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Post-R32 fleet for the (C) - R179 or R46?


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I was wondering, after the the R32s are retired, does anyone think the (C) will get new R179s, or will the R179s be instead be assigned to the (R) and/or (G) and the (C) will get hand-me-down R46s?


I personally think the (C) will probably get R46s, probably from the (R). The reason is because 207th Street Yard is the reefing yard. The (C) didn't get any R160s, and I would be very surprised if it gets some R179s.


Does anyone have their own opinion?

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Oh I forgot about the (E). The R160s were supposed to actually replace the R32's on the (A), and (C) originally too, but the transformers thing again was a problem. Also don't think the R46's are going to stay for long they are suppose to leave too. To be replaced by the mythical R211.

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I think this is the game plan:

8 Avenue

(A) R46

(C) R46 / few R179 (10 car sets)


Jamaica Yard

(E)(F)(G)(R) ALL R160 (thats what Jamaica Yard Wants)


C.I. / Concourse yard will stay the same, except R179's on the (;), and those leftover R68/A's to the... well... I dont know :confused:


ENY Yard

(J) R160/179

(Z) R160/179

(L) R143/160

(M) R160/179


The R32's on the (C) and R42's on the (J)(Z) will be retired, R179's / R46 will take their place.


the (SIR) will get R179's as well.

now Im not saying any of this will happen, just what I would do. I still dont know what to do with those leftover R68/A...

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Oh I forgot about the (E). The R160s were supposed to actually replace the R32's on the (A), and (C) originally too, but the transformers thing again was a problem. Also don't think the R46's are going to stay for long they are suppose to leave too. To be replaced by the mythical R211.


However, the R211 won't be until at least 2015. Once the R211s arrive, the (A) and (C) will probably get some R68[A]s and the (;) and (D) will probably get the R211s IMO.

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well heres what it might be like in 2025 (if were still here ;))

(A) R179/R211

(B) R179

(C) R211

(D) R211

(E) R160

(F) R160

(G) R211

(H) R68/A's

(J) R160/179

(L) R143 / 160

(M) R160 / 179

(N) R160 / few R68A's

(Q) R160

(R) R179 / R211

Frank Av (S) R211's

(T)When it gets built then Ill make that descision.....

(Z) R179


Remember: R68/A's & R62/A's retire in 2025. Something newer than the R211's will have to replace the R62/A's... & I dont think there will be enough R211 to cover the R68's, so something for that too.

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Why does everyone care where the New Technology Trains are going in the first place. We aren't the (MTA). We aren't the one deciding on where the cars go, and we won't even know the contractors or the looks of these cars. Stop foaming over them, and watch where the (MTA) will put them. Just sit on your horses, and watch.

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C.I. / Concourse yard will stay the same, except R179's on the (;), and those leftover R68/A's to the... well... I dont know :confused:


now Im not saying any of this will happen, just what I would do. I still dont know what to do with those leftover R68/A...


Maybe assign them to the (N) and (Q), perhaps.

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hold it:

new plan...


Pitkin yard

(A) R46

(C) R46 / 179


C.I. / Concourse Yard

(;) R179's

(D) R68's

(N) R68/A

(Q) mix of R68/A, R160 & R46


ENY Yard

(J) R160

(L) R143 / 160

(M) R160 /179

(Z) R179


Jamaica Yard

(E) R160

(F) R160 Alstom / seimens

(G) R160

(R) R160 seimens / 179


(SIR) R179


I had forgotten the R160 from C.I. will go to Jamaica Yard, so there wont be enough R160 to cover the (N)(Q). thats where the R68/A's come in, but that still wont be enough for the (Q). some R160 seimens will still be at C.I., and a few leftover R46 will go to C.I. to make up for the (Q).

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Once again people stop foaming, and sit on your horses, and wait. You are just running with your broncos to nowhere right now. You would be upset if your car assignment won't exist in the first place.


I didnt say any of this was going to happen. Just one of the many fictional plans that I came out with ;)

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The day R46s appear on the (Q) is the day I will hate the MTA. I like 46s but they wouldn't seem right on the (Q).

And who's foaming? Seems like wishful fleet wishing to me.


Thank you, and the R46 were on the (Q) in 2001.

Though it still would be weird to see an R46 coming flying down Broadway Express with a (Q) sign ;).

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I had forgotten the R160 from C.I. will go to Jamaica Yard.


and where are you coming up with this? The rumor mill with certain people is often more wishful thinking than actual fact, and the MTA is known for changing their minds last minute, thats how we wound up with orange (M) and many were convinced the (V) would replace the (Mx)


I never understood the R68 to the (C) and R32 to the (;) rumor in particular, why would they move cars to a yard that has no experience working on them from a yard that has years of experience working on them?

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and where are you coming up with this? The rumor mill with certain people is often more wishful thinking than actual fact, and the MTA is known for changing their minds last minute, thats how we wound up with orange (M) and many were convinced the (V) would replace the (Mx)


I never understood the R68 to the (C) and R32 to the (;) rumor in particular, why would they move cars to a yard that has no experience working on them from a yard that has years of experience working on them?

The only reason for R68s on the (C) would probably be cuz of the rollsigns. R32s to the (B) would be so railfans can have an rfw while doing down Brighton.
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The only reason for R68s on the (C) would probably be cuz of the rollsigns. R32s to the (;) would be so railfans can have an rfw while doing down Brighton.


the (MTA) doesnt care about what the railfanners like or not, as I was told. Its about the riders.


Though I wish the R32's would go to the (B), b/c R32's would be faster on Brighton Express rather than those R68/A's...

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All this talk about the R179 going somewhere is making me laugh xDDDDDDDDDDD


Like wow I didnt know we had a few people who can predict the future even one saying it ill end up on the SIRTOA property.


R179 isn't EVEN OUT yet and conclusions to flames is being made.. Smfh


TBH i prefer railroad cars on the SIRTOA then a subway car ;)

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