from say Pathmark and Shop Rite can a very good alternative.

Pathmark's fresh produce is overpriced (and not very fresh frequently). I get them from the produce places at Bay Parkway and 86 Street where they are cheaper and better quality. I save my Pathmark shopping for everything else I need.

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Pathmark's fresh produce is overpriced (and not very fresh frequently). I get them from the produce places at Bay Parkway and 86 Street where they are cheaper and better quality. I save my Pathmark shopping for everything else I need.


Walmart has the best fruits. Im srry but its the truth. I hate walmart, but I go there every few days and buy it.

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