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Dr. Craig Spencer should have stayed off mass transit, even if risk of Ebola on subway is low


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There may be no reason to panic that Dr. Ebola rode the No . 1 subway train. And the A train. And the L train. The odds of catching Ebola on the subway are extremely remote, doctors have been saying. But there is reason to be shocked and angry that Dr. Ebola, and the bright lights at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Doctors Without Borders, thought it was perfectly OK for him to take mass transit before knowing for certain whether he was infected. Why take the chance? Is it really too much to ask a doctor who has been treating patients for a deadly and infectious disease to temporarily keep his MetroCard in his pocket?

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It's just psychology. Young people have a sense of invincibility, thinking that every disease or germ only affects old people. Throw in med school to that, and their sense of invincibility is strengthened even more. They survived med school, they can survive anything. How can they get sick when they have all these sick people to treat?


Unfortunately, that is the mindset of many young doctors. Dr. Spencer probably thought that there was no way in hell he could have gotten Ebola. For most young people, it takes an unfortunate incident to shatter that sense of invincibility. Unfortunately for Dr. Spencer, it was Ebola.

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It's just psychology. Young people have a sense of invincibility, thinking that every disease or germ only affects old people.

That's definitely a description of me. Any true to that, I haven't gotten sick, spread any diseases, nor seen a doctor for years.

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Even if you think you have ebola, it's a good idea to stay home so no one else can get infected.


It's not infectious til you start showing symptoms and spraying body fluid everywhere, and in any case the original fever reading he sent in was wrong (100.3 instead of 103), which probably means he still wasn't contagious when he got hospitalized.

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Even then, medical experts are now saying that the fever indicator do not mean that the virus is contagious. If he was showing other symptoms like the nausea, stomach pains, etc., that would be a different story entirely. Yeah, he should have known better, but the general rule concerning Ebola is: until someone comes down with moderate to severe symptoms, there is no possibility of anyone else catching it from said person.

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Even then, medical experts are now saying that the fever indicator do not mean that the virus is contagious. If he was showing other symptoms like the nausea, stomach pains, etc., that would be a different story entirely. Yeah, he should have known better, but the general rule concerning Ebola is: until someone comes down with moderate to severe symptoms, there is no possibility of anyone else catching it from said person.

What I am curious about is how do we know someone else there hasn't been infected yet? 

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What I am curious about is how do we know someone else there hasn't been infected yet? 


With the city on such high alert for Ebola cases, there are lots of people on guard. As it is, the city is currently handling a large amount of people going to the hospital claiming they have Ebola, but nearly all of them have been turned away just after a description of the symptoms.


This Ebola scare is much ado about nothing; we aren't Dallas.

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What I am curious about is how do we know someone else there hasn't been infected yet?

If someone else gets infected, we'll know about it. Between the media attention, as well as that from elected officials, and the limited number of hospitals that can care for Ebola patients, we'll hear about it as soon as its confirmed.

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